Masterminds often prefer to use their powers againstOne variation on the Illusion is the Dream-Master, whose opponents from afar, rather than risking any sort ofmental powers only affect sleeping targets, but can trap physical confrontation. If it los-NAME IDEAS es one set of powers, it can switch to others, and so forth.Archetype, Doppelganger, Dupplex, Echo, Legion, Sometimes this particular problem extends to taking onTemplate, Totem, Touchstone some of the subjects personality traits (and related com- plications) as well as abilities, especially for Mimics thatCLASSIC BITS are essentially blank slates otherwise. evil entity, or some other power. For some its childish good fun, forThus the Imp tends to combine a childish sense of amuse- others, its a vicious attempt to tear down the heroes andment and cruelty with almost unlimited power. Skills: Athletics 2 (+3), Powers: Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate), Senses 2 (Extended Perception 4 (+5). The latest edition of the game is streamlined and updated, so it's faster and more fun. The only difference is thatPsychos are less selective (or at least less socially accept- A common variation on the Psycho theme is a need forable) about their targets. Totals: Because they are created from the mind, tulpas can take Abilities 14 + Powers 16 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 + Defenses almost any form, particularly those created from dreams, 8 = Total 42 points. A revenant may also represent other types of unliving Martial Artists, like statues imbued with a semblance ofMartial Artists are built for combat, and may be capable of life and considerable fighting skill, or even kung-fu ro-taking on superhuman foes with the right planning and bots programmed with the hand-to-hand styles of oldtactics. This can create a villain the heroes can never de-as Expertise: Magic in place of Technology, for example. wield as weapons.NAME IDEASBrainscan, Cerebrax, ESPer, Mentallus, Mr. Offense: Init +0, Attack +2 STR 5 STA 2 AGL 3 DEX 1 FGT 4 INT 4 AWE 1 PRE 0 (Close, Damage 10). They are seeking new ways to un- an ape able to disguise itself as a human.derstand and control life, perhaps improving it, even tothe point of conquering death! Totals: Abilities 34 + Powers 23 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 +Defenses 10 = Total 71 points.Warrior demons tend to be human-sized, with powerful One of the most massive land animals ever, the long-builds and tough (often scaly or bony) hides. The plaguean improved mental influence to send various mind-con- even affects the heroes, should they happen to sleep any-trolled thralls to acquire them. 1.1 Main Page/Player. Skills: Perception 4 (+4), Stealth 4 Their touch inflicts agony to living minds. This file presents an index, automatically generated by our server, of all the free downloads available for fans of the third edition of the Mutants & Masterminds superhero RPG and the DC Adventures RPG, including printable character sheets. Totals: Abilities 22 + Powers 12 + Advantages 0 +The crocodile described here is up to 20 feet long, with Skills 2 + Defenses 8 = Total 0 points.powerful, toothed jaws. and tell them they need to meet this latest challenge! Squadron Sinister. If un- after a hero for her new to escape, the creature fights fiercely, summoningwhatever potential minions might be at hand. A Tainted Mimic that duplicates powers an alien super-gladiator. Name Ideas: Bowlegged Man, the Crane, the High Heel, Leg Man, Lifts, Mommy Longlegs, Power Walker 17 points Spinning with whirlwind spin (Concealment 4 [visual; partial], Senses 1 [radius vision], Speed 6), dizzying embrace (Affliction 8, Resisted by Will; Dazed, Defenseless, Incapacitated; Accurate), and tornado control (alternate; Close 1415 Cone Area Move Object 4). These same traits make horses have +1 Str. Whatever the source of the power, itis, for all intents and purposes, limitless (with possibly oneexception, see One Weakness, following).CMON, LETS PLAY!Looking for entertainment, the Imp is more prone thanmost antagonists toward playing games, often childishor cruel (or both), such as high-powered versions of hide-and-seek, scavenger hunts, tag, checkers (perhaps playedwith buildings or landmarks, or living pieces), or varioussports or board games. "Tell me you've got . For a giant shark, add Growth to the desired level and alter the sharks abilities appropriately. After all, Mad Scientists are always building (or growing) things to trouble the heroes. or easily removed; a gravity gun can be disarmed, while a villain with a wearable cosmos rig has to be taken downWhat they lack in terms of power, most Jobbers make up before the heroes can take their powers away.for with personality. The typical Scavenger collectssetsthe Mimics tally and forces it to start over again (such different devices and equipment, often stolen from theiras having to have subjects in close proximity or line of prior owners, or copied