| |38 |club fighting +3, Cleave 3% | |69.00 |17 | How does armor of creatures affect damage taken by players? ||Crystal Ring | |15 ||Gloomy Poisonous Fungi (Unlit) | The official | |druids|Stitched Mutant Hide Legs | | | |distance fighting +3 | | | |65 |46.00 |400 | | | | Age calculator. ||Wooden Spellbook |knights and paladins|Crystalline Armor | | Email me at this address if my answer is selected or commented on: Email me if my answer is selected or commented on. ||Glass of Goo | | |18 | |earth +4% |35.00 |31.00 |100 Tibiantis Info is a fansite of Tibiantis - 7.4 Open Tibia Server. | ||Hat of the Mad |3 |30.00 | There are two main kinds of damage: Physical Damage and Magical Damage. |10.00 | | |17 |9.30 | |earth +7% ||Prismatic Boots | |0 | | |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Distance) |10.00 |66.00 | |270 |1 |0 | | | | | | |druids|Arcanomancer Folio |110 |45 |0 | |9 | |19.00 |270 |19.89 |20 ||Friendship Amulet | | |6.00 |axe fighting +3 |6 ||Axe | |17.00 | |25.00 |115.00 |hard drinking |150 The result is that the target loses Hitpoints (or Mana if using Magic Shield spell or an Energy Ring). |sorcerers and druids|Gnome Helmet | | | |0 | | |90 | |200 | | |31 |2 |druids|Belted Cape |sorcerers|Farmer's Avenger | | Current skill % to next. |69.00 |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% | |earth +3% | |0.90 | | ||Golden Warlord Sword |28.00 | |61.50 | | |10.00 |100 |95.00 | ||Wereboar Loincloth |28 ||Small Dragon Tear | |holy magic level +1 Weapon charges. | | | | | | | |druids|Mutated Skin Legs |19.00 |distance fighting +1, speed +20 |46.00 |0.80 |25.00 ||Firewalker Boots | | |65 | ||Terra Boots | |0 |sorcerers|Katana | | | |89.00 |21 |ice +3%, energy -3% ||Devourer Core |0 |65 ||Short Sword ||Deepling Ceremonial Dagger |2 |sorcerers and druids|Zaoan Helmet | |75 |45.00 |magic level +1 | |30 |28.50 ||The Epic Wisdom | | | | |120.00 | ||Gold Medal | | |5.70 | | |20 | | | | | | | | | |22 |38.00 | |magic level +3 | |10 | | | |druids|Lion Wand | |sorcerers and druids|Thundersoul Tabard |220 |25 |2 | ||Bronze Medal Winter Update 2021 brings three new effects that can be added to weapons, armor and helmets using the Exaltation Forge. | | | | |52.00 |80 | Starting level: Target level: (Optional) Exp per hour (in kk/h): (Optional) Hours hunting per day: TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. ||Jade Zaoan Pawn | | | | |6 |30 |31 |13 |11 |11 | | | | | ||Pair of Earmuffs |18 |75 | | | |54.00 | ||Bonelord Shield | |1 | |30.00 |knights|Slayer of Destruction |30 |1 | ||Life Ring | |11.50 | | |1 | | Loyalty points. |distance fighting +1 | |100 | Hits calculator. |fire +12%, ice -12% | |37 |9.00 | | |61.50 |35 ||Dark Whispers | | | | |126.00 ||Relic Sword |65.00 | | ||Lightning Legs |120.00 |120 |300 | | | |6 |8.00 | |40 | |magic level +3 | |18.00 | | |12 |49.00 |20 | |90 |70 | |knights|Royal Scale Robe | | |death +6% | | | |axe fighting +4 |5.00 | |ice +3% |0 Tibiastats spell damage was last updated in 2009, wiki formulas were last updated in 2012. |5.00 | | | | |50.00 |150 | |200 | |ice +5%, energy -5% ||Sorcerer Test Weapon Test ||Depth Scutum ||Energy Cranial Basher |ice +7% | |31 | |12 | | |1 |200 | | |48.00 | | |3 ||Haunted Blade | | | Created by Kusnier. |3.00 |69.00 | Calculator for the Hot Cuisine event, get the ingredients very fast. | | | | |20 | | |63.00 | |fire +4% | |energy +4% | ||Lit Torch (Quest) |65 | |32.00 |82.00 |75.00 This is official post from the balance: https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5836. | Guilds in Tibia: 2735 People in guilds: 210981 Random guild: Exemplary Citizens The most guilds: Antica (122) The least guilds: Zuna (1) Avg . | |59.00 |66.00 |33 | ||Jungle Quiver | | | |20 | | |27 | | |200 | | ||Torch of Change |75 | ||Broken Wedding Ring | | | |knights|Lion Spellbook |63.00 |knights|Zaoan Armor | | | | | |18 |knights and paladins|Zaoan Robe | | | | It will enable you to talk to each of them to learn all sorts of interesting tidbits about the Tibian world and to get to know them on a more personal level. | |300 |10 | | | |86.00 |5.00 | |0 | | | |65.00 |28.50 | | |2 |5.00 |30 |10.00 | | |150 | | |magic shield ||Christmas Branch |8 | |7 ||Diamond Necklace ||Chain Legs |27.00 |17.00 | | Unjustified kills. | ||Master Archer's Armor |sword fighting +3, Cleave 3% | |60 |6 |magic level +2, healing magic level +2, mana leech 1% |0 | |sword fighting +3 ||Springsprout Rod |magic level +1 | ||Tiara of Power | | | | ||Werewolf Amulet | | | | | | | | | | |12 |physical +4% | |80 | |physical +10% | |40.00 |55.00 |knights|Soulbleeder |sorcerers|Wand of Draconia |18.00 ||Anglerfish Lamp (Unlit) ||Zaoan Sword |55.00 |0 | |sword fighting +3 |22 ||Purple Flower Lamp (Lit) | | |90.00 |24.00 | | |knights|Coconut Shoes | | |0 | | |5.00 | | ||Throwing Knife |68.00 | | |9 |28.00 |29 |32.00 | |energy +8%, physical +6%, ice -2% |20 | | |33 |18 |14 |knights|Eldritch Greataxe | | | | |22.50 |0 |30 | |30 |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Amulet |sorcerers and druids|Energy Barbarian Axe ||Sword |4.55 ||Table Lamp | | ||Bone Sword |36 | | | |105.00 ||Hammer of Destruction | | | |20 | | ||Iron Helmet |life drain +50% | |25.00 |distance fighting +3 |41.00 ||Torch (Small) | |knights|Firemind Raiment |paladins|Necromancer Shield | |10 | | | |50 | |19 | | |1.55 |8 | | | ||Crystal Lamp (Store) | |25.50 |37 | |5.50 | |11.00 | | |12 | |22.00 | |90.00 |69.00 | ||Mace | | |0 |38.00 |45.00 |physical +60%, earth +40% |druids|Halberd |druids|Arcanomancer Sigil ||Torch | |32 This tool calculates the time it will take you to reach your target skill while offline or online training. | | | |28.50 | |knights and paladins|Fiery Rainbow Shield ||Tagralt Blade ||Shimmer Wand |sorcerers|Wand of Defiance |druids|Oriental Shoes |38.00 | | | |magic level +1 | | | |18 |knights|Ragnir Helmet |50.00 |physical +60%, ice +40% | |18.00 | | | |6.00 |25.00 | |5.00 |knights and paladins|Gill Legs Join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date! |5.00 | | | |fire +5% |70 |23.00 |knights and paladins|Depth Calcei | - Distance training for paladins, Join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date! |12 |2 ||Ferumbras' Hat |80.00 | | |20.00 | | |13.00 | | |physical +7%, ice +7% | ||Post Officer's Hat |druids|Musician's Bow | | ||Tortoise Shield |25.00 | | |9 | | | |50 | |knights|Crystal Necklace |68.00 |38.00 | |magic level +1 | ||Mystic Blade |25 |physical +5% |180.00 | ||Zaoan Wall Lamp (Lit) | |4 ||Summer Dress |0 | |earth +5%, fire -5% |fire +8% |20 | | | | | | |26 | |15 ||Ice Rapier | |magic level +1 |39.00 |energy +4% | | ||The Lion's Heart | |9 |3.60 | | |physical +3%, earth +7% |31 | |magic level +2 |80 | | |55.00 |18 |9.00 | |knights|Fiery War Hammer |80.00 |13.00 | |8.50 |35 | | |45.00 | |physical +3%, fire +15% | ||Fiery Dragon Slayer |33 |18.00 | | | | | | |magic level +2 |paladins|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Magic) | |250 |magic level +5 |magic level +2 | | |99.00 |magic level +2 |fire +5%, earth +5%, energy +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%, physical +5% | |26 |0 | | |druids|Jungle Wand | |paladins|Soulshroud |70.00 | | | |120.00 | |sword fighting +4 | |2.90 | |16 |20 ||Deepling Staff | |9 |fist fighting +6 ||Symbol of Sun and Sea | |distance fighting +4 ||True Heart of the Sea |knights|Clerical Mace | | | |sorcerers and druids|Magician Hat |42.00 |35 | |80 | |24.50 | | | |knights|Energy Heroic Axe | |knights and paladins|Dark Armor |0 |400 | |14 | |earth +6% | |sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 | | | |55 | ||Boots of Homecoming | |69.00 |24 |club fighting +3 |50.00 |40.00 | | |19 | |16 |3.50 ||Dragon Robe ||Sea-devil Wall Lamp (Lit) | | | |magic level +1 |0.85 | |48.00 ||Pendulet |18.00 |38.00 | |fire +10%, ice -10% | | ||Axe of Destruction |knights|Naga Wand ||Chopper of Destruction | |100 | ||Butterfly Ring | | |35.00 |28.00 |50.00 | | | | | |50 | |death +5% |11 |75 | | | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Brass Shield |0 ||Burial Shroud | |150 ||Terra Helmet | ||Thaian Sword | | | | | |16 | | | |5 | ||Lit Rainbow Torch | ||Jade Hat |physical +4% Activate counters to know when you can kill a certain boss again. |0 | |14 |knights|Soulmantle ||Icy Spike Sword | ||Daramian Mace |6 |axe fighting +3 | | |25 | | | ||Fiery Blacksteel Sword | |physical +5% | |18 | | |220 |knights|Earth Headchopper | | |150 |38.00 Calculate the price of Tibia Coins by amounts, updated prices for Mexico. |20 | |knights|Umbral Master Axe |88.00 | |6 | | |26 |18 | | | |200 | | |29.00 ||Shield of the White Knight | |10.00 | |65 | |100 | |6.00 Created by Kusnier. | |0 | | | | |32.00 |29.50 ||Party Hat | | |distance fighting +2, sword fighting +2, axe fighting +2, club fighting +2 | | | |18 | |ice +11%, energy -3% |84.50 | |2 |400 | |0 |2.00 |5.00 TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. |sorcerers and druids|Trousers of the Ancients | |2 ||Jungle Bow | | | | | |0 | |knights|Earthmind Raiment |4 |knights|Naga Club |69.00 |68.00 | | |60 | |18 | | ||Beastslayer Axe | |170.00 |300 | |9 |40.00 |knights and paladins|Grasshopper Legs ||Pair of Iron Fists | |knights and paladins|Falcon Shield |0 |270 |40 | |distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1 | ||Light Mace |magic level +3 | ||Family Signet Ring | | ||Ornamented Shield | |shielding +1 |magic level +1 |19.00 |12 | | The skills shown in game are the character's base skills with the account's loyalty bonus. |300 | | |37.00 | ||Candelabrum |85.00 ||Crown Legs | |54.00 | | | |10.00 |fire +7%, ice -7% |95.00 | | |130.00 |druids|Unliving Demonbone |39.00 ||Zathroth' Redeemer | |knights|Muck Rod |25.00 | | |19.00 | | | | |200 |magic level +3 | | | | |sorcerers|Demon Legs |75.00 | | | |8.50 |paladins|Shimmer Rod | |sword fighting +1 |65 | | ||Suspicious Device |52.00 | ||Sulphur Blossom Lamp (Lit) |8.30 |knights|Dragonbone Staff |35.00 | | |54.00 | | | |0.80 |23 |club fighting +3 |28.50 |20 | | |35 | | | |paladins|Yalahari Mask ||Rhodolith Necklace | |paladins|Zaoan Legs |knights|Painted Gourd Rattle ||Antler-Horn Helmet |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% |220 |magic level +4 | | | |400 |12 |fire +8%, ice -8% | ||Icy Rainbow Shield | ||Enchanted Blister Ring | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Golden Boots |31 |sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 | | ||Curly Hortensis Lamp (Lit) |knights and paladins|Ranger's Cloak ||Mythril Axe | |druids|Cobra Sword |110.00 | | | | |25 | | | | The formulas used are from TibiaWiki and some multipliers are from TibiaStats. | |14.00 |82.00 | | |energy +3%, earth -3% ||Heavy Mace |9 | ||Red Tunic | |sorcerers and druids|Firesoul Tabard | The only rune that does not cause magical damage is the Explosion rune, several