[10][38] The Occam's razor law of parsimony in scientific explanations of phenomena suggests that the explanation of PK in terms of ordinary waysby trickery, special effects or by poor experimental designis preferable to accepting that the laws of physics should be rewritten. [95][54]:126130, The French psychic Jean-Pierre Girard has claimed he can bend metal bars by PK. Science writer Martin Gardner wrote that Parise had "bamboozled" Honorton by moving the bottle with an invisible thread stretched between her hands. [58] Prizes have been offered specifically for PK demonstrations: for example, businessman Gerald Fleming's offer of 250,000 to Uri Geller if he could bend a spoon under controlled conditions. Latin text available at the Perseus Digital Library. Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : [76][77][78], Many of India's "godmen" have claimed macro-PK abilities and demonstrated apparently miraculous phenomena in public, although as more controls are put in place to prevent trickery, fewer phenomena are produced. Campbell's commentary on this passage: "The Telkhines, mythical craftsmen and wizards living on Keos (Ceos), angered the gods by blighting the fruits of the earth. [17] Telchines were regarded as excellent metallurgists; various accounts[26] state that they were skilled metal workers in brass and iron and made a trident for Poseidon and a sickle for Cronus, both ceremonial weapons. They, on a day, with thunderbolt and trident, sent the land and a countless host [presumably the Telkhines] into the depths of Tartaros, while they left alone my mother [Dexithea daughter of one of the Telkhines], and her well-walled home.", Callimachus, Hymn 4 to Delos 28 ff (trans. A major theme in stories featuring Castor and Polydeuces is the idea that [], Heracles, also known as Hercules in Greek texts, is one of the most recognised and famous of the divine heroes in Greek mythology. [40] This Euxanthios is also known from Pindar's works. 'soul' and : , lit. Yet look what they have done. This may hint at the sisters not having the power of flight. [59] The James Randi Educational Foundation offered the One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge to any accepted candidate who managed to produce a paranormal event in a controlled, mutually agreed upon experiment. This list will be organized according to category of object. Instead, he was a musician and poet with abilities that made even gods melt. [48] As evidence, Wegner cites a series of experiments on magical thinking in which subjects were induced to think they had influenced external events. In the second trailer, Kalypso was shown riding mythical creatures from Greek mythology, which featured the likes of dragons and manticores. Tele- in Greek means "far off". also kei-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to set in motion.". B. Rhine's dice experiments, which were considered the strongest evidence for PK at that time. Richard Kaufman of Yale University gave subjects the task of trying to influence eight dice and allowed them to record their own scores. And when the flood came the rest of the inhabitants perished,--and since the waters, because of the abundant rains, overflowed the island. [1.1] PONTOS & GAIA (Tzetzes on Theogony 80) In Greek mythology, the Telchines ( Ancient Greek: , Telkhines) were the original inhabitants of the island of Rhodes and were known in Crete and Cyprus . Campbell, Vol. Hymn. xiv. 'movement' [1] [2] ), or telekinesis [3] (from Ancient Greek: , lit. ix. James Randi eventually revealed that the subjects were two of his associates, amateur conjurers Steve Shaw and Michael Edwards. D. Harper. Girard failed to make any objects move paranormally. l. c. ; Tzetz. Dionys. Campbell, Vol. "Some say that, of the nine Telkhines (Telchines) who lived in Rhodes, those who accompanied Rhea to Krete (Crete) and reared Zeus in his youth were named Kouretes (Curetes); and that Kyrbas (Cyrbas), a comrade of these, who was the founder of Hierapytna, afforded a pretext to the Prasians for saying among the Rhodians that the Korybantes (Corybantes) were certain Daimones, sons of Athena and Helios (the Sun) [i.e. Planer has written that parapsychologists have to fall back on studies that involve only statistics that are unrepeatable, owing their results to poor experimental methods, recording mistakes and faulty statistical mathematics. [4], The following individual names are attested in various sources: Damon (Demonax); Mylas;[5] Atabyrius;[6] Antaeus (Actaeus), Megalesius, Ormenos (Hormenus), Lycus, Nicon and Mimon[7];[8] Chryson, Argyron and Chalcon. The Norse Gods are