If Holy Love Ministries is real, it will submit to Church authority and ultimately the Lord will be vindicate it. Find me one theological errorjust one. Catholic doctrine is Catholic doctrine. I call upon every poster (and future ones as well) to ignore 3221. The Bishops subjects (you and me) are bound to obey him within the sphere of his authority. Are you actually claiming that the Bishop of his diocese has no authority to declare whether a place is operating within the Catholic faith? Then, when Gods authority on earth the Church speaks against the fraud, a number of otherwise good Catholics get caught in the trap. I understand this sort of devotion although Im much more cautious these days. In the past ten years I have been there twice. For once in 40 years the faithful have the opportunity to learn what their bishops should have been teaching them all along. If I believed Bishop Lennon is a corrupt bishop I would have said so. God bless youand Blessed Advent! Loyalty to the Church has never meant disregarding Truth. Love your name!!!!!! Priests United in Holy and Divine Love - Holy Love Messages Mary Speaks To Her Priest Sons - Messages The Lord Warns His Sacred Servants In The Christian Church Words From Jesus - Messages For Chosen Sons - Catholic Priests Heaven Speaks To Victims Of Clerical Abuse Heaven's Medicinal Plants WELCOME Featured / a soul Since he cannot FORBID Catholics from going there, he ADMONISHES them not to go. That is why we have the Church, so that what looks good on the surface doesnt lead us astray. I did not know rcspiritualdirection I have casorosendi.com (various languages) and primeraluz.org (Spanish only) lately many of my articles are being published in Brazil for some reason, so the Portuguese section is likely to grow a bit. 2 human hearts = 8 possible chambers. Now, some-, the things commanded by a Superior are against God. After the fateful Easter, the cross was removed from the field and Marino withdrew a request to build a 10,000-seat chapel and a seven-story, cross-shaped hotel. Such is the case with Holy Love. asks von Hildebrand. Who has the words of eternal life? I would also refer you to a little known text entitled, Faith is greater than obedience, by Fr. Yes, it is, replies Thomas of Aquinas together with every. May God bless you and your family this Christmas season. Just come here out of love. Now, unless you can prove Lennon is not doing this here, you have no grounds to say Lennon doesnt tell us his reasons, thus his Decree is unjust.. Your name kind of rings a bell. After the Bishops decree, I felt compelled to appeal to all Holy Love followers, to accept the fact that the Church has the authority to condemn this site. Questions remain. I did not save all the impassioned emails I received three years ago, but I did find similar comments on a site discussing Holy Love. Welcome. This is basic Canon Law. As for arguing about it, from what Im reading here, I dont think it would make any dent whatsoever, no matter how orthodox, learned, or convincing the argument. My question to you about obeying the bishopno matter what is to put before you where your blindness is going to lead you. There is nothing being preached there against the Faith.. Our Lady gave messages for priests and there were many conversions and charisms. I was put off regarding mention of Marys hair as well. Did she have one?That is the only way, plus obedience to the Church . Amen." I know my Catholic faith. God will bring out the truth. It may have started out valid ( I cannot think the devil would inspire her to make teardrop Rosary beads with a little fetus inside to pray against abortion) I love those Rosary beads (got them from some of the Rosary ladies at Church) and I think they are legit inspired. I now know to actively discern these things and what to look for. Its not wrong to go to a site where purported apparitions are occurring. And obviously, I am no way biased against mystics and visionariesin fact the entire Mystics of the Church website is in support of them. Padre pio asked why and Jesus turned and looked at his priests who were not tending the flock as they should. Or are you so out of it that you do not see that? We hear the Church when we follow Her official pronouncements. Barrier tags: condemnation , condemning , judgmental , prejudging 20 likes Like Excellent points Elizabeth. I am obedient to God first and am fully aware of being discerning. This whole discussion was initiated by those who are concerned with the error of those following HLM. Both her ignorance of Catholic doctrine, as well as her inability to think clearly became obvious for all to see. If she remarried in the Church, then she would have had to have the necessary paperwork done, simple as that! I just dont see the Blessed Mother doing this. I do not speak for the sake of speaking but to instruct and guide., If you choose not to listen, the future does not bode well for your country or for you yourselves. He cites canons 212 and 214. Thank you