instant spells are available for knights but the only non-knight spell that doesn't cause magical damage is Physical Strike. Magical Damage cannot be blocked, and the damage it inflicts is not reduced by the target's armor. |3 I have just updated my site and added a new section for the character damage calculator. |magic level +3 ||Silver Necklace |15 |40.00 | |0.40 |holy +8% | | agree to their use. |5.00 |25 |physical +4%, energy +6% |7 | Percentage Reduction This formula have to be applied for every single item that has percentage reduction. | |sorcerers and druids|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Sword) | ||Calopteryx Cape | |30 | | | |magic level +4, earth magic level +1, Magic Shield Capacity +80 and 8% ||Dragon Slayer | |145.00 | ||Vampire's Signet Ring | | |80.00 | ||Light of Change | | | | |18 | |8 | | | | ||Emerald Necklace |3 | ||Damaged Helmet | | | | | |75 ||Rod of Destruction | |35 | |6.50 | |22 | | |paladins|Dark Wizard's Crown | | | | | This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. | ||Dwarven Shield | | | | | | | | |37 Level calculator. |earth +8%, fire -8% |89.00 | |48.00 ||Alchemist's Notepad |58 | | | ||Fur Cap You will find here a knowledge base, calculators and various statistics. |12 |paladins|Gilded Eldritch Claymore | | | | |knights|Umbral Master Mace |32.00 |19.00 | ||Yalahari Armor | | | | | | | |5.00 Damage is the result of some kind of attack. |80 | |25.00 | |72.00 | |death +3% | |20 |knights|Glacial Rod | ||Depth Lorica |0 | |8.00 | |distance fighting +2 | | | | | |150 |2.00 |48.00 | |72.00 |physical +4%, fire +2% | Cookie Notice | | | | | |9 |1 | Sorcerer Druid. | | | | | | ||Exotic Amulet |0 |66.00 |physical +3% |paladins|Yetislippers |paladins|Royal Spear |6 |120 | |11 | ||Eldritch Breeches |distance fighting +3 | | | |knights|Cobra Club | |10 |35 | | | | |7 |33 | |earth +12%, fire -12% | | |knights|Taurus Mace |85 | | |10 It is clear the buff from the latest balance changes are not applied to the character level bonus in the formula. | | Stamina calculator. | | | |knights|Spiky Club |79.00 | | | ||Arboreal Tome |0 Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | | ||Rubbish Amulet | | |50.00 | | | | | |22 ||Solar Axe |63.00 | |100 | Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | | |35 | | |19.00 | |knights|Fabulous Legs | |magic level +4 | | |druids|Gilded Eldritch Wand | T.H.A.I.S. |faster regeneration | |magic level +3 |46.00 |fire +5%, ice -5% | | ||Flower Wreath |25.00 |6 |58.00 | |15 | | | ||Icy Mystic Blade |16 ||Cranial Basher | |paladins|Twiceslicer ||Scarab Amulet | |31.00 |58.00 | |300 | |magic level +2 | | |85.00 ||Lunar Staff | | ||Buckle | | | | |2.00 | | | | | | |31.00 | | |10 |0.90 Stephan van der Meijden 2023. ||Strange Talisman | | | ||Helmet of the Deep | |50.00 |paladins|Crude Umbral Hammer ||Ice Hatchet |50 | |50 | |85 | | |knights and paladins|Leather Boots | |15 | ||Mean Knight Sword |12.50 ||Luminescent Fungi (Lit) | | |14 |4 | |84.00 |70 |82.00 |8 | | | | | | Blacklist. |magic level +1 |200 |180 ||Jerom's Family Necklace |sword fighting +5 |0 | |sword fighting +1 |50 | | ||Incredible Mumpiz Slayer | | | | |4.20 |47.00 | | |2 | | | | | | |club fighting +2 |paladins|Divine Plate |1 | |knights|Glooth Spear | |24 ||Earth Barbarian Axe |knights|Umbral Master Crossbow |sorcerers and druids|Rusty Winged Helmet |60 |knights|Earth Heroic Axe |97.00 |3 | |40 |knights|Metal Bat |9 | | ||Shrunken Head Necklace |20 | |, | |1 |0 |sword fighting +1, axe fighting +1, club fighting +1 | |70.00 | | |20 Find out how many exercise weapons, time and money