the main pantheon of deities in God of War (2018) and God of War Ragnark. There are two major conflicting stories for Aphrodite's origins: Most sources describe Medusa as the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, though the author, Greek text available at the Perseus Digital Library, Online version at the Perseus Digital Library. . The Greek demi-god is known for feats of strength but is even better remembered for divine intelligence and wisdom. The twins feature in a number of myths, crossing paths with other notable figures in Greek Mythology like Jason. Cottin and her family claimed that she produced electric emanations that allowed her to move pieces of furniture and scissors across a room. He was tested in the 1970s but failed to produce any paranormal effects in scientifically controlled conditions. The pair had created the effects by standard trickery, but the researchers, being unfamiliar with magic techniques, interpreted them as proof of PK. "The proverb calls spiteful and fault-finding people Telkhines (Telchines), as fits what has been said above; but Stesikhoros (Stesichorus), they say, used the term Telkhines of death-spirits and darkenings [eclipses or killings?]. Mair) (Greek poet C3rd B.C.) v. 55; Nonn. The following are mentioned as the. Part of its purpose was to investigate military applications of PK, for example to remotely jam or disrupt enemy weaponry. v. 55). The two fell in love with each other and later created the universe. From Chaos came forth Erebus and black Night; but of Night were born Aether and Day, whom she conceived and bare from union in love with Erebus. [60][61] Currently, the Center for Inquiry offers a prize of $250,000, the largest in the world, for proof of the paranormal. The term " aerokinesis " is formed by combining the Greek roots for air (" aero ") and movement (" kinesis "). "This we heard from old Xenomedes, who once enshrined all the island [the island of Keos (Ceos)] in a mythological history : . This may sound the height of boldness; however, the effect is astounding and combined with suggestion, it does work. Most tales involving mortal heroes revolve around great wars, feats of physical strength, or acts of immense bravery. Some say that the Telkhines are maligners and sorcerers, who pour the water of the Styx mixed with sulphur upon animals and plants in order to destroy them. His methods were exposed on the World of Discovery documentary Secrets of the Russian Psychics (1992). p. 1182, &c.) Her Roman name is "Terra". [96] Magicians and scientists have written that he produced all his alleged psychokinetic feats through fraudulent means. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. "Pan [in the army of Dionysos in the war against the Indians] crossed the surface of the calm river [Hydaspes of India] on his goat's feet; Lykos (Lycus) [one of the Telkhines] guided the horses of the sea in his father's fourhorse chariot unwetted; and Skelmis (Scelmis) drove across the waveless river along with Damnameneus his brother. [95][97], Stephen North, a British psychic in the late 1970s, was known for his alleged psychokinetic ability to bend spoons and teleport objects in and out of sealed containers. [47], Psychologist Daniel Wegner has argued that an introspection illusion contributes to belief in psychokinesis. . [18][19] Their very eyes and aspect were said to have been destructive. [12][35] Bacchylides also mentions that Dexithea later had a son Euxanthios by Minos. Greek mythology has subsequently had . in Del. "[When the Indian River Hydaspes tried to drown the army of Dionysos :] [Dionysos] was in front, cutting the stream in his highland car and never wetting the axle. before vowels tel-, word-forming element meaning "far, far off, operating over distance" (also, since c. 1940, "television"), from Greek tele "far off, afar, at or to a distance," related to teleos (genitive telos) "end, goal, completion, result," from PIE root *kwel- (2) "far" in space or time. levels; move, lift, agitate, vibrate, spin, bend, break, or impact) Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. [24]:149161, PK parties have been described as a campaign by paranormal believers to convince people of the existence of psychokinesis, on the basis of nonscientific data from personal experience and testimony. 365), which was their principal seat and was named after them Telchinis (Sicyon also was called Telchinia, Eustath. Immortals Fenyx Rising brings grand mythological adventure to life. Telekinesis is generally an offensive power, allowing the Witch to send a target across the room or in some cases, miles away. [32][33][34][35][36]:309, Psychologist Nicholas Humphrey argues that many experiments in psychology, biology or physics assume that the intentions of the subjects or experimenter do not physically distort the apparatus. 