These evil ones will not see you coming to My refuges. firedditor 2 yr. ago I have been going deep down the leary rabbit hole the past year. I will multiply what you need because of your faith in My miracles., Jesus said: My people, you heard reports of levies breaking and the flooding of precious farmland. At My refuges you will have perpetual Adoration when you will be trusting in Me to protect you and provide for your needs. During Lent you are fasting and making little penances to add to your daily prayers. Biden may well have to go back to Trumps plans to stop this disaster, because it could cost the Democrats a loss in your coming elections. I call on all of My faithful to proclaim My Good News from the rooftops that I resurrected from the dead, because death had no hold on Me. It had also been the Blessed Mothers fiat free will to accept being My mother. I have died to bring salvation to all those people who believe in Me. I created all of humanity and I love all of you enough to die for your salvation. My angels will shield My refuges from any EMP attack, so your solar systems will be protected. I called: Lazarus come forth. Then Lazarus came out of the tomb, and they removed the wrappings around him. Your angel will make you invisible on your way to My refuges. Pray that you can come through this coming storm without any loss of power. In the news you heard about sabotage of your railroads to cause train wrecks (1700 last year). I love all of you and these ways are how you could show your love for your neighbor., Jesus said: My people, during Lent you could show Me how much you love Me by coming to daily Mass and even making some visits to My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle or in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance. When they control your buying and selling of food, I will need to call you to My refuges. Russia is adding more troops to make up for their losses. Happy Easter to everyone., Jesus said: My people, I told My apostles several times that I would be crucified, but I would rise in three days. I told you that at the end of the Antichrists reign, I will bring destruction down on all of the evil ones, but My faithful will be protected at My refuges, even from the Comet of Chastisement. Keep praying for your wifes recovery from her knee operation. You will see Christians being persecuted, as your country is falling further away from Me and your religious roots of your forefathers. David has significance for Me because people called Me Son of David when they wanted Me to heal them. My angels will lead you to the nearest refuge with a flame. It is good for your body and your soul. You usually see all of the gifts wrapped, but now you appreciate what effort it takes to go through the stores and parking. So I am encouraging you to keep up with your penances for only two more weeks until Easter Sunday. I will be with you always in My Eucharist in your Perpetual Adoration when I will be providing you daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels at My refuges in the tribulation time., Jesus said: My people, this vision of large empty holes in a cemetery is an exaggeration of the subject of Christian burials. Later, I explained the Scriptures to them of why the Messiah had to come and die to bring salvation for everyone who accepts Me. All Glory to God! When you worship My Host in Adoration, you are close to Me in spirit. You will be fortunate to see the real truth come out about all of the payoffs from China and Russia. You saw the March for Life parade to protest abortions, and now you need to change the laws in your states that allow abortions. These low lands are vulnerable to floods from hurricanes and bad weather. This offered you a new experience. I wish all of My people a happy new year and may you look to improve your spiritual life by focusing more on Me., Jesus said: My people, St. Joseph was given a dream to take Me and My Blessed Mother to Egypt so Herod could not kill Me. Trust in Me to help you survive for less than 3 years at My refuges. Do not waste your pain, but offer it up to Me for My intentions and all souls who could benefit from your offering., Jesus said: My people, some of My apostles remembered how I told them I would rise from the dead in three days. This is why any of My faithful can have a refuge, and I will honor their desire by having My angels provide for what is needed at all of My refuges. Dec 13-20, 2022 Update,, Prophet John Leary JESUS You do not want to see anyone go into hell, yet a majority of souls choose to go there by their own free will I give every sinner one last chance to love Me or not, so these souls have chosen hell or they sold their soul for the pleasures of this world. Dec 7-13, 2022 Update, Follow Mary Refuge Of Souls on, The End Times, The Immaculate Conception, And The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls. While he keeps a daily copy of messages he receives on paper, there may be some delay in them being posted on the website. The Pharisees saw Me as a threat to their power over the people, so they decided to kill Me. Trust in Me because I told My son and his wife that they will live in this Era of Peace as I promised., Jesus said: My people, you just prayed the Stations of the Cross and you saw how I died to forgive your sins and bring you salvation. You