In the performance, there are 3 important monologues: Cornelius's 'wonderful things', Dolly's 'Ephram', and Hector's 'foolishness' monologues. And wise, but for loving me. Im referring to myself when I say Megan, its me Megan. All rights reserved. Even if we have to go with our cousin, or our gay best friend from tap class, we will have a Prom. My mum was always saying bring Corey with you on the weekend and shed go all flushed and wear low-cut tops in the kitchen. Have a great winter, Im gonna go hump the fridge. Well, all power to George W I dont want the fucking pricks to win, either. Five of them, running around the backyard like mobile bonfires. Is he crazy? Im outta here. Factors in. Like they just need so much help and theyre in those ugly cages, you know what I mean? Like I didnt know until that moment just how much I wanted to be a father. I see no more in you than in the ordinary Megan: She told me she just wanted a bit of fun, and now she turns around and does this! Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Does that make any sense? So here it is, Part 1: The Shudder-Inducing-and-Cliched-However-Totally-False-Account-of-How-I-Lost-My-Virginity-To-A-Guy-At-A-Community-College. And for a split second Im thinking YES! Blubbering, whining, crying Chuck. The talking-talking-talking-Jesus-Christ-wont-he-ever-shut-up titanic self-absorption of the man! No more drinking, no more getting worked up, no more smoking, apparently Im ignoring that, obviously but. So, its official. Cause I couldnt hide from him. I love you Kate. I mean, right? Youre starting to feel like a woman and believe it or not soon youll understand what its like to be in love. Because the fact is we just met yesterday. And you know what Im gonna get her back. Rosencrantz: Ods my little life! I cant open sardines and answer the phone. I recommend reading a bunch of monologues below and then just making a gut choice. There was a buzz around the caf all of a sudden. Dolly Levi: Money, pardon the expression, is like manure. Thats what I basically learned from our time together. Than she a woman: tis such fools as you And youre sorry! This also has meant all the people had to be younger. There are some who would be grateful for that--the plot is but a flimsy excuse to string together song and dance numbers. What are you ashamed that we did it? You know, Ive been thinking a lot about why we shouldnt get married. I really like you I dont really agree with most of your opinionsbut I dont meet a lot of people who can actually make me think, you know? I mean, you hate everything. Im just, I feel that we should maybe stop before we get too far. Transfer to Washington. (Beat.) Not every painting has to rip your guts out and expose your soul! We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Whenever, wherever I saw them, Id say, Stop ! Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Hello, Dolly! Okay? Youre jokin? I says. Here are five reasons why you should see this feel-good showcase, breezily directed with audience-friendly engagement by Brian Sharp and featuring fabulous turn-of-the-century costumes by . Cornelius Hackl: We're gonna close the store. Ill give you a clue: hes got a fucking hernia. She had five cats. Finally there were no more vases to hold them, every available space was filled with jonquils. Don't worry about the lack of a solid story or Gene Kelly's pedestrian direction. On "Hello, Dolly!", the narrator/singer is actually addressing a fictional character by the full name of Dolly Gallagher Levi. Its just that for a moment I thought Martin was still with me and I panicked. Joe, Vandergelder's barber: You'll have to sit still Mr Vandergelder, if I cut your throat it'll be practically unintentional. Im with you now, but Im thinking about him, and thats not fair to either of us. Tom: Getting some tests done. I put it to you, Camp Firewood, as we spend the last dinner together: Be proud of who you are. And he starts in on how hes just this total fuck up and maybe he should just throw himself off the roof. And do you know what I do? Other important songs include: Put On Your Sunday Clothes, Ribbons Down My Back and Before the Parade Passes By. It was the fault of the psychiatrist. It was a separate arrangement. Oh my! Martins dead. Dolly Levi: Yonkers, New York, to handle a highly personal matter for Mr. Horace Vandergelder, the well-known, unmarried, half-a-millionaire. Now it's simple, right foot, touch, left foot, touch, under, back, around, touch. Because the fact is Im not the kind of guy who falls in love. You see, heres the problem. Ive got angina. You were nothing before you met me! One of my favorites is from ""Hello Dolly!" And theres nobody else especially not a grown male blonde, you know me better than that. She was a human rights observer sent to interview him. Youre sorry?! Im a planet. I definitely caved in to the peer pressure. As by my faith, I see no more in you Every time I think Im over the hump, Ill have a dream or Ill see some girl who looks like her from the back. One is Cornelius's 'wonderful things' monologue. But every year, to this day, they spend a couple of weeks apart and then when they miss each other so much they cant stand it, they meet in a tiny hotel room for exactly two hours and re-live the passion of their youth. Im crazy. How was I to know he was about to die. Let the