cause for concern procedures Book onto an upcoming training session via HR's booking system. The networked approach and good working relationships make it less likely that students might slip through the net, or that behaviour which could be attributable to radicalisation might be missed. Have an appropriate information sharing system in place. The Prevent duty: an introduction for those with safeguarding regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism". This guidance does not prescribe what appropriate decisions would be - this will be up to institutions to determine, having considered all the factors of the case. However, schools should be mindful of their existing duties to forbid political indoctrination and secure a balanced presentation of political issues under sections 406 and 40 of the Education Act 1996. All staff in student-facing roles are required to be trained on UCL's procedures and policies surrounding the Prevent duty. This page provides links to the ETF web page where you can find the course details and joining instructions. To comply with the duty we would expect the higher . The tutoral or pastoral programme is an important area for the delivery of the Prevent duty but it is also important that all staff are aware of their role in preventing radicalisation and extremism and promoting British values. PDF The Prevent duty - University and College Union Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support. When an authority has failed to discharge the duty, the Secretary of State has the power under section 30 of the Act to make directions to enforce performance of the duty. The Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales emphasises that the duty to have due regard for the need to prevent children from being drawn into terrorism is an aspect of safeguarding. Prevent duty guidance expects pastoral care to be available to all students. Please check email format is correct ( At the core of this is the software solution to support pastoral care in schools. 10. Are there examples where Prevent has stopped a young person being radicalised? An Ethical and Legal Responsibility. This has helped to build staff confidence in their ability to manage these situations, reassuring them that they are expected only to act in line with their existing pastoral capacity. This article examines Prevent, the flagship counter-extremism programme, through a state-theoretical lens. 2015-06-29T16:31:39+01:00 Following the publication of the Prevent Duty Guidance for Further Education colleges and independent training providers in England , Ofsted has recently produced a report summarising progress to date.. Whilst there were numerous positives identified, particularly in colleges, there was evidence not all independent . RHEBs will want to ensure that relevant . Learners and staff at St 9.2 Service providers are also required to provide Prevent training to their staff members and provide compliance reports to the university on a regular basis. Ensure staff who engage with the public are trained to ensure they understand what radicalisation means, why people may be vulnerable to it, know what measures are available to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism, how to challenge extremism and access support for people who may be exploited by radicalising influences. The guidance interprets the statutory duty as comprising three essential elements. The first addresses emerging concerns so that action can be taken quickly and informally, The second level is based upon supportive intervention. Where suspension occurs, conditions are defined to set out requirements before the student may return.In the first year, one case reached the second level, and two the third. Refresh your knowledge about the Prevent duty with our one-page summary. PDF Mapping the Prevent Duty in Higher Education - Microsoft We need to safeguard the environmental benefits of pastoralism by incentivizing environmental stewardship. 7 Those specified include local government authorities, education and child care providers, health and social care providers, and the police. Help centre. Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Are you sure you want to print? In both developing and developed countries, pastoralists are very often indigenous peoples, who tend to be minority populations in their countries and sometimes significantly under-represented in decision-making processes. Friends and family are best placed to spot the signs, so trust your instincts and share your concerns in confidence. The Prevent Duty is NOT about the following compliance with the Prevent Duty Low Governing Body has nominated Key Individuals to take primary responsibility for the Prevent Duty, whose names and contact details are included in the Prevent Duty Policy. Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitioners, Legal update, DCLG issues directions to Tower Hamlets to comply with best value duty under LGA 1999. You'll need to adapt it to suit your school's . Opt not to print. In addition to the guidance on the Prevent duty, the following DfE guidance applies: In Wales, the applicable guidance is, Keeping learners safe. What should I do if I have a concern about a child? HEFCE's role does not extend to investigating terrorism-related incidents on campus. Prevent Policy Statement Introduction 1. UCL has arranged for a Prevent duty workshop to be delivered by UCL's designated Prevent Coordinator, Chris Rowell, at the Department for Education. Radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies. Module 5 - Prevent, a student and staff well-being issue (safeguarding, pastoral care and student support) The University has a statutory duty to have 'due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'. PDF Delivering the Prevent duty in a proportionate and fair way A link to the prevent duty guidance is available at the end of this e-Learning. PDF How well are further education and skills providers implementing the PDF The Prevent Duty in Higher Education - London School of Economics The Prevent duty requires your school to have due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism," according toHome Office guidance. We believe we have an effective system, with the Prevent duty built into our culture of wellbeing. Prevent Duty | Human Resources Office - University of Cambridge UUID based identifier for specific incarnation of a document Prevent Duty Risk Assessment 2020-2021 - REVIEWED JULY 2021 Ensure understanding and compliance with regard to the 'Prevent Duty' in order to further develop effective systems to keep pupils safe from the dangers of radicalisation and extremism at Bourne Abbey & Bourne Elsea Park Church of England Primary Academies This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). Using the raised flag feature the system can identify moments which have significant impacts on a student which should . 