What I'm trying to say here,is not that Ias an archaeologist, believe that Noah's ark lies on top of Mt Ararat - but that we with insight in later and local cultures, yes - even those that are two to three thousand years old can understand whystories involvingSodom, Aaron and Noa were important for the human intellect and became part of the narrative. You should definitely write a novel because of all this, I think that it would be inspirational to people that take so many angles at looking into mysteries and conspiracies. These rescuers belonged to the Slobtsov group. It is very hard to move forward with facts at this stage, since much of the material is contradictory and hard to fact-check due to the long time that passed. Yes, you are very right in the lack of structure, references and sources - and a general confusion of the whole picture. This prevented warm air to circulate insideand created far too cold sleeping bags. 12 above). A thoroughly enjoyable read. WebAnabatic winds are mainly created by ultraviolet solar radiation heating up the lower regions of an orographic area (i.e. Many details are still today being discovered. They had brought with them food for a days tour, but also rescue packs in the form of wind sacks, radio equipment and shovels. When wewere drying any wet clothes in the tent, we tried to do so during the evening hours while still awake. Leaving the tent's deeply ski-anchored gableswas a good solution as it kept the canvas in place without creating too much of asail. Do hikers regularly sit around campfire in bare/stocking feet---I feel so !) supplies---a few mistakes here - not to mention all dry clothes & shoes ! The only really scientific base for my scenario, would be to present the prerequisites for the wind event. Even though the Dyatlov accident could be considered somewhatrecent for an archaeological undertaking - notthe least in the absence offield artefacts- thehistorical event could perhaps beunderstood through indirectartefacts and other circumstantial evidence such as being part of legend making. SR P4 stergtland med Titti Elm De klarade expeditionen till Djatlovpasset (intervju med Andreas & Richard efter Dyatlovexpeditionen 2019)7 februari, kl. Cheers! The snow was all covered with blood from open wounds as a result of digging in the snow with frozen hands. Any such theory is more irrationalthan the incident itself. There IS NO correct theory, which is what makes this case so fascinating. In some places prints are preserved and in some cases gone with the wind. . Humbly,I consider this as a straight forward and rather uncomplicated solution to a 60 year long mystery. Yet a good foundation for a scenario from 1994. 19) The Village of Vizhay. This is however not a case of whats ante- or postmortem, but rather a result of wishful thinking for sinister minds. Good read and possibly right theory. Before you can work in a scientific manner, you need to have an idea of what you need to prove. One thing that I noticed in documenting your trip is that you said that several of your zippers failed on your equipment. The young men at the fire must have struggled hard to get a fire going, which wasalso evident from their unsuccessful attempts. 14) Fighting an outside temperature of -43 degrees Celcius from Inside our tent on the slope of Kholat Sayakhl. In the Auspiya valleythe temperature fluctuated between minus 20 and 35 degrees Celsius, with an average temperature of around minus 25 during the days and slightly belowminus 30 during the nights. SVT Nyheter (video och text) - Arkeologen: Drfr dog de i den mytomspunna expeditionen (film & text), 30 januari, 2021. That would have been a blow. As long as anyone believes in what they are saying in regard of the Dyatlov Pass, it is fine with me. (6) The understanding of the sudden strong winds that surprised and killed the people at Anaris, can be defined as akatabaticwind (from the Greek'skatabatikos, meaning "descending"). By the 5th of May, suchbedding would have vanished from its position, floatingdownstream. True, they were a really strong group. As long as they were in constant movement, the better. I still think if I was in the Dyatlov group I wouldn't leave the tent under any circumstances without my shoes and coat. tudying the body positions of Kolevatov, Zolotaryov and Thibeaux-Brignolle, it seems as if they were lying snugly behind each other to keep warm. In the comments to the youttube bedtime stories outline of the theory, some viewers have asked why the groups members hadn't put on their clothing. Hi Rufus! For me the mystery was more related to their stamina and the impact of weather - how bad could it be? What is important to know is also that katabatic winds (gravity winds) are much stronger along the slope but not necessarily that strong in the forest. Katabatic Winds | AMNH - American Museum of Natural History SR P4 Extra (Stockholm) med Titti Schultz - (intervju med Andreas & Richard om Dyatlovexpeditionen 2019 & 1959), 19 februari, ca. Before getting to theposition on the mountain we also wanted, likewise to the group in 1959, tryto ski throughthe Auspiya valley inpristine snow and to set up camps in the estimated positions of 1959. The reason for this is that when you sink into the case, there are so many contradictions and skewed witness descriptions, and