265 ff (trans. "The tale of Celmis [one of the Telkhines (Telchines)] hard granite now but once the truest friend of infant Jove [Zeus]. [13], This last feature in the character of the Telchines seems to have been the reason of their being put together with the Idaean Dactyls and Strabo even states that those of the nine Rhodian Telchines who accompanied Rhea to Crete brought up the infant Zeus and were called Curetes. Taylor wrote there is no scientific trace of such a force in physics, down to many orders of magnitude; thus, if a scientific viewpoint is to be preserved, the idea of any fifth force must be discarded. Though prophecies and divine intervention abound in this mans life, he still meets a tragic end due to his careless arrogance. And them in the depths he rooted from their foundations that they might forget the mainland. Zeus and Poseidon (or Apollon) destroyed the island and its population, but spared Dexithea and her sisters, daughters of Damon (or Demonax), the chief of the Telkhines, because Makelo had entertained the two gods : in Callimachus Makelo (Macelo) is mother of Dexithea who is also spared with her, in Ovid and the scholia she is her sister and loses her life because her husband had offended the gods. They were entombed by the Elders after they imbued a group of mortals with the powers of the Gods to defeat them. [84][ISBNmissing] Magicians and skeptics have argued that Kulagina's feats could easily be performed by one practiced in sleight of hand, or through means such as cleverly concealed or disguised threads, small pieces of magnetic metal, or mirrors. [105][106][107], Notable portrayals of psychokinetic and/or telekinetic characters include the Teleks in the 1952 novella Telek;[108] Carrie White in the Stephen King novel and its three film adaptations, Carrie;[109] Ellen Burstyn in the 1980 healer-themed film Resurrection;[110] the Jedi and Sith in the Star Wars franchise;[111] the Psychic-type Pokmon in the Pokmon franchise,[citation needed] the Scanners in the 1981 film Scanners;[112] Matilda Wormwood in the 1988 children's novel Matilda and its 1996 film adaptation;[113] three high school seniors in the 2012 film Chronicle;[114] Eleven as well as Vecna and various lab children from the Netflix series Stranger Things;[115] Silver the Hedgehog in the Sonic the Hedgehog game and series franchise;[116] Ness from the Mother franchise[citation needed] and Shin Seok-heon in the 2018 film Psychokinesis. Aeneas is a Trojan hero in both Greek and Roman mythology, though he is more prominent in the Roman tales. 281 ff : Classical mythology in western art and literature, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Telchines&oldid=1129785042, Legendary tribes in Greco-Roman historiography, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 27 December 2022, at 03:25. [9] Known female Telchines were Makelo, Dexithea (one of Damon's daughters),[10] Halia[11] and probably Lysagora (the attesting text is severely damaged).[12]. 1. telekinesis erebos wikipedia web erebos grek latin erebus personifierade Achilles was a Greek hero, most famous for his part in the Trojan War. Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about telekinesis. 2. Demigods were the offspring of a deity and mortal, half-gods, who were invariably renowned for their courage, leadership and great strength. Withal the insolence and the lightning death and therewith the wizard Telkhines (Telchines) and Demonax, who foolishly regarded no the blessed gods, did the old man put in his tablets, and aged Makelo (Macelo), mother of Dexithea, whom alone the deathless gods left scatheless, what time for sinful insolence they overturned the island. ", Strabo, Geography 10. 'movement'[1][2]), or telekinesis[3] (from Ancient Greek: , lit. Parapsychologist Stanley Krippner observed Vinogradova rub an aluminum tube before moving it allegedly by psychokinesis. Of their number Lykos (Lycus) went to Lykia (Lycia) and dedicated there beside the Xanthos River a temple of Apollon Lykios (Lycius). 