had to heat your house with wood and kerosene, and prepare your food. My son, you are receiving My inner locutions every day. After a while the people complained about the food. He is reducing your militarys means to fight by giving away your ammunition and weapons to the Ukraine. They could be sending EMP bombs to destroy your electric grid, or viruses in these spy balloons., Jesus said: My people, you are sending billions of dollars of military weapons and money to a corrupt dictatorship in the Ukraine. Be thankful that you have My Real Presence with you at all times., Jesus said: My people, in the first reading from Genesis, I took a rib from Adam to make a partner in Eve. When the information comes out about how the Democrats changed the votes, you could see some people go to jail for treason. It is the big things in life, as your faithfulness to my Son, Jesus, that you must be strong and not disturbed. Again, you saw your silver backed dollar removed from circulation. In the vision you remember traveling to Bethlehem, Israel and you visited the cave in the basement of the Church of the Nativity. So My faithful also need to stand up against the evil ones, and preach My Good News of My Resurrection to all those who accept My Word. Good-bye for now and keep up your prayers for your family to get through these trying times., (Funeral Mass for Jerry Segrue)Jerry said: I am happy to see all of my family and friends who I love so much. Your own website has been shut down again., Davids comment (my son) on the anniversary of his death. I love My people, and I send My angels to protect you from the demons. It was an answer for your daughter, but a struggle in your sleepless hours and cold weather in July. It is better to do things out of love for Me and your neighbor. This persecution will get worse, even to cutting you off from your Social Security payments. So, I have to be monitored for the rest of my life for this very serious condition. Mark was happy to see so many people come to his wake and the funeral Mass. It is only when I can enter your soul that I can cleanse your sins and bring you back into My graces as a part of My Church. While he keeps a daily copy of messages he receives on paper, there may be some delay in them being posted on the website. They also want to force the mark of the beast on everyone so they can control buying your groceries, how much fuel you can have, and control of your traveling. This new House of Representatives could force a possible compromise and even a shutdown of your government. However, I must confess, dear brothers and sisters, that I have gotten behind in this holy project over this past year that I have been sick. Remember how I did not let the wine run out at the wedding feast at Cana. Trust in Me to call you to My refuges before the Antichrist will declare himself. My Blessed Mother knew about My mission and she supported Me. After My Warning and Conversion, you will be protected at My refuges for a brief reign of the Antichrist. You have read the Scripture passage when I had a dream from an angel that I needed to protect my foster Son, Jesus from Herod who wanted to kill Jesus. 3:17) My people, you have been going through some difficult days when it appears the evil people have stolen your election with no one to correct this theft in the courts. You have used kerosene burners with some ventilation because it consumes oxygen. It was persistent faith of both of these people that healed the woman and the girl. Now you are witnessing a bomb cyclone with high winds, rain, ice, and snow that is already canceling many airplane flights. You are seeing a strong division between the socialist communists and those people who follow Trumps call to put your nations people first. This completed My creation because I already had provided a male and female of all of the animals. If you do have mortal sin and you receive My Host, you would be committing a mortal sin. You are already under a liberal dictatorship that is violating your laws. Come to the Triduum services to share in the pain that I suffered., Jesus said: My people, in todays Gospel you are seeing Caiaphas as the High Priest telling the Sanhedrin how only one man has to die for the nation. Pray for peace through strength. These slaves are given low wages for their work. The Lord told you they will come slowly so you can help manage where they are to go and what they are to do. This is a lesson for My faithful so you do not restrain yourself from preaching My Good News, even if you are harassed or persecuted. The apostles all knew about My Resurrection and that I was the promised Messiah. The pharmaceutical companies are making these mRNA vaccines that are killing people, and they get millions of dollars from your government to give shots and many boosters that ruin your immune system. However, I responded to medication, which was a major miracle. You also should start looking for alternative sources for things you buy from China, because your trade could be shut down. You know how much I suffered to bring salvation to all of mankind. When you trust in Me in faith, you will see My angels perform impossible feats for your protection and they will put up shields of invisibility so the evil ones will not see you. You also may want to have a light source as LED lanterns with rechargeable batteries. You