You can get around the comfrey problem for internal use as comfrey's active ingredient is allantoin. The defining characteristic of cetaceans is a thick and dense lip (pachyosteosclerotic involucrum) of an ear bone (the tympanic). Tsur I, Shaviv N, Bronstein I, Elmakis D, Knafo O, Werner YL. (accessed May 1, 2023). A.) If you want to be scared off, you will. I do love your website. Two weeks later I was cleared to ride my motorcycle. The next morning it didn't look half as bad!!!!!! But animals like whales and dolphins use sound all the time to hunt down dinner or to serenade a mate. It works wonders!!!! Of course, MSM is not as good of solvent for allantoin as DMSO. Epub 2019 Oct 10. As Paracelsus said, "The dose makes the poison.". By simulating a sound wave passing through their computerized skull, they could see how each miniscule component of bone vibrates in response. I make my own comfrey salve every year from my home grown Comfrey plants. Field site in Kpogame, Togo, where the early whale ear bone fossils were unearthed. "This is, in my opinion, a grand discovery.". These deposits are located in Kpogame, a mining site in the African nation of Togo. Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. I will have to look into silica for my own hair! I do need to be more consistent. Both my (library) books on Herbs, Spices and Folk Remedies that date from a few decades ago(! ) After two weeks it started filling in. Some people added aloe vera extracts and oil to improve healing. The only point of articulation is the shoulder. Comfrey salve oil is also amazing for skin rashes, burns, hemorrhoids, and chapped lips. "I knew it was special then," he says. MzBhZjZlMzU2NDdlY2YwMDIyOTRiNDdhNGMyMjc5MTNiYTkzNzY2M2E0MWZm ZjY5NGRmNmI2OTA2OTgzYzE4OTI2YTBjNWI0MjM5NTI2MmU5ZjQ4OWM4MWIz She hops around pretty well though. I forgot to mention, My doctor had me up for hand surgery. But archaeology is confirming that Persia's engineering triumph was real. I started putting poultices on it the day of my surgery as soon as I returned home. A newly named, 28-million-year-old whale may hold the answer. Melt them in and then pour your mixture into a jar or tin. In fact, the Japanese use comfrey vinegar extracts for treating cirrhosis of the liver. WebHearing in toothed whales, they suggest, occurs either by the bones of the skull transmitting sound to the inner ear--"bone conduction," or through "tissue conduction," where sound is conducted to the inner ear by deposits of fat that run up from the lower jaw. It will NOT kill you. Some scientists believe that the toothed whales have ear channels that are open and filled with sea water. Epub 2014 Mar 17. There are two ways sound can reach a whale's tympanoperiotic complex (TPC), an "interlocking bony puzzle" of ear bones that is rigidly attached to the skull. He decided to give it a try. Baleen whales rely on [+] infrasonic sounds. GrrlScientist (2018). I sent him home with some dried comfrey and told him to make a large kettle of comfrey tea and add some apple cider vinegar. Because water is five times more dense than air, there is a "acoustic impedance mismatch" between the two media, so an air-filled human ear is nearly useless underwater. To accomodate for this mismatch, baleen whales have a wax plug filling their external ears. This plug is thought to transmit sound to the inner ear from the water. The whale tail is often found in their culture as a symbol of strength, due to the power that the tail provides to the whale. The large symbols correspond to the centroid of the three main morphospaces. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily, its staff, its contributors, or its partners. (Low if I will be around enough to keep refilling the water. If it goes dry you may crack the jar.). May be it is the synonym of Asphaltum, (Shilajit in an Indian Sanskrit). The strongest pieces of evidence for this hypothesis, Geisler explains, are cavities at the base of the snout and on top of the skull that probably held air sinuses. Not bad for a 58 year old female. Generated by Wordfence at Mon, 1 May 2023 12:45:16 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. It can be all olive oil or almond oil. This is an update on my fall in front of Penn Station in New York in early June. New research by San Diego State University biologist Ted W. Cranford and University of California, San Diego engineer Petr Krysl reveals that the skulls of at least some baleen whales, specifically fin whales in their study, have acoustic properties that capture the energy of low frequencies and direct it to their ear bones. Physical Characteristics:Whale Middle Ear Bones, fossilized. I used two different companies, one with alcohol and one without alcohol. ZWM3ZDZlYjIzNWRiYjIyZTFmOTU2OTY1NjVmYTJlN2Q3NzNjMzc1MWQyMDhl To heal her fractures, every night Cloe would grind several tablespoons of comfrey with a mortar and would bring it to a boil with a few spoons of water. Abbreviations: ca, cochlear aqueduct; cc, cochlear canal; fc, fenestra cochleae; fv, fenestra vestibuli; pb, petrosal bone; sbl, secondary bony lamina (imprint of basal ridge). Metaphysical Properties:Whale Ear Bones have been used in healing rituals by shamans and Native American medicine men. WebPhysical Characteristics: Whale Middle Ear Bones, fossilized. Anything in contact with the skin is absorbed