would cost to achieve your desired skill The tool assumes: - Magic level training for mages (Druids & Sorcerers) - Melee (Axe/Club/Sword) training for . |1 | | | |2.00 | ||Tatty Dragon Scale Legs |270 | | | | ||Silver Mask |21.00 |33 | |sorcerers|Metal Spats |22.00 | | |37.00 | |15.00 |12 | |sorcerers and druids|Mammoth Fur Shorts | | |22.50 Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://www.mityz.com/tibia/character/calculators, https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5836. | |magic level +2 |82.00 |9 | ||Pirate Boots ||Galea Mortis | |11 |7 |52.00 ||Note About Two Souls | |sorcerers and druids|Wood Cape |22.00 ||Ring of Secret Thoughts (Charged) |5.00 | Weapons needed: - . | |1 | | | | |35 | | | |8.20 |11.00 |85 |11.00 | |15 | | | |15 |8.80 |42 |paladins|Ornate Legs | |60.00 |4.20 | |58.00 | | | |55.00 ||Luminescent Fungi (Unlit) |knights|Gnome Shield | |35.00 | |2 |47.00 |14 | | ||Leaf Star | |85 | | |52.00 | |123.00 | | |31.00 |24 |physical +3% |9.80 |0 |35 |39.00 ||Earth Orcish Maul |16 ||Earth Relic Sword | | ||Zaoan Wall Lamps (Lit) | The result is that the target loses Hitpoints (or Mana if using Magic Shield spell or an Energy Ring). |27.60 ||Dragon Eye (Replica) ||Furious Frock | | |druids|Snowball | |270 UPDATE 4: Decided to not follow TibiaWiki formula for EK spells. |7.50 |23.00 |1 |50 |7 |95.00 |80 |paladins and without|Rift Shield | |38 |9.00 |60 | | |10 | ||Hailstorm Rod |distance fighting +4 |druids|One Hit Wonder | |100 | |31.00 |55.00 |220 |61.00 This tool calculates the time it will take you to reach your target skill while | |magic level +2 | |59.00 |60 | | ||Crystal Boots |180 |27 There are also Creatures Immune to all Damage Types which means you can't hit them with any melee weapon, distance weapon, rod, wand, spell or rune. | | | | ||Broken Wooden Shield |distance fighting +1 |3.90 |45.00 |knights|Souleater (Axe) | | | |120 | | | |sorcerers|Traditional Shirt |12 | |sorcerers and druids|Glowing Rubbish Amulet | |sorcerers|Living Vine Bow | |physical +6%, energy +10% |drowning +100% | |67.00 | ||Traditional Neckerchief ||Jacket | |13 |60 |2 |82 | |healing magic level +2 |0 |150 | | |5.00 |41.00 | |270 |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Club) |0 |19 | |5.50 Join the TibiaQA team as a COMMUNITY MANAGER! |27.00 ||Onyx Flail |12.00 |100 |knights|Glooth Club |38.00 |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Vigilance | |120 ||Might Ring |0.80 | | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Enlightenment |knights|Frostheart Hauberk | | | | | |8 | |ice +12% |12.00 |70 ||Glooth Whip | |20 |fire +8%, ice -8% | | |paladins|Umbral Chopper | ||Heavy Trident | | | |sword fighting +2, axe fighting +2, club fighting +2 | | |knights|Quiver |54.00 | |19 ||Charmer's Tiara |16 | |78.00 | | | | |8.50 |44.00 |earth +10% |paladins|Collar of Green Plasma |60 |10 |35.00 | | |23.00 ||Helmet of the Ancients |62.00 | | | | |1.50 |100 | |ice +8%, energy -8% | | |knights|Icy War Hammer | | |36.00 ||Brass Legs |knights|Thunderheart Platemail |12.20 |ice +12%, energy -12% | ||Lion Axe | | |sword fighting +2 | |energy +8%, earth -8% | | |30 |ice +7%, fire -3% |4 |distance fighting +3 |speed +5 |45 |paladins|Sandals | |distance fighting +2 |10.00 ||Impaler of the Igniter | ||Dagger ||Ogre Choppa |150 ||Sacred Tree Amulet | |60 |fire +3%, ice -3% | |0 Disabled. | | |13.00 |axe fighting +4 |29 | website of Tibia is tibia.com. | | |45.00 | ||Blue Legs |5.00 | Expand the different rows to see the different magic levels, and expand the columns to see the min,max,avg, difference for each spell.