as you say hearsays, that it is impossible to come out with a sober step by step analysis in line with a scientific approach. Firstly, we wanted to come as close as possible to the historical event by experiencing night camps during the same days of the year as the group in question thisin a tent with a stove, including at least one night on the slope of Kholat Syakhl. With unthought of details, we could then apply those to our personal theories. For example we haveinformation fromVladimir Askinadzis, Igor Dyatlov's group. e know for a fact, from the series of last photos taken by the Dyatlov group, that their weather conditions worsened. Not seldom is this a productofthe regionitself -often involvingbiblical traditions and other complex oral- and written traditions from a plethora of cultures passing by. As the dominant input term, precipitation is a key com-ponent Unlike the group in 1959 we had half of our equipment filled into individual sledges. The persons wearingvalenki (felt boots), like the ones found onThibeaux-Brignolle,would have last muchlonger. An interesting note in the Dyatlov group diary, made a short period of time before the accident, described a relatively warm wind associated to a jet-engine. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. A storm would give you time to dress and secure or dismantle a tent properly. TVC (Russian Documentary -Line of Defense) - The Dyatlov Pass - beyond a mountain of lies , 27 February 2019. Dyatlov Pass and the Anaris mountains in Sweden. Their shoes were nicely stacked against the westernside of the tent withtheir sleeping positionsclose to each other to keep warm. Furthermore, it is not inconceivable that the farends of the tent were also left suspended on their gable supports, this in orderto retrieve the tent later. I would rather suggest that a bivouac housing the four people, collapsed and trapped them inside. I really like your theory and I'm leaning towards accepting it as the correct one. Gazeta.ru (Russia) - Dyatlov Pass: Swedes horrified by the skiers' tragedy - presenting new details about the case of the Dyatlov group's death., (15 February 2019) Andreas had his own personal questions and expectations from such an undertaking. Sometimes batteries can produce extra juice after lying unused especially on a sunlit slope. It was there that the Dyatlov group started to experience a steady airstream - compared to a jet engine. Apile of freshly cutfirewood was furthermore stacked around our stove in order to both dry the wood and to prevent things like sleeping bags to accidently makecontact with the heater during the night. But if we assume that the bivouac with the four lastly found of the group, had not collapsed (which I propose), then perhaps they would have made it during the night in order to retrieve their buried equipment in a less forceful weather. Hi Robin! Photo: Richard Holmgren. I tried myself to deliver a complete chain of event of the entire scenario - from the skiing up to the last persons to die in 1959. The main difference between the terms anabatic/katabatic vs. mountain/valley is the specificity of the term. The mountain and valley winds are more specific terms describing specific examples of anabatic and katabatic winds. Interesting answer, and likely the best one. I was going in part off the actual derivation of the words. Vetenskapsradion Historia - (direktrapport frn Dyatlovpasset), 5 februari 2019. Auspiya valley. Nevertheless, this is not to say that the story of the Dyatlov Pass is lacking thrill and mystery. Photo: Richard Holmgren. Vimmerby Tidning De reser till mystiska passet (12 januari 2019). Discover Magazine - "The Dyatlov Pass Incident: Can Science Explain What Happened to the Hikers? What is important to realize regarding falling winds, is that theyappear quickly as opposed to a storm. Your knowledge and effort has been of great benefit foran entireworld. We can for example learn from their journals that the construction needed overall and constant small repairs. 16). Myth is like an air mattress. In a brief period of time suchtemperatures can be deadly, let alone the windthat in itselfwould make it hard to stand upright. SR P4 Extra (Stockholm) med Titti Schultz - (intervju med Andreas & Richard om Dyatlovexpeditionen 2019 & 1959), 19 februari, ca. Kudos to a great production team for presenting our effort in this thrilling manner - not the least for being cartoonized, which really felt awarding. Although these drainage flows are quite shallow, there is increasing evidence that the low-level circulations are an important component in establishing large-scale tropospheric motions in the high southern latitudes. The katabatic winds are stronger in the Ross Sea sector of Antarctica (Parish & Cassano, 2003) and even though they may play a role in modulating the climatological The sad irony is that the hikers didn't cut the tent for escape from an unknown threat but rather to save it from the deadly winds. Possibly it was thecourageousDoroshenko himself, as the tallest member in the group,that climbed the tree. My opinion, in the meantime, favors meteorological reasons behind the groups death. Ill do my best - have lenience. ur sleeping bags that could endure temperatures to minus 35, delivered satisfactory. In fact, collapsing a tent to reduce the chances