Social psychologist __________ examined group decision making among political experts and found that major blunders in U.S. history may be attributed to pressure toward group conformity. social boundaries She is embarrassed about having to wait tables, so she tries to make it clear to the customers that she is not interested in the job and is working at the restaurant merely to make some money until she graduates. d. Individual, Cody is a member of the L.A. Crips. b. Webers bureaucracy theorywhich was originally published in the early 1920s and translated into English in 1946has made many contributions to public administration literature. category A human rights framework can be used to evaluate processes and organization of institutions and their outcomes to see whether they represent fundamental human rights principles such as nondiscrimination, equity, and justice. c. Instrumental A(n) __________ is a group to which a person belongs and with which the person feels a sense of identity.. Political action committees b. b. affiliation a. d. Dyadic, The supervisor of the office has been informed that Sarah consistently extends her lunch hour by 30 minutes. Rules, whether they are considered red tape or not, also lead to rule behaviors. For Cody, these two rival gangs would be considered __________. part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes. Adler and Borys (1996) posit that bureaucracy can be enabling or coercive, where enabling bureaucracy may include features such as flexible procedures that allow room for discretion (and risk) and the development of procedures that reflect work experience. It is against this background that countless campaigns to humanize the bureaucracy have been launched. Overall, the presence (or, at least, perception) of red tape in organizations has negative consequences for employees and how they experience their work environment (George et al. The failure to express concerns and confront potential risk is an example of __________. the degree of social cohesion felt by participants is very important regarding how individuals respond to group pressure d. repetitive paradigm, A(n) __________ is a number of people who may never have met one another but share a similar characteristic (such as education level, age, race, or gender). Put another way, they are part of a career system, accept and maintain their positions freely, and can only be bossed around with respect to the impersonal duties of their offices (Shafritz et al. utilitarian c. putting organizational needs above competing responsibilities. The Relationship between the Bureaucracy and the Public. b. goal displacement b. Black or blue: Racial profiling and representative bureaucracy, Merit by any other nameRefraining the civil service first principle. No matter how low or small her role in the bureaucracy may be, every officeholder has a distinct contribution to make to the life of an organization. secondary category This is one of the primary reasons for the emergence of __________. b. a. A bureaucracy works when its operations are, at every point, made predictable. They are responsible for the observance of human rights. ___________ leadership is goal- or task-oriented. a. CEOs. a. Accountability and transparency: States and other duty-bearers such as bureaucracies must be transparent about their decision-making processes, actions, and omissions, and put redress mechanisms in place. Applying the terms for problems that are frequent within bureaucracy, this is an example of __________, Let Quiz 3/Business - Business Communications, Criminal Justice - Crime Violence and Schools QuixDoc 2, Quiz Facts 8. d. a greater emphasis on sharing information . Leisha DeHart-Daviss unbureaucratic personality (2007) is the bureaucrat who bends rules. Iron law of oligarchy 7 Decisions are made on behalf of the people by leaders who engage in a process of bargaining, accommodation, and compromise, A _____ is a currently valued style of behavior, thinking, or appearance that is longer lasting and more widespread than a fad, A homeless man appears at the door of a shelter 10 minutes after the deadline for intake. c. democratic d. collective unconscious, Leaders using the __________ style of leadership may be praised for their expressive, supportive behavior toward group members, but they may also be blamed for being indecisive in times of crisis. Over time, the emphasis has instead been on fair and equal treatment of those within the system: the understanding of what a merit-based system represents is shifting from a political context to a legal and social one, defining how employees are to be treated in public organizations (p. 1123). Webers term __________ refers to the process by which traditional informal and spontaneous methods of social organization are gradually replaced by efficiently administered formal rules and procedures. Indivisibility and interdependence of human rights: Human rights are indivisible, meaning that there is no hierarchy of human rights. A. In his study of bureaucracies, Weber relied on an abstract model that describes the recurring characteristics of some phenomenon (such as bureaucracy). __________ is measured by comparing a person's actual income against his or her expectations and perceptions. A new measure of red tape: introducing the three-item red tape (TIRT) scale. Automation in the public sector: Efficiency at the expense of equity? b. Robert Merton 112. a. People are most likely to feel empathy towards members of their in-group, but not towards members of their out-group, even when groups are assigned arbitrarily. b. Keiser, L. R., V. M. Wilkins, K. J. Meier, and C. A. Holland. b. This is all so ironic. c. generalized others It requires actors to pay special attention to disparities and methods of information sharing (e.g., accessible language and format and considering age, gender, and ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds). d. operational group, Two best friends, married couples, and domestic partnerships are each an example of a(n) __________. Sociologists term this awareness __________. Weber on bureaucracy: Management consultant or political theorist? b. grassroots helping employees focus on work Limitations of this article are also opportunities for future research. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes efforts to reduce the number Which of these is not a step in the process of the looking-glass self? All of these measures directly relate to the discussions on merit, neutrality, and rules discussed above. b. For example, Woodard (2005) argues that merit has become more related to compensation than to values driving the public sector workforce. a. postmodern theorists Appropriate emotions for a given role or situation, Answer: B. Interpret the meaning of the Y intercept, b0b_0b0, and the slope, b1b_1b1, in this problem. __________ is the term for the process by which members of a cohesive group arrive at a decision that many individual members privately believe is unwise. 8. To conclude, we argue that elements of bureaucracy require a rethinking and centering of human rights to be effective and equitable. Achieving equity in public organizations entails not only acknowledging existing inequalities and issues, but also active engagement toward a more equitable bureaucratic structure and addressing underlying structural conditions, such as education, living standards, and employment access. Social a. When a child experiences extreme neglect during their early years, it is easy to catch up on social development and language learning later in life. a. Solomon Asch A sample of 30 single-family houses listed for sale in Silver Spring, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC, is selected. 21 UDHR). d. totalitarian, The research conducted by Stanley Milgram and his colleagues provides evidence that obedience to authority __________. By providing an email address. But, as it happens, the social environment in which rules are applied is always more complex. Instrumental needs law and education, a. special interest groups b. the power elite. A greater emphasis on sharing information. Also, individuals who have an active stake in determining their affairs are more engaged and productive (Kappelman and Richards 1996). Our analysis shows that even though equity is considered one of the four pillars of public administration, it is severely lacking in public organizations. Weber relied on an abstract model that described the recurring characteristics of some phenomenon (such as bureaucracy) fit with the concept of ingroup as well as the others? d. Irving Janis, Which of these is not likely to constitute a reference group for a person who strongly believes in the value of human rights and equal opportunity? He is, refused shelter for the night because he arrived late. As the name makes clear, human rights designates individuals as rights holders. b. likely to constitute a reference group for a person who strongly believes in the. Ethical climate and rule bending: How organizational norms contribute to unintended rule consequences. Several employees at a fast-food restaurant call in sick at the last minute. Here, the concern is whether the employees staffing government agencies are responsive to the clients the employees serve. A corporate executive need not be able to program the department's computer system. d. dyad The source used here is the Gerth and Mills 1946 translation of Webers Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, originally published in German in 1922. Credit for this phrasing belongs to one of our anonymous reviewers. This is achieved by formulating clear rules and criteria, and limiting the scope for personal discretion. subjects chose to conform to the incorrect responses of Asch's assistants about onethird (33 percent) of the time, __________ suggest that groups involve unequal power relationships so that not all members of a group are not equally likely to have their needs met. Training on HRBA and program and meta-evaluations have been shown to increase human rights and equity practices, especially regarding engagement with stakeholders (both internal and external), systematic commitment to equity, and in finding new ways of interconnection (Schmitz 2012). Kaufmann et al. Psychology - What is Psychology? Equity in this context is grounded in distributive justice and strives to create equality of opportunity and to counter suppression or marginalization based on specific characteristics, such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or socioeconomic status. While we cannot directly attribute these federal employment patterns to failed nondiscrimination policies, these studies show more work to increase nondiscrimination, diversity, and equity is necessary. Human rights enter the conversation around bureaucracies and ideals in two ways: (1) employees are human beings with human rights that need to be respected and (2) public bureaucracies represent