from existing items.sight). Totals: Abilities 8 + Powers58 + Advantages 0 + Skills 5 + Defenses 17 = Total 88 points. A Seductive Puppeteer exerts at leastworld almost entirely through some influence through sheer appearance and attractive-mental power. Advances in genetic engineering, biotechnology, ANY SCIENCE CAN BE MAD, IF YOURE DOING IT RIGHT! GIANT INSECT PL6 MR1FAERIE, JINX PL4 MR4 STR 4 STA 4 AGL 1 DEX 1 FGT 3 INT AWE 0 PRE Powers: Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate), Movement 2 (Wall-STR -1, STA 3, AGL 3, DEX 1, FGT 2, INT 0, AWE 3, PRE 0 crawling 2), Protection 1, Senses 4 (Darkvision, Acute Smell,Powers: Luck Control 2 (Force a Re-roll, Negate Luck), Shrinking Tracking). The same goes for heroes interfering in a Psychos fun in other ways. OtherDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 103MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS JOBBER PL8 STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE 23 1 1 4010 POWERS DEFENSE 8 FORTITUDE 9 Armored Costume: Protection 5 5 points DODGE 8 TOUGHNESS 8/3* Jobber Schtick: Powers based on theme (see Jobber Themes PARRY WILL 7 *Without Protection bonus sidebar) SKILLS POWER POINTS 24 SKILLS 17 varies DEFENSES 23 Athletics 5 (+7), Expertise: Streetwise 8 (+8), Intimidation 6 (+6), ABILITIES TOTAL 72+ Perception 4 (+5), Ranged Combat: Powers 7 (+8), Technology POWERS 8 4 (+4) ADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES COMPLICATIONS Beginners Luck, Close Attack 2, Improved Initiative, Power Accident: The Jobber is especially prone to causing mayhem Attack, Takedown, Teamwork, Ultimate Effort (Toughness and accidents, or losing control of their powers. Many oftheseblue collarvillains are happy to leave business at the Jobbers straddle the Power Level between villains and minions, and can also represent elite minions of104 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESespecially powerful villains, such as an Elder Evils demon- I MISS THE OLD GUYimbued shock troops or an Overlords royal guard. This rev- elation is a great element to insert into a series retroac-Of course, this is exactly what is supposed to happen, as tively; after all, so long as all the evidence is consistent,the Master of Disguise is impersonating the hero to cause theres no way for the players to know their trusted friendtrouble and provide a distraction, either for one of his own hasnt actually been a disguised supervillain for the pastschemes or for a villainous employer. The teams could be the classic heroes versus villains or various superhero teams competing, mixed groups ofCAPERS heroes and villains, the heroes versus heroines, adults versus teens, or anything else that catches the Imps fancy.Adventures involving an Imp may include the following: Perhaps the teams even vary from one contest to the next. Theyto say, Unlimited Mimics grow exponentially in power as pick up discarded powers to add to their arsenal and usethey gather subjects, unless there is something that re- them against the heroes. 2). It attacks by engulfing targets and usingits Affliction, which represents numerous stings or bites. Skills: Perception 6 (+9). Mimics often use novel combinations of traitsKNOW YOUR ENEMY from different targetssuchSince Mimics often benefit from first- or even second-handknowledge of their subjects, they may make an effortto observe a group ofheroes carefully andgather informationbefore confrontingthem. The already-powerful villaindo exactly as they are told, or the prisoners will be tor- displays massive and previously unknown levels of power,mented in a hellish netherworld for eternity. Others may simply have a schtick or Foe or Favored Environmentperhaps even allowinggimmick they love thats never amounted to much more Jobbers to stack two ranks of these advantages to improvethan holding up jewelry stores and shaking down tourist the provided circumstance bonus to +5.busses, continuing their villainous schemes for the art,rather than for power or profit. her transformation into a vampire like him. up situations where the heroes attacks hit each other asThis kind of rivalry can add an interesting roleplayingelement to the Martial Artists appearance, along with anopportunity for complications and hero points.THE SECRET TECHNIQUESome Martial Artists know one or more eso-teric techniques, allowing them to perform su-per-human feats. Name Ideas: Adonis, Bloody Mary, Chiaroscuro, Figment, Mirror Miser, Refractor, Shadowplay 40 points Poison with venom (Weaken Stamina 8, Resisted by Fortitude; Accurate), hallucinogenic poison (alternate; Af- fliction 8, Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Compelled, Controlled; Accurate), paralytic poison (alternate; Affliction 8, 1011 Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Paralyzed; Accurate), poison spray (alternate; Line Area Weaken Stamina 4, Resisted by Fortitude), and sneaky (Enhanced Stealth 10, Movement 1 [slithering or wall-crawling 2]). Mutants & Masterminds PDF Mega-Bundle. Theproviding it with Immu- Illusionist is a type of Mastermind focused on deception,nityLife Support at a controlling victims perceptions, and therefore their real-minimum, perhaps even ity. Alternately, you can confront the good guyswith an entire team or family of vampires at roughly theirpower level.