of wind damage, followed by a shielding of snow to hold the tent down, is expected in such situations. By comparing the eventswith a case from my home country Sweden, I think that a new approach with interesting details of comparisoncould be very illuminating. These are comparable to so calledzastrugi or in Russian,. It is important to note though, that as time passed,irrational behavior should be expected. Real sceince is research , supposition , the attempt to put data together to give them a powerful meaning . Obviously, this would have been very effective in strong winds as long as the occurrence was momentary. (9)We know for a fact, from the series of last photos taken by the Dyatlov group, that their weather conditions worsened. Not the least you need to see the basis of your assumptions with your own eyes. Yes, the tent would have been better secured with the group inside, but the cooling effect under a gravity wind would eventually have killed them. The buildup of high density cold air over the ice sheets and the elevation of the ice sheets brings into play enormous gravitational energy. The series of actionscan off course be rethought and modified, but my take despitesome perchance hastily concluded details, is that the driving"unknown compellingforce"was in fact an unforeseen and strong gravity wind. Thus, the problem of separating post- and antemortem injuries, still generateambiguous interpretations. The missing eyes and a tongue,should be considered a natural cause of decomposition. 6) A view from the Dyatlov pass looking down over the frozen western part of the Auspiya valley. If the diary indeed belonged to Zolotaryov and a pen was present, itis in stark contrast to his massive chest wounds that many believe made him inoperable. This warming decreases the density of the air, causing it to rise. Photo: Richard Holmgren. These small changes in air pressure are barely noticeable on the meteorologists' weather maps and could still easily lead to the devastating effects that we have seen in the Anaris accident - for that matter, even during our own night on the slopes of Kholat Syakhl. During the day, the Sun heats such a slope (and the air over it) faster than it does the adjacent atmosphere over a valley or a plain at the same altitude. Inevitably and as we shall see,I believe that this last portion of the event can give us an idea of what Slobodin, Kolmogorova and Dyatlov went through after being unable to save their friends. Yours is the most rational theory I have read. The pathologist never wrote ofblood in her stomach, butsimply mentioned the presence ofa red substance. During the night the slopes get cooled and the dense air descends into the valley as the mountain wind. Leather andcordsare extremely stiffbecause of the cold andyou need to do this with your bare hands. In experiencing the same preconditions, we hoped to get a sober idea of what the group went throughbefore their last night. I agree with you that many people are making presumptions without having experience of hiking in such conditions. Moncrieff, (author of mystery & suspense novels) - Modern Dyatlov Pass survivors tell their story, (27 February 2019). Grazie per le tue parole Erika. This could either mean that it was in fact already turned off before found - or simply revived when the switch was tampered with. SR P4 stergtland med Titti Elm Djatlovpasset (intervju med Richard Holmgren med anledning av dokumentren "Mysteriet vid Djatlovpasset") 28januari 2021, kl. Thanks for your observation and the relevant question. However the basis of more measurable facts such as the probability of a katabatic wind or not can actually be investigated in depth. En produktion av Pannrummet och Sveriges Television (premir p SVT-Play den 28januari samt i SVT2 den 4 februari kl. Not the least did I understand that after skiing there. Through the Auspiya valley, southeast of the pass, we were in total four persons me, Andreas Liljegren and our experienced Russian colleagues, Ekaterina Zimina and Artem Domogirov from Yekaterinburg. This must have been a real tough attempt considering stun hands and feet. New theories by JohanGaume, Alexander Puzrinand Richard Holmgren. In the context of adamaged skull, it should also be mentioned that any generatedcrackmay enhancethrough repeated cycles of freezing and thawingbetween the time of recoveryand examination. kl. Climbing Mount Ararat in Turkey and taking part ofthe story of Noah and his ark have also inspired me to understand the origins of such religious accounts. Considering that this was the Dyatlov group'sfirst larger uphill challenge during their tour, carrying heavy backpacks alongside a possible time pressure to reach beyond the pass, the questionmight be pertinent - consideringdetails such astheir light dressing in the tent duringthelast evening. Hi! This is not forwarded as any criticism to the professional hikers, but something that might have helped them temporarily under any possible turbulent event involving strong winds. Good luck with the Podcast and humble thanks for sharing info to the site. However, the severe injuries found on the last four recovered bodies should in the case of akatabatic event, be tied to other circumstantial evidence - such as pressure from a collapsed snow shelter and natural decomposition due to three