Use the Create depth elevation raster task to create the depth elevation raster. /Type /Page In places where people are living paycheck to paycheck, the cost to rebuild after a flood can be insurmountable. Mrs. Callau has to carry out such a simulation experiment for one river basin in Argentina where sufficient data is available. (2000) and Haile (2011) utilised the statistics of the at-site data with various homogeneity tests to identify homogenous flood regions in their study areas. Department of Water Affairs, Pretoria. /XObject << /Contents 43 0 R Diana and her husband moved into their house in Del Ray in 2018. A number of RFFA studies have included parts of or the entire area of South Africa in their analyses. /Type /Pages /R8 46 0 R Once the task to visualize 3D flood scenarios is completed, you can publish a 3D web scene for your flood impact scenarios. mqplHj-&t NP{(pJ mkA|$ rT5(dm2KIb H[g![a>-9ANe7N?v7AN6&-0+2j}E{L He took shelter on the second floor of his neighbor's house and waited as the water kept rising. WRC Report No. If they didn't have insurance, their out-of-pocket costs would have been even higher. The frequency with which recorded flow stages exceed the maximum rated level needs to be quantified and the impact of not including these extreme events in the estimation of design floods in South Africa must be quantified. Are you sure you have typed the correct hostname? Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Natal. Understanding building exposure to flooding can help response personnel prioritize evacuations and stage equipment where it can be used effectively. Flood depth at a given point can help determine the impact to buildings, roads, or bridges. The risk value for each raster is read from the riskTypeTable for the chosen risk type. As shown in Fig. The first set of tasks will help you get to know Flood Impact Analysis. Despite the quality screening of the stations included in the study, the design floods estimated at a few stations seem to not be consistent with other stations in the region. hide caption. Alexander (1990, 2001) recommended the use of the LP3 probability distribution for design flood estimation in South Africa, while Grgens (2007) used both the LP3 and GEV distributions and, according to Van der Spuy and Rademeyer (2010), both distributions are applicable in South Africa. "I absolutely don't see how a single-income family would be able to sustain even one flood," Diana says. *@V4YH|@Mn C|I@6'yg stream
Some businesses, like this motel, closed and were unable to reopen. what are limiting factors analysis and synthesis of data about floods in alexandra. The town is a bellwether for a future in which flood insurance is increasingly unaffordable and climate-driven flood damage exceeds local resources in many places. Rainelle is one of hundreds of small towns where climate-driven flooding potentially poses an existential threat. To conduct the flood impact analysis, complete the following steps: Accurate analysis and visualization of the flood impact analysis will depend on several factors such as: availability of flood depth data in the form of raster, ground elevation data such as Digital Terrain Model (DTM) or lidar, and features describing the assets to be analyzed such as roads, bridges, and buildings. analysis and synthesis of data about floods in johannesburg; Posted by: Comments: 0 Post Date: June 9, 2022 . /Rotate 0 FEMA warns that the First Street Foundation's analysis is only an estimate and that FEMA didn't provide the research group with details about the new flood insurance pricing plan, known as Risk Rating 2.0. /Font 42 0 R This task allows you to convert the map containing the results of the flood impact analysis to a 3D scene using 3D symbology and scene elevation. "It affected the spirit of the town," Trigg says. "Now, it was just silence," he remembers. >> Ryan Kellman/NPR Trigg's house was one-story tall, so there was nowhere to escape. The best way to communicate the impact of a flood scenario is to show how it will impact homes, streets, bridges, and neighborhoods. In the mostly white, affluent suburb of New Castle, Del., flood insurance premiums cover less than a third of the expected cost of flood damage. DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. endobj /ExtGState 35 0 R /Resources << endobj The performance of these methods has been assessed at selected flow-gauging sites in the province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa. The median of the AMS (MEF) was used as the index to scale the values. The local government is aware that flood damage could drive people away, and Lambert says that's one reason the city is being aggressive about fixing the problem. "It's shocking," says John Wyatt, a member of the Rainelle City Council. A number of regional flood frequency analysis (RFFA) methods have been developed, which cover all or parts of South Africa. [Links], SMITHERS JC and SCHULZE RE (2000a) Development and evaluation of techniques for estimating short duration design rainfall in South Africa. /Font 27 0 R Towns like Rainelle are a bellwether for that future. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] In these cases, the exceeded values were treated as missing data. Microsoft Word - Flood Frequency Example - Instantaneous Peaks.doc #TakeCharge @SAPoliceService @GTP_Traffstats @Abramjee @Yoliswamakhasi @AsktheChiefJMPD @TMPDSafety @CoJPublicSafety @FaithMazibukoSA @_ArriveAlive, GP Community Safety (@GP_CommSafety) February 8, 2020,, Dramatic footage of the flooding at the Botanical Gardens on the Gauteng West Rand #Floods cc @FaizelPatel143 Video: Supplied @CityofJoburgZA @tWeatherSA, Ashraf Garda (@AshrafGarda) February 8, 2020,, Morning satellite image (08 Feb 2020). All too often, business leaders conflate synthesis and analysis, a mistake that can be very damaging to the overall success of M/CI . Most policies are underpriced relative to the actual cost of flood damage. /Parent 2 0 R Feedback sought by both QETA and ACARA, Technologies for the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Sleep Disordered Breathing - FDA. But for residents of the historically Black neighborhood of Southbridge in Wilmington, Del., it's a different story. The Flood Impact Analysis project includes a task workflow that provides a structured sequence using tasks and steps. [Links], SMITHERS JC and SCHULZE RE (2000b) Long duration design rainfall estimates for South Africa. In Rainelle, Councilman Wyatt says the city doesn't have the money to repave roads downtown that were damaged by the 2016 flood, let alone help homeowners rebuild. Use this task to calculate flood exposure on building polygons or 3D building multipatch feature layers. Yet the current flood insurance system is already unfair to many homeowners. dams, flood attenuation structures, culverts) requires the estimation of a design flood which is the magnitude of the flood associated with a given probability of exceedance or return period in years. And they're emotionally exhausted by what feels like endless flooding. When you include belongings they've lost to flood damage, Diana estimates that the flooding has cost their family more than $50,000 over the past three years. In this research report, an initial disaster inventory for Alexandra Township has been undertaken. This parameter helps you find points within the buffer distance that have been misplaced. /Rotate 0 /Font 39 0 R /Parent 2 0 R << Water Research Commission, Pretoria. /Parent 2 0 R THE ADAGIO FLOW MACHINE -a Stress Management Technique for Music Therapy; . "It affected the spirit of the town." Flooding swept through parts of Soweto and Alexandra, damaging homes and forcing residents to evacuate. As shown in Fig. Years later, the town still hasn't recovered. In Alexandria, Va., flash floods after rainstorms and high tide flooding have damaged dozens of homes and affected hundreds of residents in recent years, according to the city government. MSc Thesis, University of Oslo, Norway. /Parent 2 0 R You can then symbolize the low-level crossings by flood depth. And municipal governments are able to invest in expensive flood mitigation projects. WRC Report No. 100 years). "If you don't have the finances you need to recover, then families have to make really difficult trade-offs, like maybe forgo spending on medical expenses because otherwise you don't have a safe home," says Carolyn Kousky, the executive director of the Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Flooding also damaged a building of Johannesburgs Helen Joseph Hospital. /Rotate 0 A flood scenario can be defined in the risk type table as a percent chance of flooding, historical average such as 100 year, or number of feet above normal. Overhauling federal flood insurance rules could be a lifeline for such towns. Are you sure the database server is running. Both Mkhandi et al. Since narrative synthesis will be used to a greater or lesser extent in a review, the methods for performing the synthesis need to be described at protocol stage. /Type /XObject uuid:b55ec88c-cf06-4739-a87f-1639150b0c8d "We're the prey, so they take advantage of us. hide caption. In the past, such intense downpours would last only a few hours, but this storm brought wave after wave of torrential rain. /MediaBox [0 0 595 842] /ExtGState 13 0 R Department of Water Affairs, Pretoria, RSA. >> /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] Rainelle, W.Va., flooded in June 