5 (trans. These strange sea-daimones were sometimes described as having the heads of dogs and fish-fins for hands. and Strab. Etymology of telekinesis. [49] Other experiments designed to create an illusion of psychokinesis have demonstrated that this depends, to some extent, on the subject's prior belief in psychokinesis. (Diod. Hemera was the daughter of Erebus the god of darkness and Nyx, the goddess of night. One held a tall firtee; one had a cornel, trunk and roots and all; one broke off the peak of a cliff and rushed against the Indians, whirling his darting rock with furious arms and crushing the foe.". To save this word, you'll need to log in. These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'telekinesis.' [33] The gods (Zeus, Poseidon or Apollo) eventually killed them because they began to use magic for malignant purposes;[34] particularly, they produced a mixture of Stygian water and sulfur, which killed animals and plants[13] (according to Nonnus, they did so as revenge for being driven out of Rhodes by the Heliadae). Epic Wall Builder. The eternally appealing idea of moving an object remotely, using only psychic powers, has had a long life in films, TV shows, stories and novels, video games, and comics. Meta was a Titan, a group of powerful god-like beings that tyrannized the world in the time of Ancient Greece. Gaia or Gaea (Ancient Greek: ) was the personification of the Earth itself. Tactical Battle Simulator. The panel heard from a variety of military staff who believed in PK and made visits to the PEAR laboratory and two other laboratories that had claimed positive results from micro-PK experiments. 36 ff (trans. He wasnt known for his skilled fighting. Now I have already described them before, but the number of the myths about them causes me to resume their description, filling up the gaps, if I have omitted anything. This theory of apparent mental causation acknowledges the influence of David Hume's view of the mind. [N.B. Retrieved $(datetime), from https://www.etymonline.com/word/telekinesis. Translates German Fernwirkung. ", Callimachus, Aitia Fragment 3. Cent. 1890, said in early references to have been coined by Alexander N. Aksakof (1832-1903) Imperial Councilor to the Czar, in Modern Latin, literally "motion at a distance," from tele- + Greek kinsis "movement, motion," from PIE root *keie- "to set in motion." [14][15][16] The term is a compound of the Greek words (psyche) meaning "mind", "soul", "spirit", or "breath" and (kinesis) meaning "motion" or "movement". He wasnt an ordinary artist. They were also the first, men say, to fashion statues of the gods, and some of the ancient images of gods have been named after them; so, for example, among the Lindians there is an Apollon Telkhinios (Telchinius), as it is called, among the Ialysians a Hera and Nymphai (Nymphs), both called Telkhinian and among the Kameirans (Camirans) a Hera Telkhinia (Telchinia). Angelique Cottin (ca. [72][73], Polish medium Stanisawa Tomczyk, active in the early 20th century, claimed to be able to perform acts of telekinetic levitation by way of an entity she called "Little Stasia". "[91] In the late 1970s, British psychic Matthew Manning was the subject of laboratory research in the United States and England, and today claims healing powers. l. c. ; Strab. Girard later admitted he sometimes cheated to avoid disappointing the public, but insisted he had genuine psychic power. But Skelmis [one of the Telkhines] left the caves of the waveless deep, and drove his father's unwetted car, to tell them the tidings in their sorrow that Dionysos was coming back. [40]:2730, In 1979, Evan Harris Walker and Richard Mattuck published a parapsychology paper proposing a quantum explanation for psychokinesis. [22][23] Thus, they were called Alastores for supervising the ceaseless wanderings of people and Palamnaioi for pouring the water of Styx with their palms and hands in order to make the fields infertile. [7][11][12][13], The word psychokinesis was coined in 1914 by American author Henry Holt in his book On the Cosmic Relations. She is described in Greek mythology as the goddess of the hunt, which led to her often being depicted as a huntress, carrying a bow and arrow; in addition to being the goddess of the hunt, she . 6 Odin (God Of War: Ragnarok) Odin serves as the final boss in God of War: Ragnarok, bringing Freya into your group to defeat him once and for all. Uranus (also known as Ouranos or Caelus) is the primordial Greek god of the sky. [14] Rhodes, and in it the three towns of Cameirus, Ialysos, and Lindos (whence the Telchines are called Ialysii[15]), which was their principal seat and was named after them Telchinis[13] (Sicyon also was called Telchinia[16]) and by some accounts, their children were highly worshiped as gods in the said three ancient Rhodian towns. : Callimachus, Hymn 4 to Delos 28 ff (trans. Aphrodite caused Zeus to fall in love with mortal women, and Zeus decided to get payback. [20][21], In parapsychology, fictional universes