very much for your articles I found these videos of Holy Love on YouTube and several of them seem to be advertisements for the Donald Trump campaign: You had better vote for him or else God will inflict a terrible punishment on America. This does not sound like a unified condemnation story, now does it? It was a game changer for me. Hi Pat, He and a partner formed a corporation and bought hundreds of acres of land through donations. Ah! In the case of this particular apparition, no legitimate investigation was ever done. After all, if Jesus died for His Church, would He now send His Mother work around it? Did they suffer from mental illness and imagine it all? I am speaking about bishops who guide their sheep into error. The bishop is obligated to teach what exactly is wrong at Holy Love Ministries, and he does not because he cannot. It sought approval through official channels for several years, but instead, in 1999, the Catholic diocese issued a statement urging extreme caution. Here is one of St. Thomass conclusions vis-a-vis obedience: Nevertheless man is bound to obey his fellow-man in things that have to be done externally by means of the body: and yet, since by nature all men are equal, he is not bound to obey another man in matters touching the nature of the body, for instance in those relating to the support of his body or the begetting of his children. Resist him, firm in faith (1 Pet. Just knowing or reading these Commandments is not enough - you must internalize them and all they dictate in their simplicity. You would either have to be authentic and your announcement would be fulfilled or a fool. It is prideful to set oneself up over Church authority. Oh, there are always some of those, but for the most part, people are motivated by their love of God and their desire to experience Him in their lives to a greater degree. At that time, each priest, bishop, cardinal, pope. Marino eventually published more than 300 of the messages, dated from March 1991 to January 1992. Yet it is allegedly teaching the deep theology of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. A young woman in 1858 received 3 visitations from Our Lady. Very powerful miracle happened to me. It attributes whole malice to persons, effectively demonizing them. He has continued this pattern in Boston. So, instead, the devil uses a Catholic facade to lure them in. This kind of subtle and not-so-subtle message has been going on for decades at this place, slowly infecting the minds and hearts, the SOULS of Catholics. It has never been the Churchs position that free will keeps a soul from holiness. I would reply to you that the messages imply that the remnant faithful are those who adhere to Holy Love, i.e., you and those like you who continue to cling to the site. Do not judge those who do not. Mother Teresa replied that, if their kneeling was a problem, they would leave the diocese. I dont judge them or point fingers, but it is what it is. Well we are in the middle of 2015 and there has been nothing. Holy Church HAS spoken. I dont use my emotions to discern. He just doesnt like it. We do not have the power to stop grace from Marys Heart from flowing into OTHERS hearts, but, by our free will choice to reject the grace offered to us THROUGH Marys Heart, we can indeed prevent it from flowing into OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL HEART. Since he does not forbid it, people can therefore go and it also means HLM is not condemned.. Again, Madame, an admonishment IS a warning and a warning and/or admonishment (Same thinglook it up in the dictionary) is NOT A FORMAL COMMAND OF OBEDIENCE and does NOT NEED TO BE OBEYED. All grace flows through Marys Heart because (as was said above) she is the Mediatrix of all graces. The Church is where the full Catholic Faith is being taught and upheld. Finally, the Church has spoken authoritatively on Holy Love Ministries and its 83-acre site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine in Ohio. Tell me, 3221, where does the word admonishment (or another derivative form) appear in Lennons document? Did the early Chistians refuse to believe in Jesus because the local religious authorities objected? Thank you for posting that. Jesus warns us in the Bible, woe to them who follow but worse for that person who leads them to perdition. It is a definitive judgement that HLM is a false apparition. 