months of exposure in the prevailing environment. he next series of important events are harder to fully comprehend, but likely the experienced group purposely split apart temporarily for survival procedures in the forest. Hej David! However - me too, it is like you say the life has been consumed for a long time, figuring things out. I would also like to take this opportunity to praiseSvetlana Oss for several exciting conversations, advises and wise words along the way. 18) The retrieved empty bivouac, prepared with branches of fir. Nothing points to this from the time period. "Thanks Niklas! However, the sacks and bags were never used since they failed to open any of their backpacks alongside an overall chaotic situation. Perhaps the position of Dubinini froze her in a position of entering the shelter or that she simply slipped away withthe underlying stream during spring from a previous position near Thibeaux-Brignolle. The same is to say about Dubinina, laying close but in a different angle. This makes them fall into the river row by row. Obviously they raised their tent laterally onthe slope. Radioactiveexcesses from this devastatingeventhad a wide impact, affecting many. Your theory is the most reasonable that I have read. yths and legends have interested me since childhood - not least how these can betransformed over a longer period oftime. Actually and as an ironical coincidence, the Anaris accident likewise involved nine persons, two young women and seven menof which one survived. Su Yen, thank you for your words about our expedition. Denselypacked snow is especially visible around Slobodin,surrounding himin finelayers. The broken ribs of Zolotaryov and Dubinina is a differentcase though. The photo depicts Z. Kolmogorova taking farewell of Yuri, with Sasha looking over his shoulder. 1959 and on the day 60 years later. There's something that bothers me, though, which, perhaps, you can explain. interessante notare che anche tu condividi l'idea che sembrano aver fatto tutto il possibile per sopravvivere - in un modo professionale. Bedtime Stories (YouTube Channel). The Santa Ana winds are notorious for fanning regional wildfires, including a series of blazes in October 2007 that scorched more than 500,000 acres and killed 10 Hello, it is very interesting your trip and theory and very hard experience you have made sleeping in cold winter on that mountain. One question - if the wind is that strong (25m/s or more) why were the skis still upright & the stakes (?) )and last three maybe did not know 4 died in shelter since probably returning to tent for medical aupplies for Georgy/Yuri still alive & exspected of 4 in Den/ bloody knuckles as last 3 and Georgy tore branches from cedar (I think Zina fell for waist injury and hit Rustik & Igor)/and who fell at 15 ftl cliff between slope track & cedar(ice,snow blowing, no gloves,shoes,hats_/and one flashlight left (only 3 for 9 hikers ! I would say that the skiing effort in itself, in deep snow through the forest, is near as hard as doing what they did after fleeing the tent add to that survival adrenaline. We only had to endure minus 43 degrees Celcius during the night in the pass this on the site where the Dyatlov group pitched their tent their last night. A Swedish wind record for such wind is for example 81 m/s which was documented in 1992 at the Tarfala research station. Photo: Dyatlov Foundation. Hewas one among severalthat participated in thisclean up. The actual pattern demonstrates heavily wind swept snow, where vortexes have hollowed out scoop-shaped cavities. Yes, this would be a problem indeed, but we must be careful here. If the diary indeed belonged to Zolotaryov and a pen was present, itis in stark contrast to his massive chest wounds that many believe made him inoperable. 1993; Wendler et al. Thank you so much for your input and insightful comment. The theory is based on theexperiences from our Dyatlov Pass expedition during Jan/Feb 2019 and the factual evidence of an accident that occured attheAnaris mountains in Sweden 1978. We know that the Dyatlov group occasionally used the trails of the Mansi hunters, but also that they shifted their front-skier, whowithout backpack made tracks and later moved toa last-in-line position. As Yuri D and Yuri K seemed to have died first, there was no chance for them since they were exposed to winds while making the fire. The cool air from mountains draining into the valley is called katabatic wind. Thanks for you question! Well,the one who reads theconcluding theory below,ofwhat I reallythink killed the group, he or she will understand that we really had a big reason to be frightened. It is a wind that by gravity carries air of higher density down a slope. 