There you have it, the best Duels decks in Hearthstone at this time. Mindrender Illucia is a 3 Mana Cost Legendary Priest Minion card from the Scholomance Academy set! I was looking at it more as a Madame Lazul sort of card when its really much more of a hand disruption tool. 4 Stars. Soul Shear can get the Job done! Card set: TB Cycle: Duels Hero dbfId: 63474 Card id: PVPDR_Hero_Omu Forest Warden Omu is a druid hero the player can choose in Duels . And again. It's best to play Illucia when you have no cards in your hand, or only very situational cards, limiting how much she can backfire. Then draw 1 card. Turn 5 bran + illucia = win Would laugh if you made someone shuffle albatrosses into their own deck. If you have the coin you can do it on turn 7, if not turn 8 (which is a bit harder).If you are playing against a no minions Mage, you can also play Mutanus the Devourer and take their quest reward too.Anyways, I just wanted to share my deck with you. ), Deck code: AAEBAQcPn6ED/KMD4swD3c0Ds94Dut4DxN4Dzt4DkeQDle0DqooEvIoEoY0E76QEv84EAAA=. Hearthstone Monthly Ranked Rewards: What do you get. It is still very viable in Duels. After choosing their Hero Power, the player can choose one of these following Signature Treasures to be added to the starting deck. is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. Obviously it is Quest Priest. 4 Holy Nova x 1. We do this by amassing coins via Gilded Gargoyle, playing Lorewalker Cho,. It wont even be necessary at all times: the explosive nature of this deck means that you can very quickly finish off opponents who opted for a greedier strategy. Mindrender Illucia is a legendary priest minion card, from the Scholomance Academy set. Go hurl yourself off a bridge. You seem to think this card will be played in order to gain upper hand in board and stuff but thats simply not how it goes, you waste your opponents resources and turn their cards against themselves with very little drawback if youre playing control. Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (12702 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (10520 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (10173 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (10233 MMR), Hearthstone Top Legend Decks for Festival of Legends | Weekly Report #215, Arcane Giant Kingsbane Rogue #2 Legend Edomiyu (Score: 28-16), Questline Druid #9 Legend kirayamatoXV (Score: 22-11), Hearthstone Runestones: What are they, how to get them & more. As long as you optimize your mana usage and maximize your tempo, you should be okay. You don't even have taunt. Seems like a very anti fun card. Advanced Duels Guide - With Example Decks And Treasure Tier Lists! What is great about this deck: Having a lot of card draw and armor stacking effects makes it hard for your opponent to finish the game even in the early levels This is another aggressive deck to go nuts with, and it goes to show that you dont have to ally with one specific class to perform well in Duels. Your strategy is to replay the quest reward with Grey Sage Parrot, then use Potion of Illusion to do so again. Do the two make the best of their buddy or do they waste the potential? From her interactions during Duels, Illucia appears to be an very strict teacher of shadow magic with an abrasive and dominating personality. His battlecry was so cool. Check out this Spell Priest Hearthstone deck for the United in Stormwind expansion. If you want to play the Priest class right now, you'll have to settle for . AceVT your facts are wrong. ), Deck code: AAEBAQcPgrACtd4D/ucDju8D1fEDlfYDlvYDl/YDmPYDz/sDnIEEpooEkLcEssEEjskEAAA=. Since the deck has a good foundation for a control deck, you can never go wrong with any of the offered card pools, leading to a comfortable 12-0 Duels run. A list of loot buckets for Priest can be found below: Each hero has their own selection of audio and written emotes that are produced in response to specific events. Hearthstone Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You play an incredible amount of cheap spells to burn your opponent down. It is very doable, though, and it is really tough to stop Omus card discounts once they get rolling. A great midrange deck with insane combo potential courtesy of Harpoon Gun and Hydralodon, Warsong Wrangler and The Rat King, Selective Breeder and Azsharan Saber, and really any combination of these cards. Nice Overgrowth. Any added spell synergies will make this build even stronger as you progress through your run. Don't forget to subscribe for more wild hearthstone content and hit the like button for the YouTube algorithm!Most Wild players suck at playing Mindrender Il. Do the two make the best of their buddy or do they waste the potential? Fun idea and I get where youre coming from but I dont think the card works that way. and B. they can do the same to you, except steal something from your deck too potentially. Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. You mind if I play ramp Priest? Priest is arguably the best control deck there is and, unless Galakrond somehow becomes obsolete, that wont change. She uses only shadow spells. So you play Exodia? Edit in Deck Builder . Like your opponent gets your hand as well next turn so not really great. Once you summon Il Blud, you can use its effect to Special Summon Goblin Zombie from the Graveyard. is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. Maximize your power plays and try to highroll with your combos as much as possible and spike your way to victory. (1 mana Give a minion +1/+1 and Rush, Poisonous, Taunt, Windfury, Divine Shield, or Stealth), Deck code: AAEBAeaABQ/1DZXNA/vOA5boA4j0A8j5A9D5A9P5A6SgBOWwBLi0BL22BLLBBJvUBKPUBAAA. This is a hyper-aggressive Rogue deck, one that can fully reload with a well-prepared Ace in the Hole to deliver even more burn damage. 2 Power Word: Feast x 1. 2023 Magic Find, Inc. All rights reserved. You dont play around them since youre control and youre reacting to their plays. Home Duels Decks (Duels) Priest Mindrender Illucia. Insta Craft in Gold, Control Priest meta. ), Deck code: AAEBAbGaBQ+foQP8owPizAPdzQOz3gO63gPO3gOG4gOV7QPK+wOqigS8igShjQTYowSOpAUAAA==. my third duel 12win(and first 12-0) with shadow priestLOCUUUUSTS!!! Hey there! Discover cards? So let's talk about the deck. It is still one of the weaker classes in the format, but serviceable if this is your favorite to play with! Not every Buddy should be in first position, therefore Leeman and Bene needs to act clever. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. This page is updated multiple times a week with the best Duels Decks! Your signature treasure gives you some late-game potential but you need to exert as much pressure as possible, as early as possible, to perform well with this deck. is an incredible ability that will allow you to keep up with the aggression. I better hold myself before I start swearing. Like i said there is a card with the exact same wording just exchange deck and hand with heropower and it does perma swap heropowers with bran, Every other word is the same so it will work exactly that way this is fact what you say is just your guess this will release as i said and will get turbo nerfed, And btw you cant double the effect of until your next turn but you can double the first part this is already proofen and happens with few cards, This will destroy wild until nerf 1 Wave of Apathy x 1. (Also because I love her so much :D), Youre clearly a priest player and Im not surprised one bit that youre excited to use this cancerous card lol. You start by picking your Hero, Hero Power and Signature Treasure, then build a 15 cards deck to take into rogue-like adventure against other players. Welcome to Duels, a new competitive Hearthstone game mode that changes every season! 3 Palm Reading x 1. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. She is my favorite card from this expansion! 3 Nazmani Bloodweaver x 1. Two mana destroy any combo deck is too much, Cant wait to play with this just to mess up a mill rouges final play xD, MY MASTER HAS RETURNED! You can do some truly disgusting things with this deck, especially once Wildheart Guff is online. (The game swaps back now for every swap made.). It can also completely destroy combo decks, wasting combo cards like Kael'thas Sunstrider and Archmage Vargoth at no value to them. 4 Cabal Acolyte x 1. The secret is to keep or discover in your deck Mindrender Illucia. ), Deck code: AAEBAZICD5voAvyjA4/OA5vOA6PRA4rgA63sA6+ABLCABImLBImfBK6fBNqfBLClBK7ABAAA. ), Deck code: AAEBAZ8FD4wB3QrK0QOR7AOL+AOoigSwigTgiwSLjQTunwTJoATWoASlrQSwsgSS1AQAAA==. You will rely on strong Rush synergies to keep up on the board and buff tools to eventually get your minions out of range. You have/draw her, you already have a somewhat threating board, then you drop whatever you can from your hand, play illucia. Would be a shame if you had no Antoidas, huh? Priest Decks - Mindrender Illucia. Strong targeting battlecry minions? I have made it to Legend with similar decks to this one in the Past (but mainly in wild). Quest and Control Priest exist in some form, but they aren't very good. How is this fair? Wildpaw Cavern and Azsharan Scroll give you a lot of juice to work with. Hearthstone Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. *Reads it once again*. Duels is one of Hearthstone 's smaller game modes, a sort of PvP Dungeon Run where you start with a fifteen-card starting deck and keep adding treasures and more buckets to it as you progress.. Yes, you can just not play all your amunition and hold something, but hey, a good aggro player already would do that he doesnt need to know your hand for that. Mindrender Illucia is a 3 Mana Cost Legendary Priest Minion card from the Scholomance Academy set! It goes to show Infernal Strike is still good: this build features the same sort of super-aggressive deck that dominated Standard before a bunch of balance changes. Pro Priest Decks. Class: Priest - Format: phoenix - Season: season-77. Of course, it is true that Illucia was hired in the Dark Priest deck and played the role of a finisher that blocks the opponent's one-turn play by holding the field, but until now, Illusia's role when employed in the Con Priest deck was 'combo of the wall deck' Interference' and 'stealing a specific card so that the opponent cannot use it' were . I think you may be right. Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Druid RamonLH_HS, Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Vanndar Stormpike (8493 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Reno Jackson (7423 MMR), Hearthstone Top Legend Decks for Festival of Legends | Weekly Report #215, Arcane Giant Kingsbane Rogue #2 Legend Edomiyu (Score: 28-16), Questline Druid #9 Legend kirayamatoXV (Score: 22-11), How many Players reach Legend in Hearthstone? At the start of the player's turn, the decks switch back and the player takes 4 fatigue damage. She was a powerful necromancer and corrupt aristocrat specializing in Shadow magic who taught at the Scholomance Academy with Headmaster Kel'Thuzad. Here are some of the best decks to play, each reaching 12 wins at high MMR. Intro: Due to the The Demon Seed, control and Reno decks are officially dead in wild. For this reason, deck-buffing cards like Survival of the Fittest and Luna's Pocket Galaxy are impossible to waste, since the buff goes right back to them. ), Deck code: AAEBAf0GD/4D4wXKqwOR5AOU6AO1nwSroAT0sQS+tASAtQTjvQScxwT1xwTu0wT+2AQAAA==. 2 mana 1/3 with battlecry: swap hands isnt that good. I am proud to see my favorite Boss from WoW get a card that abseloutly fits her. Signature treasure: Scales of JusticeHero Power: Power Up! Also anyone else realise this also trolls with cards that would add stupid stuff to the deck. Battlecry:Swap hands and decks with your opponent until your next turn. Sure you could play some of their minions if you played it a bit later than turn 2, but theyd also get a chance to waste your removal spells from hand. After a round, the player can choose one . It's super fun and vertitile, if you take it for a spin let me know how it does for you. I could be wrong though. On this page, you will find the Priest (Call of Madness) Decks to play! This is clearly a control card, but when do you play this? There is no way to stop itit ruins your whole gameplanI LOVE IT! Priest Cards. Honestly, nobody can tell how she goes. Gotta see. Combo: Equip a 2/2 Dagger. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. How to disable personalized shop offers in Hearthstone? Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (8718 MMR)(Mind Tether | Shadow Word: Void) March 24, 2023. Aggro Shadow Priest Priest 0 Raise Dead 2 1 Frazzled Freshman 2 1 Imprisoned Homunculus 2 1 Voidtouched Attendant 2 2 Kul Tiran Chaplain 1 2 Twilight Deceptor 2 3 Mindrender Illucia 1 4 Disciplinarian Gandling 1 5 Darkbishop Benedictus 1 Neutral 0 Desk Imp 2 0 Murloc Tinyfin 2 1 Also there are few ways to play around clearboards, your minions has specific stats that you cant change so you cant really save yourself from Mass Hysteria or Dragonfire Potion no matter what you do. Nice Imps! ), Deck code: AAEBAa+aBQ/o0AKe0gKb6AL8owOPzgOj0QOP5AOb6wPd9gOvgASJiwSwpQShtgSotgSuwAQAAA==. Even using cards inefficiently, like a Shadow Madness just to hit face or Edwin VanCleef with hardly anything on his Combo is fine, since this removes those cards from your opponent. A highlander control deck with Zephrys the Great, it relies on Priests incredible survival tools and Druids mana cheating to finish off the games. Hit their minions or own face. Try to stock up on Patches the Pirate, as many copies as possible, if youd like to get the most out of this deck. Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (6984 MMR) (Mind Tether | Shadow Word: Void) April 30, 2023; Hearthstone Wiki's database has been updated to Patch! Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? I cant wait to play her. [Update: April 2023], How to use Deck Codes in Hearthstone | Import & Export, Top Hearthstone Prince Renathal Decks Played at Legend (Standard & Wild). Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? Meme card. It is an aggressive deck now, and can pump out quite a bit of damage. Its just no fun to lose control of your own cards and seeing the opponent mess you up, this is as far as player control effects go in Hearthstone I guess.. Created: 8/6/2021 (United in Stormwind) View in Deck Builder Copy Deck For keman Registered User 5 5 Battle Tag: N/A Region: N/A Total Deck Rating 12 It shouldnt be nerfed but more of they should fix the system on which cards like this work cause it clearly should swap back twice as the triggers happen separately. Lady Illucia Barov was the wife of Lord Alexei Barov and the mother of Jandice Barov. Enjoy your Duels runs and best of luck getting to 12 wins in Heroic! Add in it would be hilarious to play if your hand was empty and its even more amusing. Duels is built around PvP-style Arena competition, but blends it with the more wacky on-the-fly deckbuilding of the Dungeon Run solo adventures. Mindrender Illucia might be one of the most difficult cards to play correctly in the history of Hearthstone. Important combo piece? Control and Reno decks usually destroy hyper aggro, so them being gone allows Aggro Priest archetype to work. Be very Careful if your playing Control or Handful becuase Priests WILL USE This to interrupt your turn. Why take other peoples cards when yours are better? Signature treasure: Valorous Display (Allied: Warrior)Hero Power: War Commands (2 mana Draw a Neutral minion that costs (3) or less. The only real bad side to using this card is if your opponent gets to play your Galagrond and stuff. However, your opponent will have the ability to do the same to you, and will even draw a card from your deck at the start of their turn. Does this card also swap resurrect pools? After a round, the player can choose one of three loot buckets, each of which includes either three cards or none, and add them into their current Duels deck. 3 Shadow Madness x 1. Hearthstone Duels Deck: 12 Win Priest (Mindrender Illucia) by Ghostdog_HS [ | Patch 18.6 | October 2020] Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? You might be looking for one of these cards: Infiltrator Lilian. Found this decklist from Clark HELLSCREAM who made a great video guide (see below). Totally destroys every deck in wild with bran. Against control is meh(depending of what you are against? 