3221, have you actually studied the Churchs theology of private revelation? For this reason, in preparation for writing to you, I did some research on the Catholic understanding of teh virtue of obedience. (5)The door to the soul is free will. Some take them in but then spit them out never assimilating them. Looking back on that message now, it was supposed to help me in my discernment of my vocation, but the message was general and vague. Me gusta practicartambien, es una avenida para los que no pueden entender el ingles bien. Especially when his expert remains unnamed and he will not speak about the specifics of his serious concerns? And, yes, Clevelands Bishop Lennon closed a number of churches and had to reverse some/all. According to The Morning Journal newspaper of Ohio, Bishop Lennons decree was issued Nov. 11, 2009: Having been directed by the Holy See (in Rome) to act definitively in the matter of the alleged apparitions and having reviewed the theological content of the alleged apparitions to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle and having consulted an expert in this matter, I declare that the alleged apparitions and locations are not supernatural in origin. Lennons decree states he forbid members of the clergy of any ecclesiastical jurisdiction to celebrate the sacraments on the site of Holy Love Ministries. She investigated and learned that there were enough red flags concerning these messages that it would not be prudent to visit. Oh my. The point, for me at least, is that the Bishop of the diocese has issued a decree admonishing the faithful to stay away. The decree, issued by the diocese, was issued at the sole discretion and discernment (opinion) of Bishop Lennon and one unnamed "expert". How could all these good fruits not be from God? He evidently does not realize that learning the full and true Faith as it is given to us by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church takes priority over obedience to him. God loves prayers and wants us to love Him back. Tell me, is this good and normal? You make some good points. It was the published messages from Marino that inspired our prayer group to form. They are bound to follow the dictates of the Church.and they cannot condemn what is not able to be condemned according to Church Law. Should a visionary obey ANYONE because of title? I have asked repeatedly in the on line conversation, following your article, for others to give to me one line from the messagesjust one linethat contradicts the full teaching of the Catholic Faith. Troll the internet for apparitions to mock? There is very little dealing with specifics, just continuous harping on Lenons decree.. You yourself are trying to be specific, but what you are doing is exhibiting your inability to think straight. In light of the above canons and the Christian obedience they speak of, whether it was a simple warning or explicit order forbidding people to go to HLM is irrelevant. We can either OPEN the door (cooperate with grace) or CLOSE the door( choose to REJECT the grace flowing THROUGH Marys Heart. Is this not akin to dismissing it all? 18: 17-18). Only one person of the Trinity has a human nature, which gives Him an actual heart. Have I seen you over at http://rcspiritualdirection.com/blog/ ? Translation for other readers: (I see you have a link to EWTN on your site primeraluz.org. Holy Love Ministries claims that Our Lady gave this message to Maureen Sweeney Kyle on July 2, 2001: "I see you are using the new Rosary of the Unborn. When will we learn to listen and obey the Holy Spirit??? Thank youand God bless you and yours Elizabeth, and all readers here, with a Blessed Advent and Christmas season, as well. This Page runs by volunteer MSHLs in order to spread the messages from the Heaven that given to a vi Holy Love Ministry | North Ridgeville OH As Catholics, we are to follow what they ask of us. What must be safeguarded for the faithful is authentic Church teaching and Sacred Scripture being understood properly. The math simply doesnt add up! Jesus and Mary would never, ever, ever, EVER counsel someone to be disobedient to the legitimate Church authority. All this is holy in nature but is not proof of authenticity of purported apparitions. However, once the Church has condemned a site and declared it off limits to clergy and laity, its a different ball game. the use of the word Cross here is meant to convey that one must consecrateset ones self apart for- entering into the sufferings of ones life with generous acceptance of Gods Will. You may have the trappings of it, but the Church is where the true Faith is taught, preserved, and nurtured in God and for God in order to lead us to God.. You keep following your canon law rule book, and you will still be studying it when the Church is underground and Mass is no longer available, nor the Holy Eucharist worshiped and LOVED in the institutional Church. Patti and her husband, Mark, live in North Dakota, where they raised their 10 children. Holy Love Ministry - Heavenly Messages In 90 Languages - Translation . The Church authorities were WRONG. I wish to look at the facts of HLMs case in syllogistic fashion. You wont be asking that question. I did not know about the divorce and remarriage. You seem to keep getting lost in trying to get others to explain whats wrong with HL, or whats wrong with the messages, or the countrys terrible bishops. It seems to me that she needed a Spiritual director. We are bound in matterwsof Faith and morals, not an advisement about an apparition that has not been officially condemned.
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