2016. ", Pastor Aaron Trigg fielded calls from his displaced congregants for months after the flood. /Subtype /Image The distribution of the length of record of the selected gauges used in the analysis is shown in Fig. 681/1/00. This task allows you to analyze impacted roads by calculating depth of flooding for each road segment for any number of flood levels. It had been raining hard all day, filling the creeks and rivers that run through southern West Virginia. For many flow-gauging stations investigated in this study, exceedance of the rating table by observed river stage was evident by values in the AMS which are constant and equal to the maximum rated discharge for the flow-gauging structure. data and the absence of suitable guidelines on the selection and accuracies of methods for estimating design floods. The Flood Impact Analysis ArcGIS Pro project includes a series of tasks to help guide you through these workflows. ", Right now, homeowners who get a better deal on federal flood insurance generally live in communities where income is higher. /Im1 15 0 R If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. Residences at risk for expensive flood damage are concentrated on the coasts and in Appalachia. After the initial selection of gauges, additional gauges with 15-20 years of record were investigated for inclusion in the analysis in areas which did not have any gauges included in the initial selection. >> To identify low water crossings and symbolize the impact, follow the steps in the Analyze low water crossings task. Use this task to set the coordinate system and publish the new 3D scene to ArcGIS Online or your organization. Synthesis vs. Methods to extend the rating tables, and thus provide an estimate of discharge for all observed stage levels, need to be urgently developed. It can also help mitigation planners understand buildings that are good candidates for purchase and removal. Uncategorized. Music Analysis; FlowCron Calculator; Adagio & Wellness; Adagio & Creativity; Adagio & Empathy "Flow" - The Fourth Musical Element; JRW Inventor; JRW Services; Papers. >> Data from 74 flow gauging stations and inflows to dams were used in the regionalisation, with the distribution of stations as shown in Fig. Using design to make life better for people. /Rotate 0 King remembers his single mother struggling to find affordable flood insurance when he was growing up, and he says the cost of flood insurance is still a problem for many residents. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress Support Forums. Likes trains and dogs and women's footy. Trigg says all but one of the families on his block left. Given the relatively short flow-record lengths generally available it is necessary to use data from similar and nearby locations to improve the reliability of design flood estimates (Stedinger et al. Visualizing the flood scenario in a 3D scene is a compelling way to communicate the potential flood impact in your community. [Links], HOSKING JRM (1990) L-moments: analysis and estimation of distribution using linear combinations of order statistics. endobj ln(Index Flood Peak) = Bo + B1 ln(Des1) + B2 ln(Des2) + B3 ln(Des3) + .(3). Generally, growth curves (ratio of design flood/index flood vs. return period), or regionalised scaled distribution parameters, are developed for each region. Ryan Kellman/NPR Cordery and Pilgrim, 2000; Hosking and Wallis, 1997; Smithers and Schulze, 2000a; Smithers and Schulze, 2000b). t_dn\\EfWoymJUYVl"ApGj{s,vkY"SVxgdNg-yn#]2AT2pfhAQ{y]=^
iF?My.iziHoAy%Fs0#~nh,Z. /F3 47 0 R Touring the world with friends one mile and pub at a time /MediaBox [0 0 595 842] If anything, residents are slightly overpaying. ~-> S| ` +* 0 L$'IOG5]x:!{{- ;Fh$d analysis and synthesis of data about floods in alexandra. flood events from unregulated rivers of southern Africa were conducted. You can also symbolize the impacted roads for each flood impact area. Statistical methods ( meta-analysis) may or may not be used to analyse and summarise the results of the included . /Contents 31 0 R endstream
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The result will be a new feature class representing road segments with a depth attribute for each flood scenario. >> Sea level rise and heavier rainstorms driven by global warming are sending more water into residential neighborhoods from the Gulf Coast to New England to Appalachia to the Pacific Northwest. This section contains the results from the application of the JPV, Haille, Van Bladeren and Mkhandi RFFA methods at the 41 selected flow-gauging sites and a comparison of the estimated design floods to the design floods computed from the observed flow data at the sites. The selected probability distribution is assumed to represent the population of all extreme events from the site. Ropox Bathtub User Manual & Mounting Instructions - Keep this manual with the product at all times! endstream
