Use of Coat of Arms 345. (6) Economic development in the cases referred to in paragraphs (1)(d) and (e) the council shall insert an advertisement to be inserted twice in a daily newspaper published in St. John's identifying the property, the nature of the claim and the amount claimed, and setting out that service has been effected in the manner provided in paragraph (1)(d); and. to acquire from a company or association on the terms and conditions that the council may consider appropriate lands, buildings or assets or an interest in lands, buildings or assets for the purposes of a stadium or rink building. 340.17 273. 330. 97. (e) (b) shall stop being a member of the council. Water meters (2) The persons named in the attached form are indebted to the city of St. John's in the sums set opposite to their respective names in respect of the taxes, rates, rents, assessments, or licence fees specified in the form you are required to immediately make distress of the goods and chattels of those persons respectively and where within 5 days after the distress, the sums in the form set opposite their respective names, together with the necessary charges of taking and keeping the distress, are not paid by each of them respectively, you shall sell the goods and chattels of those that have defaulted in the payment. Seat to be vacated (c) The council is empowered to lease to the St. John's (a) (2) (3) Menu, Toggle Section (3) (3) provide those hatch-coverings, coal chutes, or cellar openings that may be required, and shall keep them level with a sidewalk, and in good repair. (4) 303. as to the proportion of the expense to be paid by the parties respectively. to visit, when requested by the mayor, an employee of the city absent from duty on the ground or plea of ill health, and to report as to the nature of the illness. Water Commercial motor vehicles to attend meetings of the council at the request of the council, and to attend meetings of the town planning commission and a committee of citizens appointed to assist the council in planning matters, and to advise those bodies; and. be paid out by the city comptroller on requisition by a board for its annual operating budget, and. 403.2 Expropriation against pollution 408. The council shall build public water closets, baths, catch-basins, and wash-houses in the localities that it may consider advisable. (1)The Coat of Arms of the city is that Coat of Arms described as follows: "Gules a Paschal Lamb proper between in chief two Escallops Argent a Chief of the last charged with an ancient Ship sail set pennon and flag flying upon Water Barry wavy proper And for the Crest Issuant from a Mural Crown Or a Rocky Mount Sable thereon a Lion passant Or between two Roses Gules each charged with another Argent barbed seeded slipped and leaved proper, Mantled Gules, doubled Argent. Development areas (2) RSN1970 c40 s2; 1974 No14 s2; 1975 No66 s2; 1977 c94 s21; 1991 c35 s5; 2001 cM-20.2 s103. 164. (1)The council may impose a tax to be known as the entertainment tax, upon all theatrical, musical, cinematograph, dancing, pantomime, athletic, circus or other kind of public performances, exhibitions or entertainments, including indoor skating and hockey, conducted within the city limits. (9) 387. (7) Improvement cost assessed Menu, View full to prohibit a person other than a licensee from driving a vehicle for hire within the city limits; (h) 86. Council controls park (1)For the purpose of this Act the City of St. John's 147. shall not apply to a bus service operated by or on behalf of the council in the city or within 8.04 kilometres of the limits of the city. Liability liable for Where the council wishes to recover arrears of taxes or assessments by suit in the Trial Division in respect of property of which there are or may be more than 1 owner, and of the owners the names of some may not appear on the books of appraisement or some or all may be out of the jurisdiction, the council may proceed as follows: (a) (v) 30. A municipal authority may, upon giving to the regional fire services committee the notice required in the contract referred to in subsection (3), notify that committee that it no longer requires fire protection services and at that time no further fees shall be charged to that municipal authority and outstanding fees owed for fire protection services shall be considered to be a debt owed by that municipal authority to the city. regulate or to prohibit the carrying on within the city or within 1.6 kilometres of the city of trades or businesses which in the opinion of the council do or may create a nuisance either to persons in their neighbourhood or to the general public; (g) Building and Planning The Building & Planning Department coordinates land use developments, construction of new homes, commercial development and inspections. 14. 