In the larger cities like Seville, Malaga and Granada, where several processions take place over the same few hours, extremely detailed strategic planning, in terms of locations and timing, is needed, to ensure that no two processions will clash. For Guatemalans, Semana Santa is the biggest party of the year, and its almost contradictory because were associating this talk of death with this celebration, says Castillo. People watch from their balconies as the statue of Christ of the Via Crucis brotherhood passes through the Albaicn neighborhood, on Holy Tuesday, April 4, 2023, in Granada. Your email address will not be published. Holy Thursday: The day when Jesus shared the Last Supper with His Apostles, followed by the beginning of his Passion. #, Penitents from the Cristo de la Buena Muerte brotherhood take part in a procession in Zamora on April 4, 2023. For Catholics, the processionknown as La Reseacommemorates when Jesus . [CDATA[// >