record show that I, Olive Penderghast, being of sound mind, ample-ish breast size and an occasional corny knock-knock joke do enter this video blog in the case against me. It's the things that come gift wrapped that count! But, mistress, know yourself: down on your knees, But none of those times were quite right. Another 1 win & 13 nominations. Listen Its great to meet you, really. Im taking care of it. (to Kayleigh.) is an immensely successful, charming musical. Then its over. I see no blood, no wound. I know where all the nukes are and I know the codes. Youd have a chance at least. Now you listen and listen good. You are a thousand times a properer man Then I realised that the smell was coming from the lounge room. Like its such an intense experience but then nobody knows what to fuckin say, even though nothing really bad actually happened. You know what I did? But they wrote the most incredible, passionate letters every day, and they really made those two hours count. There are days when I rather be a man.. is a musical filled with charisma and with heart. So that ruined the mood. 1969 Stars: Barbra Streisand, Walter Matthau, Michael Crawford, Marianne McAndrew Genre: Comedy, Musical, Romance Rating: G Runtime: 146 minutes They just don't make musicals like this any more. Writing these movies in my head where Adam and me are the stars. Thats why I dont think of it, Because youd be helpless, wouldnt you? I hadnt seen him since we split up, not once. Im weak. But then this guy called Corey joined our school, and suddenly all that stopped. And Lost my Anonymity Along the Way. So I put the dog outside but the smell didnt go away. Way under list price, payments deducted from my check. I have for a very long time. Hes about to say something. With music written by Jerry Herman, and Michael Stewart writing the book, 'Hello, Dolly!' was first performed on Broadway in 1964. I see jonquils ! Minnie Fay: A banana a day keeps the doctor away. She carries a bunch of jonquils the legend of her youth is nearly revived.). (struggling) Do you remember when you found that picture in my car of you, me and Chet, with Chet cut out of it? The point is Im messed up. Next thing I know her clothes are off and were loosening roof shingles like theres no tomorrow. Im gonna go for a 560, convertible, in gold, with leather interior, all the options. Know why, you pathetically ineffectual and pusillanimous pretend-friend-to-animals?! Its like hes confused about how attractive I am he cant quite believe it. It is a key ingredient to a happy and meaningful life. Dolly Levi: Hello! I mean, best in ages. I PUT MY HAND IN HERE. I do know that I am, and I cant overcome it, I mean. I came here because, should things not work out today as I would like them to, I want you to know why I was doing the things I did. Who knew hed go flying right off the roof? I still have your virginity. Hello, Dolly! And thats it. Youre sorry?! She's a widower and meddling matchmaker. Its stupid, but like Id started imaginin it, what Id be like, walkin around with a little fella holdin me hand, teachin him how to cross the road, or a little girl and holdin her up in the air the way they look down at you, theyre so amazed to be up high. I dont know how this happened. You know-plainly, clearly state what they want instead of expecting you to be psychic. Ill tell everyone about tonight. Fine. I get off the bus after one stop and walk back to school, so I can hang around the bus stop hoping hell turn up. The reality is, angel, you are no longer the only girl in Nick Parkers life. IT'S MY DUTY TO ASSIST THE LORD ABOVE. For beasts that meet me run away for fear: Because the truth is despite all facts to the contraryI still love you madly. The composer. You stand there trying to look so deep when youre nothing but a solipsistic bully with your grandiose self-importance and lectures and arias and lets-look-at-the- fucking-canvas-for-another-few-weeks-lets-not-fucking-paint-lets-just-look. (moves to Fale, jabs him with a finger) You think I told her about the Army of the 12 Monkeys? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Our 9x sold out online acting course returns soon. This thing with Naomi-okay, it should never have happened-but it didnt have to impact on what I have with Meg. We probably shouldve realized this earlier, but Ive been so happy being near you that I just sorta overlooked it and went on. Web. The original play "Hello Dolly" was adapted from. I just cant deal with your negativity while Im trying to grow into a fully-formed human. The musician. Picnics. Squire, Squire, Hackham, and hold on, Ill go and look. Nor do I, really Its silly to be depressed by it. - Definition, Artists & History, What is Gospel Music? You know? I know its hopeless. It was a joke, Amanda and her jonquils ! You just take Katrina to the dance because I can think of so many cooler things to do that night. Cher: It doesnt matter. How to pick a comedy monologue: Jerry Herman's energetic Hello, Dolly! After I plan my future around our wedding. He was a political prisoner in Argentina. Not to mention unsatisfied. Shall quips and sentences and these paper bullets of the brain awe a man from the career his humour? (gets on knees and begs) Cmon, I gotta meet my Mom. To get young players with experience I literally interviewed 1,000-2,000 people." BARBRA ARCHIVES 'HELLO, DOLLY!' PAGES: OVERVIEW (FIRST PAGE) You have come to the right page. Not about the swearing, the things I called her, nothing. My entire life! He stared at her for a whole hour. when guys come up to me, with their cheesy lines, (imitating guy) Hey, you have such a beautiful smile or Can I just tell you that you are so beautiful. Dance ability: some. Her boyfriend was the whale in the corner, blocking the door to the toilets. I went in and there was Martin sitting bolt upright in his chair with his nostrils quivering and the most terrible look on his face. I butter the mans toast, Elisa. Nice shoes faggot you got mousse in your hair lets put mousse in his anus! Id be flipping through MAD magazine and just put the thing down and take it. Now your boyfriend, Ive known since kindergarten. 