4 Brittlebone Destroyer x 1. Coulda sworn I used it and the opponent rezzed my Siamet. Ok, lets get serious. Good luck killing an all in carddraw early removal priest before turn 6. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! Today, Blizzard announced the upcoming 18.0.2 balance patch, and it looks like we landed two predictions correctly: Kael'thas Sunstrider and Mindrender Illucia are both getting a whack from the . Infiltrator Lilian is a rogue hero the player can choose in Duels. Stop spreading miss information and lear to double check your so called hard facts, Also, regardless, you were kind of a dick to Thraben without any real reason. It has a lot of sustainability due to the lots of low cost cards, that can help you make it to late game, and also generate lots of value due to discover new spells, such as Pandaren Importer, Entrapped Sorceress and Venomous Scorpid. Then they can just see what removal to play around. Though the format is regularly spiced up with new content releases, extra heroes and replacement rotations, the strategies and the decklists above should serve as a great starting point for deckbuilding ideas even after changes are made to the format. Perma swaps deck on turn 6, Fill your deck with earlygame removal and carddraw only and win the game as soon as you swap decks you cannot lose, This card will create the best deck in wild history, You can only tec with secrets like poly potion or explosive runes, And no this card will not double swap back there is a card that swaps heropowers and with bran he will swap perma and it is the exact same card text, Illucia priest deck will be tier 0 wild until card text changes. Hearthstone Duels Deck: 12 Win Priest (Mindrender Illucia) by Ail_hswild (Mind Tether | Shadow Word: Void) ), Deck code: AAEBAaIHD9QF7gb7D5LoA6rrA6aKBJSfBK2gBK+gBIqwBLLBBIrJBP3TBJjbBJrbBAAA. She does not think much of her fellow faculty besides Archwitch Willow, who she acknowledges as having "some skill.". Rokara and The Rat King will give you great late-game value should it become necessary. Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. Control Priest depends on the Meta. Hearthstone Runestones: What are they, how to get them & more. How to disable personalized shop offers in Hearthstone? Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? And then take it! Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. It could be decent against other control decks, but with power levels right now, Im not sure youd want to. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! When playing Illucia, you have the opportunity to waste your opponent's resources, giving you board advantage and effectively discarding cards from their hand. Home Duels Decks (Duels) Priest Mindrender Illucia Page 2. Dont dilly-dally around: face is the place! Aside from being the Ultimate Combo Breakernobody can tell how strong this card it. This straight up removes the biggest weakness of a control deck by eliminating any OTK combo decks. The opponent has 0% of chance to deal with your board since you don't have board clears as a shadow priest and cheap minions won't do anything in that situation. Mindrender Illucia's effect does not switch. You would just have to be sure your valuable cards either werent in hand or were already played. Great combo breaker but I cant think of decks that want to run this as control priest almost never has empty hand thanks to galakrond but if tempo priest is viable maybe it could consider using this as a way to disrupt your opponent afer running out of cards. Oh God I can just imagine the combo breaking potential of this card. Your hand and deck gets swapped back the next time you take a turn. Shortened name is now Illucia (previously: no name). Use it for yourself. 4 Priest of the Feast x 1. Signature treasure: BonecrusherHero Power: Survival Training (2 mana Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero, then give a random friendly minion +1 Attack. This is very good and it was a MUST in this game. Not every Buddy should be in first position, therefore Leeman and Bene needs to act clever. , Whatever, is still good. After the school's corruption, her undead shade continued to haunt the halls of the Academy, unleashing powerful and deadly Shadow attacks on living adventurers. is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. When the opponent takes extra turns, they will not swap back cards and deck until they spend all their extra turns. Somehow I didnt read the last sentence of your comment, whoops.. Then its all good and yeah youre right that deck will be beyond busted.. It might be that this card will end up being another Temporus/new Aviana effect and never sees play (aside from combo disruption) when people realize its flaws.