It offers a broad range of benefits, which are . /Type /Page This task allows you to create 3D flood levels from raster input data. Sci. endobj 129 pp. 2 0 obj hWn8>&(bIiQp148tbe*.K,8sL0m$bj(hL+1F$anaT:EHAK)'`wHDlLa v8&duObz2 ?C~N9='
z[sVM,~LIJ&}I/ju{yfU3q|O0ap08I6iC:m#=Yn%LZ\}-|tl*IiuqEV!g!6:6ex!6^/,a`x:JKDlBF)%2og<9"gRJlMY-Fbe6 >>PI^?-&S`L/S&P/ JRE.aEg*,axz^&kd>p$ItIRX*16NL&"/V XN>5o#;:o?oUwGU6.)z%G^`S ", King is not surprised by NPR's findings that residents of Southbridge are getting a worse deal on flood insurance compared with residents of wealthier, whiter parts of the state. [Links], STEDINGER JR, VOGEL RM and FOUFOULA-GEORGIOU E (1993) Frequency analysis of extreme events. Nearly five years after a destructive flood, many storefronts in Rainelle, W.Va., are empty. Charles Sauriol Conservation Area Salmon Run. You will assume the role of a mapping technician responsible for creating the flood impact analysis and sharing the results with emergency management, public works, and planning agencies. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] The federal government provides the vast majority of residential flood insurance in the U.S. Water Research Commission, Pretoria. They didn't have any way to have any backup plan," he says. DBE 3 2018 GUIDELINES FOR CONDUCTING A GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH EDUCATOR'S GUIDE Step 1: Formulating a hypothesis or a geographical statement As Geographers we seek to understand and explain the interactions between humans, and between humans and the environment in space and time. When observed flow data are available, design floods can be estimated by performing a frequency analysis of the data, which generally involves fitting probability distributions to the annual maximum series (AMS) extracted from the data. This task requires lidar point data stored in a LAS dataset . Report No. %PDF-1.3 /Annots [19 0 R] This task will extract bridge surfaces from a lidar point cloud as 3D polygons, so they can be used in the next task to determine the height above flood level. 8. The home he and his wife lived in was destroyed, as were almost all of the other homes on their block. (Analysis of Extraordinary Flood Events). You can then symbolize the features according to the calculated flood exposure attribute such as the flood depth. 241 pp. In addition, design floods generally need to be estimated at sites where observed flood data are not available and thus rainfall-based methods or regionalised methods need to be used to estimate design floods at ungauged sites. The result can be used to identify watch points for observers to report flood depth during the flooding event. As part of the development of the Joint Peak-Volume (JPV) methodology, Grgens (2007) developed a regionalised index flood approach to design flood estimation for South Africa. From the results for KZN the JPV method, with a regionalised GEV distribution with the veld zone regionalisation, generally gave the best performance when compared to design floods estimated from the annual maximum series extracted from the observed data. Based on the results in Table 1 and the typical results shown in Fig. % To create flood impact areas and add them to the map, follow the steps in the Create flood impact areas task. In some regions where the negative constant in the linear relationship resulted in a negative MEF, exponential relationships were developed in this study to estimate the MEF from catchment area using information from Haile (2011). Flood Areas (Edition 2019) - Senatsverwaltung fr 10 Burke Street, Addington, Christchurch City - Brooksfield Sydney Heritage Million Dollar Homes For Half The Price - Brooksfield 2021 Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program - P21AS00509 Applicant Guide and Checklist, Fireplace product portFolio - DESIGNED | to inspire, About the surface area to volume relations of open cell foams - KIT, The Texas Immunization Registry: Texas DSHS Immunization Portal Registration Guide, HURST BILLET COMP/PLUS SHIFTER - 2010-2014 Chevrolet Camaro, 2020-2021 JEEP GLADIATOR (JT) - 5" TRAIL KIT - Fabtech, CATS-ISS (Cloud-Aerosol Transport System for ISS), Datenbeschreibung - FDZ Data description: "Survey on marginally employed workers and their employers (MinijobsNRW)" - RWI Essen, Online Mission Planning for Cooperative Target Tracking of Marine Vehicles, State of the Epidemic in Scotland - 6th August 2021 - Mull Health, Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing: Protecting Users - Consultation on Statutory Guidance for Licensing Authorities, Design and Implementation of Platform for Monitoring of Notification System in Firebase Message - Korea Science, (AISHE) ALL INDIA SURVEY ON HIGHER EDUCATION - PRESENTATION ON GOVERNMENT OF INDIA - MOSPI, WILDFIRE UPDATE - Squamish-Lillooet Regional District, SPRINT-SARI AUS Report on COVID-19 Admissions to the Intensive Care Unit in Australia, THE EAP TRADE HELPDESK - MATHIEU LORIDAN, TRADE AND MARKET INTELLIGENCE SECTION, ITC EASTERN PARTNERSHIP TRADE PANEL, 22 SEPTEMBRE 2020, Statistical impact models in agriculture: monitoring, seasonal, long-term and extreme forecastings, Guidelines for Consortia National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) - DFG. /Resources <<