10 o'clock an. Upgraded. Copyright 1964 by Jerry Herman: I want to be better to do good and better things and to make a proper sort of decision here, but I I cant. Your email address will not be published. I know we just met like 3 minutes ago but youre probably looking for someone to get serious with, someone with potential someone who will take you out to eat a few times, see a movie, fool around a little bit, next thing you know were getting a dog and youre moving in. The latest revival of the beloved musical 'Hello, Dolly!,' which stormed Broadway with Bette Midler in 2017, . Your bugle eyeballs, nor your cheek of cream, I worry for a second Im going to make a sex offender out of the poor guy. So I stood there in the shop, and there were loads of congratulations cards new babies, pink and blue, storks with bundles, balloons, all spewing out. Do you ever think of yourself as actually dead, lying in a box with a lid on it? Cry the man mercy; love him; take his offer: And I dont want to. petrol and put a match to them. James: Because I always swear. She closed the curtains after that. Through Dolly's subtle machinations, several unlikely couples come together to find happiness in 19th-century New York. And the phlegm just slid away. Like foggy south puffing with wind and rain? Emily: 355 lessons. Even taking into account the fact that youre dead, really ask yourself, if I asked you straight off Im going to stuff you in this box now, would you rather be alive or dead? Shakespeare in the Woods 2023 Season Um. Then I get home and I make him breakfast. Irene, my dear, congratulations. Acting Monologues. These monologues will work well for auditions, perhaps a showreel update or for just some self-taping fun. Fare you well.. Total bust. I still cant believe it. Boom. WHO CARES WHAT PSYCHIATRISTS WRITE ON WALLS? She decided to walk into a busy cycle lane wanting to get tangled in a bike. It wasnt my fault, was it? Max: But I just-I just wish women would say what they mean. I always just assumed I had two. Dolly Levi: It makes me feel good to have so many friends. It was as though a large piece of phlegm had lodged in my throat and my words couldnt pass it. Or maybe get hit by a truck full of hot garbage juice, you know? Hello Dolly Monologue Minnie Fay Book file PDF. I tell her she reminds me of Sandra Bullock. "Hello, Dolly! Hello, Dolly! Are you honestly and truly taking Katrina to the dance? I wanna introduce you guys to someone. Like I never bothered countin them. O, I am out of breath in this fond chase! I've only seen him once in my life! And as can be ascertained from the lyrics she is a very excitable figure, the life of the party so to speak. Father I wanted to be. Horace: All the facts about you are insults! Im a genius. So here it goes. But I feel it coming up now, more and more, and I just think- No, thats bullshit, actually, the whole work thing. I thought that was the deal. I went and stood in a card shop for a bit to sort my head out. Throw yourself off the roof! It makes me laugh. Benedick: Act 2 Scene 3 . We'll start with Lesson 7, the Waltz Kick Turn. This monologue is from Thornton Wilder's "The Matchmaker". Its always tricky finding a great comedy monologue as lets be honest, most comedy monologues arent exactly standup routines. Isnt that silly. I hid in the shrubs when Mum came outside to see what was happening. Dear Lord Jesus, I do not often speak with You and ask for things, but now I really must insist that You help me win the election tomorrow, because I deserve it and Paul Metzier doesnt, as You well know. WHY WASNT I GOOD ENOUGH TO WANT TO IMPREGNATE? What Im sure of is this- we need to stop. Louis Armstrong's "Hello, Dolly!". (She switches on the rose-coloured lamp.) Louis Armstrong's recording was a huge, critically important piece. Dont repeat that. I liked this girl. And I cant be the only thing you like! Monika: Its weird to say this, because in many ways Im already in so deep. Since Im being judged by a jury of my peers I will attempt to insert like and totally into my confession as much as possible. Soon as you take the weight off your feet, down it all comes on your head., Helena: Act 2, Scene 2 Made Brewster pigs in a blanket tonight before leavin. People used to throw firecrackers on my head in high school. Like, one of my favourites is that the bus breaks down one day in this remote place and there we are stranded together. We all work together to contribute useful articles and resources for actors at all stages in their careers.
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