3 Prevent Duty V2.1 CONTEST is the UK Government counter-terrorism strategy organised around four work streams, each comprising a number of key objectives: PURSUE: To stop terrorist attacks; PREVENT: To stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism; PROTECT: To strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack and PREPARE: To mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack. 2023, The Prevent duty: schools' responsibilities, Governors' role in monitoring the single central record, Governors' role in preventing child-on-child abuse, Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE): September 2022 changes, Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE): summary, Monitoring safeguarding provision: checklist, Use our template toaudit your school's practice. Specified authorities include local authorities, NHS trusts, schools and also providers of certain services to those authorities. Please check email format is correct ( . Since July 2015, schools have a legal responsibility to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. Specific activities that may involve the in-house legal team include revising: Your email address will not be published. Join the higher education network for more comment, analysis and job opportunities, direct to your inbox. This means investing in the dual roles of pastoralism by improving market access and incentivizing environmental stewardship, for example through certification, fair trade, or payments for ecosystem services. Within the safeguarding and duty of care package the courses are arranged in four focus areas. of the Prevent Duty in their induction training and will also be requested to undertake the on-line Prevent for Practitioners module. Compliance with PREVENT duty to be included in the College's risk register and reviewed annually by Governing Body when . PREVENT - Option 2 - PATHWAYS FACILITATOR NOTES. internal The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-2) due to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 23-27 May 2016, provides a timely opportunity for Ministers of Environment and other stakeholders to discuss the direction that this debate should take, and provide guidance on concrete actions to be taken by UNEP and other champions of environmental sustainability, within a global partnership. 6. know what to do if you are concerned about a student. PREVENT - Option 2 - PATHWAYS FACILITATOR NOTES. . As a governor, your role is to monitor your school's compliance with the Prevent duty - read our other article to . Identify any vulnerabilities or worrying changes in behaviour. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides an opportunity to work globally towards this transformation because it recognizes the importance of supporting smallholder and pastoral systems while also increasing productivity in the agriculture sector and protecting biological diversity, managing waste, and reducing greenhouse gases. Counter-extremism is the most dynamic part of UK counterterrorism policy. It represents the southernmost extreme of reindeer husbandry in the world. RHEBs have a duty of care to students and staff - especially for those who might be "vulnerable", including those who might be vulnerable to being drawn towards terrorism. have been created to help providers across all parts of the FE and training sector to fulfil their duty to comply . Compliance with the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) guidelines and the Prevent Duty is crucial for any school in today's world. l Ensure sufficient chaplaincy and pastoral support available for all students. Pastoralism extensive livestock production in the rangelands is practised in 75 per cent of the worlds countries by an estimated 500 million people, encompassing nomadic communities, transhumant herders, agro-pastoralists, ranchers and others. 1 0 obj
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Prevent Duty - What are my Responsibilities as a Teacher? It has been estimated that pastoralism is practised on approximately 25 per cent of the global land area, providing on average 10 per cent of the worlds meat production. %PDF-1.4
How is the Prevent duty relevant to the local authority lawyer? can i claim charitable donations without a receipt, Piedmont Funeral Home Lexington, Nc Obituaries, how to turn off suggested for you posts on facebook, how are mixtures useful in your everyday life. Ofsted will expect to see Prevent compliance in all areas of the country california high school football stats by David O. Middlebrook. Reindeer are the only semi-domesticated animals that naturally belong to the north. Apprentices need to be safeguarded against the same range of risks and dangers as their peers in schools and colleges. The Prevent duty is about relationships, so integrate it into pastoral The government issued specific guidance that clarifies what it expects further education providers to deliver to comply with this duty.1 The 'Prevent' duty guidance makes clear the important role of further education leaders in stopping Staff Training Governors, leaders and staff will continue to receive appropriate training related to the Prevent Duty. Pastoral Care 10.1 Pastoral care is a key way of safeguarding student and staff welfare, particularly those who UCL has arranged for a Prevent duty workshop to be delivered by UCL's designated Prevent Coordinator, Chris Rowell, at the Department for Education. The project also has linkages to Smi reindeer herding and institutions in Fennoscandia; one of its aims is to replicate the project in other reindeer-herding communities in the North. What is Prevent and what are my responsibilities as a teacher under the Prevent duty? The school's SPOC in relation to Prevent is the DSL. The Chief Executive and members of the Trustees of the RB take the Prevent for Governors and Board Members module. As Secretary to Council, this also includes ensuring Council and related bodies receive the appropriate information and data to fulfil . The University of Greenwich has had our share of radicalisation-related headlines, notably the former student who murdered Lee Rigby in Woolwich in 2013. of the Prevent Duty in their induction training and will also be requested to undertake the on-line Prevent for Practitioners module. FGM is child abuse and is an illegal act, affecting girls particularly from North African countries, including Egypt, Sudan, Somalia and Sierra Leone. The objectives of the project are to improve the development and resilience of reindeer pasture ecosystems; strengthen the sustainability of the pastoralist livelihoods; and increase the capacity of the pastoral communities to adapt to land-use change and climate change. the Prevent duty. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play and this advice sets out clearly the principles and key areas of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Welfare and Pastoral Care. The aim of the Prevent strategy is to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The government issued specific guidance that clarifies what it expects further education providers to deliver to comply with this duty.1 The 'Prevent' duty guidance makes clear the important role of further education leaders in stopping This is commonly referred to as Prevent, or the Prevent Duty, and also applies to 7 Those specified include local government authorities, education and child care providers, health and social care providers, and the police. XMP Media Management Schema A link to the prevent duty guidance is available at the end of this e-Learning. 9.2 Service providers are also required to provide Prevent training to their staff members and provide compliance reports to the university on a regular basis. If the failure to discharge the duty relates to education, childcare or childrens social care, the Secretary of State may use his powers under section 497A of the Education Act 1996. It is to be implemented in a proportionate and risk-based way. Libra Learning will comply through: PARTNERSHIP . amd Education sector specific aspects of the duty In the education sector, the Prevent Duty's requirement to "have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism" is based on the premise that "schools can help protect children from extremism and violent views in the same way they help safeguard 13.05.2021 - SRS compliance are running Prevent training sessions for any staff with a student facing role, who have completed the online training. Compliance will only be achieved if these procedures and policies are properly followed and applied. Its working so far. The Guidance explains how the duty applies to different sectors. Prevent Duty Risk Assessment Compliance Requirements High Low Any action required The risk of our pupils being drawn into terrorism has been assessed and considered to be: X . All rights reserved. This offers an introduction to the Prevent duty, and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves. The duty of schools to protect the personal data and privacy of students, parents, staff and teachers by complying with the impending GDPR Law. or disrupt an electronic system. We believe that this approach works because it provides a joined-up response, integrating services and expertise across academic and professional services. What the aim of Prevent is. Rangelands are places of great beauty and inspiration that cover more than a third of all land on the planet, and most of this land is managed by pastoralists. Given the rise of extremist voices its important that you know how to protect them from this threat. UK universities have a statutory duty, along with all other public bodies in the UK, in terms of the Counter-Terrorism & Security Act 2015, 'to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'. Please check email format is correct ( The main purpose of the policy is to prevent all children and youngsters from misbehaving and one example is Harrow international school, where the safety and well-being of children is a top priority, as you can find out more here.Moreover, the policy defines how schools protect the students and how . If you're a state-funded school, your curriculum must: 10. If you need to learn more about the Prevent duty, readour one-page summaryfirst. The approach is academically-led and is very gentle, with the aim of engaging the student. FGM is child abuse and is an illegal act, affecting girls particularly from North African countries, including Egypt, Sudan, Somalia and Sierra Leone. 0800 061 4500. Your Responsibilities 2. Protecting students from the risk of radicalisation is part of schools overall safeguarding responsibilities. Government Guidance requires that universities have in place policies for external speakers and events, the training of staff, welfare and pastoral care, and IT usage. external speakers/visitors are vetted by this Policy alongside the Safeguarding/Prevent Policy to ensure compliance. endstream
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If after vetting the views expressed constitute views that risk drawing people into terrorism, or are shared by a terrorist group, permission must be sought by the booking officer. Demonstrate evidence of active co-operation, in particular with local Prevent co-ordinators, the police and local authorities and co-ordinate through existing multi-agency forums. In accordance with the Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales and Channel Duty Guidance: Protecting vulnerable people from being drawn into terrorism (2015) the DSL has the following responsibilities: acting as the first point of contact for parents, pupils, teaching and support staff and external agencies in all matters relating to Download our model job description and person specification. Or perhaps you need to recruit university staff? Pastoral Care 10.1 Pastoral care is a key way of safeguarding student and staff welfare, particularly those who This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). Prevent is a safeguarding duty. Delivering the Prevent duty in a proportionate and fair way 3 1. The ETF's Foundation Online Learning platform is no longer available. by David O. Middlebrook. Under the Counter Terrorism Act 2015, public bodies and organisations that are government funded and work with the public must comply with Prevent. Politics latest updates: Union leader Pat Cullen says nurses are pushed Download our model job description and person specification. How does the duty apply to local authorities and schools? The schools show their complete responsibilities regarding child care and safeguarding. This. that activities undertaken in its name comply with the Prevent duty.
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