governments, which means that they are carriers and often implementers of the human rights obligations of the state. d. social group, Almost __________ of Stanley Milgram's research subjects went all the way to what could have been a deadly jolt of electricity if the shock generator had been real. What term do sociologist use to refer to an earned social status? b. c. Max Weber coalition a. human rights b. This effort aims to improve the overall experience of interacting with government and administrative agencies, making it less bureaucratic and more streamlined. one-quarter For economic, social, and cultural rights, state interference is sought: the government is asked to protect individuals against human rights violations. Sociologist __________ coined the terms ingroup and outgroup to describe people's feelings toward members of their own and other groups. b. a. From the organization perspective, inefficiencies may result, which is not a goal of bureaucracy. Notably, equal treatment is not the same as equitable treatment. c. hierarchy of authority the 170,000 shares of common stock currently outstanding. Shortly after, the human relations movement of the 20th century sought to shine light on the people within organizations (Roby 2012). For Jocelyn, the graduate sociology students have become her __________. This assumption is potentially fostered in part by translation differences. Relative We then turn to the significance of human rights in the public bureaucracy. b. The goal is to empower individuals in being active participants in the process and creates rights, responsibilities, and concrete expectations. secondary and primary groups are always mutually exclusive These raise questions about the dehumanizing effects of bureaucracy, something Weber himself cautioned. It refocuses the discussion of outcomes on human well-being, rights, and needs and sets achievement of human rights as an objective. Psychology - The Biological Perspective, Communication - Writing Negative Messages Quiz level 3, Pre Exam Quiz 5; Human Development and Family Studies, Quiz Preview 10/ Psychology - Principles of Social Psychology, Quiz Facts 7' Psychology - Cognitive Functioning, Quiz Lot 2. Elton Mayos Hawthorne studies of the 1920s first set out to understand whether lighting conditions affected worker productivity; what they found was that employees performed better when they felt a part of a team and that their work was important to the organization and its leaders (Roby 2012). a. d. despite problems, many of the research subjects found the experiment interesting and agreed to participate in future research on the same topic, b. We first situate these characteristics in the modern context, before considering them through the lens of the HRBA. d. rules and regulations, After conducting his research, Solomon Asch concluded that __________. b. __________ leadership is most appropriate when the group is dealing with emotional issues, and when harmony, solidarity, and high morale are needed. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes________________________. impersonality All rights reserved. the iron law of oligarchy From Rishi's perspective, the reading group is an example of a(n) __________. b. d. Instrumental, The text uses the expression "bureaucracy's other face" to refer to __________. The economic results of cooperatives have been mixed; some are more profitable than private organizations, some are less. States therefore regulate labor rights and are asked to ensure equal pay for equal work, to provide basic education, to establish a social network, and to cover basic needs, such as housing, food, and medical care. ingroup laissez-faire this research raises some questions concerning research ethics, In Stanley Milgram's experiments, none of the "teachers" challenged the process before they had applied __________ volts. Currently, the interest rate on one-year Treasury bonds is percent, the rate on two-year Treasury bonds is percent, and the rate on three-year Treasury bonds is percent. c. a more rigid hierarchical structure This law codified merit principles that guide the federal human resources management system. Maynard-Moody, S. W., and M. C. Musheno. A. It permits them to challenge human rights violations in court and in public and it changes the nature of their demands. The American Review of Public Administration. An individual is removed from their position on the receiving end and can actively pursue what is their right. This is an example of the bureaucratic characteristic of __________. It helps identify the most vulnerable and marginalized and allows for inclusion and participation not just on the surface, but in the structure of the organization. groupthink c. people in a secondary group may eventually form a primary group Which of the following terms did German political sociologist Robert Michels use to refer to the tendency of a bureaucracy to be ruled by the few? In which of these types of groups is the participation of all members crucial to the survival of the group? 2 UDHR). Sociologist Amitai Etzioni classified formal organizations into three categories. 0, Which type of theorist is most likely to note the scripted nature of interaction in contemporary society (for example between employees and customers in a fast-food restaurant)? value of human rights and equal opportunity? a greater emphasis on sharing ideas and problem-solving approaches. An organizational model characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, explicit rules and procedures, and impersonality in personnel matters is called a(n) __________. informal group The bureaucratic tendency toward rule by the few is termed __________, Examples of include the AFL-CIO (representing the majority of labor unions) and citizens' groups such as the American Conservative Union and Zero Population Growth, The extensive infusion of one nation's culture into other nations is referred to as:
c. Obedience 2002; Meier and Nicholson-Crotty 2006; Sowa and Selden 2003; Wilkins and Williams 2008). goal displacement The real risk-free rate (r)\left(\mathrm{r}\right)(r) for all three years is 2 percent. the iron law of oligarchy Dyads are different from triads because d. normative, Which of these characteristics do virtual communities and face-to-face communities have in common? all secondary groups are approximately the same size These rights are inalienable and universal, which means that people are entitled to them by virtue of being human, regardless of race, sex, gender, language, religion, national or ethnic origin, property, political opinion, disability, or any other status (Art. c. totalitarian Latisha would be considered the __________ leader of the group. Rules lead to formalization, which refers to the degree of written rules in organizations (Pugh et al. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes _____. d. impersonality, A school district is run by a board of elected officials, which hires a superintendent, who in turn selects principals for its schools and other administrative staff. d. primary group, __________ leadership provides emotional support for members. The right to freedom of speech, for example, limits the ability of the state to regulate personal opinion or interfere in private matters. This vivo phone will kickstart your career as a content creator, Global Dominions Go Dreamer raffle promo winner announced, Palace: US, PH agree to set ministerial level team on agri cooperation, Biden to Marcos: I cant think of a better partner to have than you, UP president reminds UPCAT takers: No reschedule, be fit for exams, AIA Philippines Lifehackers 2022 presents more innovative insurance solutions, Maris Racal on her dream wedding with Rico Blanco, Muslim population misinformation fuels Islamophobia in India, Angelica Panganiban gets sentimental while touring fianc Gregg Homan, baby girl around ABS-CBN, PH airspace to shut down for 6 hours on May 17. Sociologists would term them a(n) __________. The focus on efficiency, one-size-fits-all neutral approaches, and the lack of effective opportunities for employees to participate in a meaningful and empowered way shows that bureaucracies are not compatible with human rights. d. outgroup, Susan and Mary are middle-aged women who have been neighbors for twenty-five years. 110. c. secondary a. 23 UDHR), leisure (Art. c. secondary group It may be voluntary or involuntary. The HRBA values nondiscrimination and, on its face, bureaucracy does, as well. He chooses to take a passive approach to this problem, hoping that it will fix itself. For example, automation is both increasing and changing the workforce by rendering some jobs obsolete. may be more common than most people would like to believe Despite the goal of consistent behaviorand perhaps leading to decreased individual power and autonomyresearch shows that rules are not strictly and blindly followed. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes_____. this research raises some questions concerning research ethics b. Maynard-Moody and Musheno (2003) find that street-level bureaucrats who had a favorable view of a client may bend rules to help them as much as they can, whereas when they held a negative view of a client, they may decline to apply rules, or apply those that do the bare minimum or disadvantage clients. d. Expressive, In regard to Stanley Milgram's study, the text points out that __________. 1968), and organizations with more written rules are considered to be more formalized than those with fewer written rules. When individuals human rights are guaranteed, they can stand up for themselves and for each other, and they are empowered to shape the decisions that impact their lives, including in the workplace. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes. c. aggregate Attachment 1: The human rights based approach to development cooperation: Towards a common understanding among the UN agencies. Further, Woodard argues that merit has become so engrained in the federal personnel system that the value of merit itself has become lost; instead, the focus is on following the rules and regulations of that system. Indeed, rule bending behavior is often referred in the literature to as related to the unbureaucratic personality (Brockmann 2017; DeHart-Davis 2007). a. informal group assimilation Ingraham (2006) similarly posits that merit (as a value) must be separated from bureaucratic processes. Regardless, many traditions in public administration and management scholarship use Webers approach to bureaucracy as a foundation for how to analyze and understand public organizations. Still, a bureaucrat has to have enough self-confidence and an unerring sense of what is appropriate to every given situation in order to be able to deliver effective public service. HR/PUB/12/2. The ideal-type characteristics of bureaucratic organizations, as specified by Max Weber, include an emphasis on_____.
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