However, the JPV method with the regionalised GEV distribution generally performed well, with the veld zone regionalisation giving better results than the RMF K-region regionalisation. It is recommended that the limitations of available flow records to estimate extreme flow events need to be urgently addressed. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] /Kids [4 0 R 5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R] AP Photos/Eduardo Verdugo March 6, 2018 While Mexico plays politics with its water, some cities . As it got dark, he could hear people screaming for help. << 45 (3) 449-464. The daily data were analyzed to obtain annual maximum values for durations of 1, 2, and 4 days, consistent with the data used by NWS in the Atlas 14 analysis. 2007-11-01T21:39:30-07:00 It is expected that the estimation of discharge for all of the observed stage levels will impact both on the volume of runoff measured and the design floods estimated from the observed peak discharge data. FEMA doesn't have the power to fix the affordability problem it is creating. 5 0 obj Share flood impact information (optional), Visualize flood scenarios in 3D (optional), Publish a 3D flood impact scene (optional). Water Research Commission, Pretoria. You will assume the role of a mapping technician responsible for analyzing the potential flood impact for your community. They are subsidizing flood insurance for the rest of the country, including whiter areas in suburbs such as New Castle and the wealthy beach towns in southern Delaware. Research has found that disasters can erode family stability and exacerbate mental and physical ailments when people don't have the money they need to repair their homes. << Effective flood response planning begins with a better understanding of the potential flood impact. The ZIP code level data on percentage of white non-Hispanic residents and median household income come from the American Community Survey from the U.S. Census bureau. This could mean your hosts database server is down. In: Maidment DR (ed.) analysis and synthesis of data about floods in alexandra Signup for our newsletter to get notified about our next ride. For this reason, the archaeological sites in Alexandria will be under the permanent . << As can be seen, had you completed this analysis using mean daily data, the result would have been an underestimation of the discharges associated with each return period. Still, "[if it were] easy to access and more affordable, I think a majority of people here would jump on it," King says. PAGASA Floods Introduction Water, one of the most common substances known to man has become, through the years, a precious commodity. /DecodeParms 50 0 R These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. In: Proceedings of Sixth South African National Hydrological Symposium. Alexandra Almond 130 Followers Principal at Meld Studios. "While entities are free to suggest or estimate their opinion of what flood insurance premiums should be, they are offering exactly that an opinion and they do not have insight into the Risk Rating 2.0 initiative.". hide caption, Before the flood, Aaron Trigg says, there were baseball games and kids playing on the playground near his house in Rainelle. 98 pp. >> This paper is an analysis of the trend and preparedness of flood in India. None of these RFFA methods are currently widely used in practice to estimate design floods. J. R. Stat. /Parent 2 0 R << The catchment descriptors (Desi) included catchment area, equal area catchment slope, MAR90, and an index of the veld type zone or K-region. /Contents 25 0 R Volume II. /Count 9 Disti,j = similarity distance measure between Stations i and j, MAR90 = mean annual runoff (mm), determined from the WR90 study (Midgley et al., 1994) = standard deviation of descriptors of catchments in the pooling group, Estimation of the index value at ungauged sites. We urge residents to exercise caution on all roads, low lying areas and near rivers. "These properties are going to face a significant economic loss over this 30-year period, and it's something they're just not built to defend against," says Matthew Eby, executive director of the First Street Foundation. [Links], ALEXANDER WJR (2001) Flood Risk Reduction Measures. You can label the point with the minimum height attribute value to show how much clearance there will be below the bridge or how deep the water will be over the bridge if the height above water has a negative value. The bridge surfaces must have a separate class code in the LAS dataset. 