cannot eat your gold or silver, so trust in My Word. Biden is paying your arms makers with your tax dollars, and he leaves a disaster going on at your Southern border. This is more punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. You may have to temporarily help your neighbors if they are cold and without food. You will need to trust in Me for your food and your protection. There are people who do suffer from various chronic pain. Be prepared to come to My refuges if your bank account is cancelled, or if they try to force the mark of the beast on everyone. You have enough rainfall, but it is coming more as rain than snow. Other investors in the stock market are concerned that stock prices could fall as they did in 2008. The other situation of shutting down flights in America, Canada, and the Philippines could be a cover up of foreign hackers, and not just one engineer changing the software. Give praise and thanks to Me for coming to earth as a God-man so I could save all of mankind from their sins with My sacrifice. Even the funeral director thought there should be an investigation of his bruises. And finally, on a slightly different note The weekend of Saturday, March 11th, to Monday, March 13th, Prophet John Leary will be doing a series of talks in different locations in Southern California. If you think about how you got your jobs, I was helping you. You only should be worshiping Me and not spend most of your time on buying things and striving to be rich. God bless you and your loved ones. Note: The Federal Reserve did raise interest rates .25%. I am more than happy to share My graces with every repentant sinner. Another problem is how teachers are brainwashing their students with communist ideas and critical race theory (CRT). Trust in Me to protect My faithful from the evil ones., Wednesday, January 25, 2023: (Conversion of St. Paul), Jesus said: My people, I gave Saul a miraculous conversion by My Light which blinded him. Keep close to Me in frequent Confession, your Masses, and your daily prayers. The Antichrists tribulation is coming soon, so be ready to leave for My refuges when your lives are threatened., Jesus said: My people, you will be seeing hard times coming when food and fresh water will be hard to find. These one world people want total control over the digital dollar. When you have courage in following My Ways and not the ways of the world, you will have constant joy in sharing My Word and evangelizing souls for Me. The Indians were converted from killing their babies, and your people in America need to be converted from having abortions. I will win in the end and My faithful will see a long life in My Era of Peace before you die and come to heaven. She had a strong faith when I told her that it is not right to give the childrens food to the dogs. Sometimes you get a little lazy with your spiritual life. Trust in My protection from the evil ones., Jesus said: My people, in Genesis you see how Cain could have offered the best of his crops to Me, where Abel gave his best animal for sacrifice. November 21, 2022 VERY IMPORTANT COMMENTARY Explaining The Second Coming Of JESUS, The End Times, The Immaculate Conception, And The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls, VIDEO Facing Imminent Nuclear War Instructions and Remedy for Radioactivity from GOD, MaryRefugeOfSouls PDF Download: English Collection (Lorenas Messages, 2015-2021) The Way To Follow Army of Saint Michael Archangel // Descargar PDF: Coleccin en espaol (Mensajes de Lorena, 2015-2021) El camino a seguir Ejrcito de San Miguel Arcngel, Video Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Latin-American Mystic Lorena Holy Communion in the Hand February 16, 2022 MaryRefugeOfSouls, Three Videos Latin American Catholic Priest has Vision during Holy Mass of Jesus Christ and in Tears Cries, No more Holy Communion in the hand!, Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Ancestral Curses and Evil Generational Spirits, Including Resources for Inner Healing, Zazzle Collection: Essential End Times Religious Images (Refuge Stickers) Compiled by a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls. I was in the tomb after My death for three days, and then I rose from the dead with My greatest miracle of My Resurrection. Trust in Me that My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges., Jesus said: My son, I thank you for ordering more of your rechargeable batteries and another charger so you can keep using your electric lanterns. Some pains can be treated and can even be healed in faith by My grace. Have faith that I can multiply your food, water, and fuels., Jesus said: My people, do not be afraid of the coming destruction from your natural disasters. I love all of you so much, and I am like the Hound of heaven always seeking to find My lost sheep. Be prepared when I will call My people to the safety of My refuges where My angels will protect you., Jesus said: My people, the evil ones want to change your money to a digital dollar that will be controlled by your government. You are depleting your own armaments from your defense forces to supply the Ukraine army. If you pray against abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinics, you could also be persecuted for your beliefs. Take time to give Me a personal prayer of love for Me., Jesus said: My people, I have paid