17). What they didnt anticipate during the evening of February 1st, was that a moderate windwith stronger gusts could rather swiftly turn into 25 m/s or even much above that. Only some vodka. Condivido la vostra teoria, molto pi convincente di tante sciocchezze strampalate che sono nate attorno alla disavventura di quei poveri ragazzi, che meritano rispetto e un ricordo dignitoso. A hard time yes, with severe frostbites yes, but the only chance of survival. I've just created a podcast for an assignment at school based on your magnificent research and theorisation. It is impossible to ask for something stronger . The photo was taken during the late evening, February the 1st - perhaps at the time when heavy falling winds started to roll down the slopes exactly 60 years ago. Aware of the dangers of conceivable strongwinds, we pitched the tent with the gablefacing the gradient (photo no. I do recall there was scattered clothes outside the tent and maybe they tried to grab their clothes and they blew out of their hands? It is not impossible that the seeminglyenergetic struggle up the slopeby the last survivors, wasa last chanceattemptto fetcheqipment fordigging out their friends. For a brief expositiononthe course of events -click on the image. In the next minute or even seconds, the wind got so strong that any tent would have blown away or into pieces - this when the gravity windtipped over Kholat's northwestern edgefrom the adjacent western valley. (12)What happens next on the slope could perhaps be described as a rumbling noise of a wind rapidly escalating from above (northwest). For the Swedish reading audience,a summary of the Dyatlov pass incident and the planning of our tripcan be found. The presence of katabatic winds is dependent on radiative cooling of the ice slopes. Even though there are fancy models and graphs, the underlying details are very subjective. Photo: Dyatlov Foundation. 06.45. The longcanvas of the Dyatlov tent would have started to flutter in an exceptionally violent and self-destructing way, much sothat the only way to save it would be to cut it open from the inside in order to rushoutside for measures of saving it. In the event of akatabatic wind, the Dyatlov team acted skillfully by shadowing the steps above. Antarctic surface winds display a high degree of persistence with mean directions related to the local topographic configuration of the ice sheet, consistent with katabatic forcing. (23) I would also advocatethat the punctured chests of Zolotaryov and Dubinini werecaused by the weight of the collapsedden that is, a gradual compression together with a decompositionprocess over time. The Anaris groups warming equipment stayed in their backpacks which were not reachable due to their numbhands. Cant find anything but I remember reading about it in finnish. Dagens Nyheter - Svensk expedition i Djatlovs fotspr exakt 60 r efter desnatten (10 oktober 2019). Unlike the group in 1959 we had half of our equipment filled into individual sledges. Non davvero facile fare tutto che hanno fatto nella foresta prima che il freddo diventasse travolgente. Thanks - Cheers! Soon the temperature dropped even further, but the situation really turned devastating due to the sudden acceleration of the wind - this with wind speeds up toat least 20 m/s. Webwhat are the non legislative powers of congress. 13.52. The weather has always been my presumption and especially after experiencing the freezing winds on Kholat. Photos: Dyatlov Foundation / Richard Holmgren. ), we can assume that they were somewhat late in pitching their tent perhaps due to a rather exhausting climb and late morning departure, but still felt in control regardless oftheweather. The only way to save the situation would be to forceoneself out and quickly cover the canvas along with its content (such asboots and proper clothes) with the adjacentsnow masses - thisin order to prevent the tent withits content to sail away and to disperse in the dark. In my view, thismakes matters more complicated and likely adds another unnecessary element to the understanding ofthecourse of events (see passage no. Colonel G. Ortyukov that checked the diary, said that it was empty and thus it was not files as evidence. 20.00, 2021). 18). 14.20. SR P4 stergtland med Titti Elm De ska vernatta i mystiska Djatlovpasset (intervju med Andreas & Richard infr Dyatlovexpeditionen 2019)23 januari 2019, kl. This site is very informative and I would and will recommend it to any of my colleagues wishing to also study this magnificent case. Generally we dont - even though we are well aware of the many accidents that occur. As in chess , the threat is stronger than the execution ! WebAbstract. Using ERA5 reanalysis data, verified by two local weather stations, we create a timeseries Eventually,apathy usually kicks in. The situation is as absurd as for the famous ship Mary Celeste ( Do Mary Celeste + Alain Valade . 9) Andreas Liljegren taking a well deserved break from tough skiing through the forest in the Auspiya valley. this is totally unaccuratre, he was found in a way where it looked like he was trhing to crawl back to the tent. Furthermore the torn tent was already made unsuitable for this option. If I remember correctly, the earliest date in the file refers to a paper relating to the Vizhay Forestry Department. /R, I got kidnapped by the yeti/menk I bearly escaped alive it was really pissed-off. . he following outline onthe theory of theDyatlov passincident is rather pragmatic and will probably disappoint those seeking a cryptic mystery or advanced military plots. 11) One of the last photos taken by the Dyatlov group - approaching their final campsite on Kholat Syakhl. They are not as fact based as one would first believe. The best they could hope for was thatthe Chinese flashlight would stay in place despitethe strongwind, this due to its relativelyheavy and small size.
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