69 pp. Johannesburg EMS said they are monitoring rising water levels along the Jukskei river near Setswetla Informal settlement in Alexandra. PScript5.dll Version 5.2 They didn't have any way to have any backup plan." Are you sure you have the correct username and password? /Font 14 0 R The application of statistical frequency curves to floods was first introduced by Gumbel. analysis and synthesis of data about floods in kzn The frequency with which recorded flow stages exceed the maximum rated level needs to be quantified and the impact of not including these extreme events in the estimation of design floods in South Africa must be quantified. << 3. Ryan Kellman/NPR These tasks require ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 or later. /Contents 22 0 R The Mean Annual Flood (MAF) was used as an index flood to scale the data. "A lot of people in Rainelle were poor, and they didn't have any insurance. After you have shared the 3D scene and depth elevation raster, you can view the results of the Flood Impact Analysis in a Scene Viewer in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise. Use your organization's 3D basemap to complement your flood impact map. Since then, the house has flooded three more times once in 2019 and twice last year. But new flood insurance prices would also create a massive affordability crisis, the Congressional Research Service report notes. 1993). /Contents 37 0 R The tool will use your water depth geodatabase and the specified risk type to calculate the flood depth exposure to each building within the flood impact area. The 3D web scene can be shared with stakeholders who are responsible for flood response planning and flood mitigation planning. /ExtGState 32 0 R 8 0 obj Flooding is a common hazard in Nezahualcoyotl, a Mexican city just outside the nation's capital. /MediaBox [0 0 595 842], SA Weather Service (@SAWeatherServic) February 8, 2020, USA Storms and Floods Prompt Emergency Declarations in Washington and Oregon, UK and Ireland Rivers Overflow After Heavy Rain From Storm Ciara, Uganda Deadly Floods and Landslides in Kasese, Mbale and Rukungiri, Pakistan Deadly Floods in Balochistan Province, Kenya Floods Displace Thousands of Households in Mandera and Kisumu, Brazil Thousands Displaced After Floods and Landslides in Bahia, Angola Thousands of Homes Damaged or Destroyed After Days of Heavy Rain, Ukraine Floods in 8 Regions Impact Hundreds of Households, Tanzania Floods Destroy Homes in 3 Regions, 7 Fatalities Reported, USA Flash Floods in South Florida After 650mm of Rain in 24 Hours, Depave the Community-Based Approach to Storm Water Management, Using Drones for Flood Disaster Risk Reduction, Assessment and Recovery, Report Flood Losses in Europe to Increase Fivefold by 2050, UN 1995 to 2015, Flood Disasters Affected 2.3 Billion and Killed 157,000, Drowning World Photographer Gideon Mendels 8 Year Project, G-Cans Project, Tokyo Japans $2.6 Billion Flood Tunnel. application/pdf (2000), Haile (2011) and Grgens (2007) encompass the whole of South Africa. In this topic, youll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below. But so far the efforts have stalled. /F5 49 0 R >> You can find the riskTypeTable in the FloodImpactAnalysis.gdb. Rainelle, W.Va., flooded in June 2016. analysis and synthesis of data about floods in alexandra . /CreationDate (D:20070302092647) endobj These data are drawn from various sources including newspaper clippings, community- based records, data from the Red In the Catalog pane, expand the Tasks folder, and double-click the Getting to know Flood Impact Analysis task and go through each subtask. daPI+BdB)*E8(ihDT,DTimVyt3 A lot of rain over eastern and central SA this morning. 10 also confirm the poor performance of the JPV method when the regionalised LP3 distribution is used. To share the flood impact in 3D, follow the tasks in the Share 3D flood impact scene task group. The results in this paper have been generated as part of a flood risk study being undertaken by Jeffares & Green for the Department of Human Settlements in KwaZulu-Natal and the funding for the project, and permission to publish the results, are gratefully acknowledged.
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