78. ; and. (2) One-half the cost of laying curbs and gutters under subsection (1) shall be paid by the city, and the other half by the owners of the land fronting on the curb and gutter in the proportions that the frontage of the land bears to the total length of the curb or gutter so laid, but the city shall pay the entire cost of laying curbs and gutters at the portions of the sidewalks that are wholly chargeable to the city under section 142. a statement of the place of the trial and the date and time of the trial, which shall not be less than 48 hours after service of the charge on the accused; (b) 7. Non-liability of employees 288. (7) 403.3 RSN1970 c40 s342; 1978 c45 s14; 2012 c26 s13. (2) 256. respecting the composition of a disciplinary tribunal referred to in paragraph (h); (j) to the development appeal board established by the council; or. (2) where the council has decided upon the undertaking of work, to prepare plans and estimates of the work, and submit the plans and estimates to the council before proceeding to the execution of the work; (j) (8) annually prepare for approval and submission to the council at a time and in a form prescribed by the council a budget indicating its proposed annual expenditures of funds; (d) The council may by by-law dissolve a business improvement area and a board of a business improvement area, (a) 248. does not include a mortgagee merely because his or her mortgage vests the legal estate in him or her, but does include a mortgagee in possession; (q) Pearl City , and shall be under the control and supervision of the council, in whose possession the park is held to be. (1)The council may encourage economic development as it considers appropriate, and for that purpose may enter into an agreement with another city, municipality, local service district, agency, person or the government of the province. prescribing penalties for failing to comply with or otherwise contravening the regulations made under this section, provided that, for an offence which may be dealt with under regulations made under paragraph (h), the penalty that may be imposed shall not exceed those specified in that paragraph; (h) 385. The order of the Provincial Court Where, by the making, altering, or widening of a street, a portion of the street has been or may be exchanged for other land, the council may grant the portion of the street to the party to whom the land has been, or may be assigned, at a valuation to be ascertained by arbitration. 128. to submit to the council at each weekly or monthly meeting a summary of all the amounts received since the last period of accounting, showing the source from which the amounts have been received and a comparison with a similar period in the previous year; (g) 248. those codes and standards shall comply with the requirements of section 9 of that Act and shall be equivalent to or of a higher standard than the codes or standards adopted under section 8 of the Fire Protection Services Act Notwithstanding section 363, in the case of a building to be used as a dwelling house of a value not exceeding $1,500 the council shall have power to authorize that the house may be inhabited before completion, provided that the owner or builder of the house provides 2 sureties, to the amount of $100 each, that the house shall, within 5 years, be completed in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to and approved by the city engineer. or. (1)A rule, regulation or by-law, and a repeal, alteration, or amendment of a rule, regulation or by-law, when passed and approved by the council, shall be entered in a book to be kept by the city clerk for that purpose. (13) 299. (d) (a) 267. and for the purpose of the agreement or land assembly or land development or housing project to acquire lands or properties within or outside the city by purchase or expropriation and to convey, assign, transfer or lease all or a part of the lands or properties for the purpose of the land assembly or land development or housing project. For the purpose of this section a car lot or car park means a lot or area of land used or intended to be used for the placing, storing, keeping, displaying or selling of motor vehicles or machines. 114.1 Utilities Account. 160. (7) provide for the sampling, inspection and monitoring of the discharge of materials to the sanitary sewer and storm water sewer systems, and. Occasionally, a person or company proposes a type of development that does not meet our policies or regulations and would have to be rejected, unless an amendment can be made. 185. (4) do not apply to a building erected or to be erected within 1.6 kilometres of the limits of the city for the purpose of establishing or developing an industrial enterprise or for a purpose related to an industrial enterprise by the government of the province or by another person where the Lieutenant-Governor in Council by order provides that these provisions do not apply to an industrial enterprise named in the order. 230. Guidelines (9) Rep. by 2012 c26 s5 It shall be the duty of a person digging or tearing up a pavement or digging a hole, ditch, drain or sewer in a street as speedily as possible to repair and put the pavement or street in as good order as before, and the person shall keep the surface of the street where the work is done in good condition to the satisfaction of the city engineer for the period that the council may require but the period shall be at least 12 months from the date of the issue of a permit under section 134. Dogs registration 1970 c40 s278; 1971 No14 s2; 1971 No70 s5.
Maine State Ferry Schedule, Articles C