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 141MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS nesses, such as holy water, garlic, wooden stakes, and tombs, and ruins to piece together the clues to itsmost of allsunlight. If the Revenant does not recovertrue masters themselves, the opposite numbers of martial on its own, remove its Stamina score as well.artist heroes, peerless mercenaries, or the leaders of secretorders of assassins. In some their archenemies! The Area Perception Affliction attack courage them to play along, or he might simply show upis there for just such a reason: it lets the Nobody entangle at their headquarters or a public event and attack them.a group of heroes in energy bonds (earth manacles, the Ideally, the Nobody wants an audience to witness hisgrasping skeletal hands of undead minions, or whatnot) inevitable victory; if theyre not cheering him on, well,and then let them have it while their mobility is limited. Of course, theres nothing to say an Overlord can- not have an entire harem, or some sort of multiple mate arrangement, especially for Alien Over- lords with entirely different customs, or Immor- tal Overlords who expect to out-live all their mortal partners (and have no doubt done so many times in the past). More. Still, compared to most members of the cult, the Master has considerable power,A cult need not be religious in nature: some are cults of not the least of which is use of the Ritualist advantage andpersonality dedicated to a particular leader (typically a the ability to perform magical rituals, using Expertise inmaster villain) while others are more political, social, or Cult Lore in place of Magic Expertise.cultural in nature. This might be given here, or some combination of the three power-sets,a particular origin for super-powers in the setting, such as although even more exotic powers are possible.mutants, psychics, or mystics, or a general belief that super-humans are clearly better than ordinary people and should NAME IDEASguide human society by right of their powers. Cults have a strong recurring role as threats in the com- Advantages: Improved Trip. Please share whatever you have that isn't on the list. Totals: Abilities 12 + Powers 23 + breed, including using or adding an appropriate Affliction. See the Minion Archetypes sectionFORBIDDEN LORE for inspiration.Villainous Sorcerers by definition dabble with forces man You can either assign the villain appropriate ranks in thewas not meant to know. Advantages: Improved Grab. Contents. An alchemist villain typically way, she can be as ruthless and powerful as any Sorcerer,relies on various potions, powders, and other magical for- perhaps even more so. Afew have other innate powers, either direct control over CLASSIC BITSbiology or improvements made to their own physiology,using themselves as experimental subjects. identity, especially if he is someone of importance, such as a wealthy industrialist, political figure, respected journal-When forced to fight, the Master of Disguise relies on ist or television personality, or the like. He might do somethingshowy like take a bus, train, or building fullDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 109MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS MAD SCIENTISTThe Mad Scientist is a classic villain archetype, isolated of super-tech gadgets in a setting when the heroes startby a combination of brilliance, arrogance, and madness, wondering, Where are people getting all this stuff?driven to prove something by hatching schemes forconquest and plunder. Whose too strong or tough for such maneuvers receive themind is stronger: the heroes or the villains? Cir-cumstances often mean the Sorcerer has only one shot at Sorcerers almost universally prefer to fight at a distance,performing the ritual: the necessary astrological or cosmic overseeing a battle and using their spells to hinder or dis-conjunction might occur only once every 3,000 years, for able foes. Offense: Init +1, Attack +2 (Close, Damage 4). Most inexplicablyescape prison with ease to haunt their favorite heroes Many Jobbers rely on amazingly advanced technologytime and time again. Deception 8 (+13), Expertise: Magic 6 (+7), Insight 8 (+10). Unarmed +6 Responsibility: The Jobber has obligations to a more powerful villain or group.accidentally swapping the heroes minds or a Nightmare- office and sit down for a drink with heroes out of costume,themed Jobbers new sleeping dust trapping everyone in though they generally want to leaveshop talkat the officea shared dream for the session.
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