and New Age beliefs, psychokinesis and telekinesis are different: psychokinesis refers to the mental influence of physical systems and objects without the use of any physical energy,[5][6] while telekinesis refers to the movement and/or levitation of physical objects by purely mental force without any physical intervention. I am doing some research on queer representation in ancient mythology, and I'm curious if anyone has any insight on stories or characters that depict a positive view of queer/transgender people in their societies. And men say that the Telkhines (Telchines) were also wizards and could summon clouds and rain and hail at their will and likewise could even bring snow; these things, the accounts tell us, they could do even as could the Magi of Persia; and they could also change their natural shapes and were jealous of teaching their arts to others. [46] Psychologist Robert Sternberg cites confirmation bias as an explanation of why belief in psychic phenomena persists, despite the lack of evidence: Some of the worst examples of confirmation bias are in research on parapsychology () Arguably, there is a whole field here with no powerful confirming data at all. [70][71] Other alleged PK mediums exposed as frauds include Anna Rasmussen and Maria Silbert. 1 (trans. Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. "[Vulcan-Hephaistos forges the cursed necklace of Harmonia with the help of the Telkhines (Telchines) :] Thereat, though taught mightier tasks, the Cyclopes labour, and the Telchines famed for their handiwork helped in friendly rivalry of their skill; but for himself [Hephaistos] the sweat of toil was heaviest. l. c. ; Eustath. 7 (trans. [85][86][87][88], James Hydrick, an American martial arts expert and psychic, was famous for his alleged psychokinetic ability to turn the pages of books and make pencils spin while placed on the edge of a desk. telekinesis: [noun] the production of motion in objects (as by a spiritualistic medium) without contact or other physical means. When letters make sounds that aren't associated w One goose, two geese. Proto-Indo-European root meaning "far" (in space or time). (Comp. Chil. The claim that quantum mechanics allows for the possibility of mental power influencing randomizersan alleged case of micro-PKis ludicrous since that theory respects the said conservation principles, and it deals exclusively with physical things. https://www.etymonline.com/word/telekinesis (accessed $(datetime)). ShowTrax. The energy would have to overcome the electromagnetic forces binding the atoms together, because the atoms would need to respond more strongly to the fifth force than to electric forces. Nyx (Greek: ), or Nox (in Latin) was the primordial / embodiment goddess of night and darkness. to C1st A.D.) : Perseus and his origins on Argos Perseus was thought to exist several generations [] Theseus Ms de este desarrollador. In Corinth before it is called Corinth, Bellerophon is born [], Castor is the twin brother of Polydeuces (Pollux in Latin), a pair of demigods. Mozley) (Roman epic C1st A.D.) : p. 771) describes them as marine beings without feet, the place of the hands being occupied by fins, though in the same page he also states that originally they were the dogs of Actaeon, who were changed into men. [14] Nymphs also are called after them Telchiniae. In 2016, Caroline Watt stated "Overall, the majority of academic parapsychologists do not find the evidence compelling in favour of macro-PK". Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : Diodorus Siculus, Library of History 5. A complete bibliography of the translations quoted on this page. [26], Cognitive bias research has suggested that people are susceptible to illusions of PK. ad Aen. He cites this feature as one of Irving Langmuir's indicators of pathological science. The United States National Academy of Sciences has criticized PK parties on the grounds that conditions are not reliable for obtaining scientific results and "are just those which psychologists and others have described as creating states of heightened suggestibility. Rhodes, and in it the three towns of Cameirus, Ialysos, and Lindos (whence the Telchines are called Ialysii, Ov. Eusapia Palladino, an Italian medium, could allegedly cause objects to move during sances. Send us feedback about these examples. ad Apollon. In general, however, in the popular piety of the Greeks, the myths were viewed as true accounts. In 1995, Wiseman and Morris showed subjects an unedited videotape of a magician's performance in which a fork bent and eventually broke.
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