the ransom for your souls with My death on the cross. Many banks and businesses were used to having cheap money in loans, but now the high cost of loans could ruin small businesses. Keep praying to stop your abortions, and keep praying before your Planned Parenthood to counsel the women to have their babies and avoid abortions., Jesus said: My people, it is getting harder for your people to grow enough food for everyone in your country. I must confess that I really admire John and Carol. In the Gospel you read how I healed a person from a demon. Now it is hard to trust your medical people who have been brainwashing the public with lies. No greater love can a man have that he would offer his life to save another. This ceiling is routinely raised by voting to raise it every year. Stir in water until it is well combined.2) Cover with plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature for 3 hours.3) After 3 hours dough will become puffy and dotted with bubbles. She was so happy to see Me, but she did not recognize Me until I called her name, Mary. Jesus said: My people, in this vision you see one of the few visions of the Blessed Trinity in My Baptism by St. John the Baptist. Come to Me, who loves you so much, so you can share your love for Me as well. I am warning you that a time is coming when there will be a split in My Church. Your priest was preparing you for Lent when you will be fasting and praying more for yourself and others. Be prepared for some trying times, especially in the next few weeks. Candlemas Day is a Christian festival of lights that commemorates the ritual purification of Mary forty days after My birth. This is why you need to look at your lives if you are living out your love for Me and your neighbor in your actions, and not just in your words. You all have unique hearts and souls, but it is the harmony of all of you singing your love of Me together that directs you to heaven. This means no New Age worship of crystals, or any person or objects. I am your God and Savior, and I am the only One you should be worshiping. In the Chosen movie series this man had a brother who was a zealot. You had a glitch that stopped airplane flights for a day. Still the rest of the apostles had a hard time in understanding My Resurrection until I appeared to them in the Upper Room. You rarely hear the priest talk about these sins in the pulpit because they are afraid of insulting people and they may threaten donations in the church. Then, when I began physical therapy, success was measured by if I could simply stand for a few moments on my feet. When these evil ones threaten your lives, I will call you to the safety of My refuges., Jesus said: My people, you have seen the Apollo trips to the moon back in the 1960s by American astronauts. Pray to protect Taiwan, as China is threatening a military takeover., Jesus said: My people, you just witnessed a China-US creation of Covid 2 viruses that are threatening your lives. This whistle blower has first hand proof how Biden won the battleground states by cheating using foreign interference. You did practice drills for only one day, but you might want to test yourself for a week., Jesus said: My people, a prophet is not accepted or recognized in his hometown. Have no fear because I will warn you when it is the proper time to come to My refuges., Jesus said: My people, you are about to be challenged if the leaders in the Church bring out the New Mass with the wrong words of Consecration. I have told you many times, what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and he loses his soul? By imitating My life on earth, you will be on the right path to heaven., Monday, February 6, 2023: (St. Paul Miki and companions), Jesus said: My people, you have read the astronomical odds of having the earth provide everything for your life to exist on the earth. This can be found by clicking on the Print Messages link under the Messages menu. Pray that your refuge builders have these preparations because you may have to endure less than 3 years of the tribulation without electricity., Sunday, February 26, 2023: (First Sunday of Lent), Jesus said: My people, I want you to see the comparison of the temptation of the first Adam with the new Adam in Me. Those people, who take the chip in the body and worship the Antichrist, will be lost forever in hell. I love all of you and I am always with you in My Eucharist at Mass, and in My tabernacles., Jesus said: My people, these souls, who are suffering in the flames of lower purgatory, are feeling pain in their soul bodies. I am so grateful to God for everything He has done for me. Your money will be changed and it will cause great difficulties. I will renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as your reward for being faithful to Me., Jesus said: My people, I asked the Pharisees if it was legal to do a good deed on the Sabbath, but they were silent. Because of shutdowns and mandatory shots, you will be called to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Imitate Me and be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. For three days, I hovered on the brink of life and death. After the Warning, work to save as many family members as you can., Jesus said: My people, I want you to pray hard for more vocations to the priesthood.
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