to some extent and is carried throughout the body. We now know that some species of whales have a 12-octave hearing range, compared to eight in humans. It works wondersbut just a little hintfresh is always better tho the dried comfrey works also. You want them dry but not completely brittle. When I broke my lower leg I simply applied the powder to the skin above the break, but the location isn't critical. The correct name for contacting Majestic Mountain Sage is WebWhales are mammals which means that, like humans and other land mammals, they have three inner ear bones and hair, they breathe air, and the females produce milk through mammary glands and suckle their young. Borax, for example. It's possible these new findings will help legislators decide on limits to oceanic human-made noise, but Cranford stressed that what's most important about their project is that they managed to solve a long-standing mystery about a highly inaccessible animal. ). Because low frequency sounds travel so far in the ocean, groups of whales that appear to be extremely far apart might indeed be within "hollerin' distance," as Cranford puts it. Biochim Biophys Acta. Can you please give more details. The hairballs which showed back up after I slowed down on the Covid supplements and other supplements have once again come to naught. Cranford and Krysl wanted to take a different approach: build a highly complex three-dimensional computer model of a baleen whale head--including the skin, skull, eyes, ears, tongue, brain, muscles, and jaws--and then simulate how sound would travel through it. National Library of Medicine NDBjYjgwM2M0NDA4Njk4M2NjNzgyYmUwZTFmOWZiNTIxOTE3ZDU1MGY0MTAy Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. That is rubbish about it being toxic to the liver. How do we reverse the trend? [ref], augmented by the two protocetids from Kpogame, ten land artiodactyls, and data from the literature [ref]. The kids are living in Florida now and I just sent 2 jars of salve to them in the mail. I went back to the doc for my followup visit two weeks and two days after the injury, the doc kept asking, three times, "When did this injury had occur?" Hot comfrey tea is wonderful for a cough, especially with a bit of raw honey. What Is (And Isn't) Scientific About The Multiverse, French National Center for Scientific Research. Use this square to strain out the oil into another jar. Sign up to keep reading and unlock hundreds of Nat Geo articles for free. YmI2YTlkOTE3MjNmNjEzZDkzNTk5ZmM4YTM5MGIwNjRjNjgyNGFkMTcwMzI4 -----END REPORT-----. Fresh leaves can be bruised, scalded and cooled to apply to skin that is damaged. But they were most probably able to communicate underwater, like seals do, Dr. Orliac added. Unauthorized use is prohibited. One reason that whales hear so well is that they have three to five times more brain cells dedicated to hearing than humans do. Dont yet have access? doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011927. The reason why it smells garlic is because your body is hungry for oxygen. Bookshelf [ref], augmented by the two protocetids from Kpogame, ten land artiodactyls, and data from the literature [ref]. I usually use dried comfrey leaf from Mountain Rose Herbs. You should do your own research and use wisdom and common sense about the use of any herbs. (Credit: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) / Public domain). I'm told it will take 3 months or more for it to heal, so we'll see, but I have faith that it will heal much faster!!! The little-known history of the Florida panther. We spent days reconstructing the internal structures of the skull fragment based on scans.. NjJhMDc5ODE4NzU3Zjg1Mjg3OTYxZjFkMjBiNDNmMDRkY2M0MmY4MGJiMGJm The defining characteristic of cetaceans is a thick and dense lip (pachyosteosclerotic involucrum) of an ear bone (the tympanic). When they removed the cast the doctor couldn't believe how fast she was healing. The x-ray revealed that my bone was fractured in two places. This newfound behavior may offer a clue to how these reptiles will respond to a warming planet. From having to conceal or falsify our feelings, to having to face strong opposition to those feelings from others, the face can experience a sympathetic response ranging from partial paralysis to inflammations, rashes, neurological ticks I've had this scar for four years, got injections used salves oils and creams and nothing a big hole in my nose. In fact, animals THRIVE on it. Please understand that use of DMSO will result in you getting garlic odor. There is NO ISSUE with ingesting the stuff. (DF) Protocetidae indet. Soon read about Silica and Horsetail to help in mending the bone. He applied the cream, made from the plant root, three times a day. 1999 Jul;133(1-2):82-97. doi: 10.1016/s0378-5955(99)00055-6. The different auditory frequencies that modern whales perceive also affect nearly every aspect of their lives and natural history, from the sort of habitats they live in to what they eat. Please DO some REAL research and find out the truth and stop being a mindless repeating station for bunkum that that Big Pharma want you to keep repeating and scare people off. The skull features that allowed Cotylocara to create sound, Geisler says, "can now be investigated in other fossil whales to more fully understand the evolution of echolocation." (I always should since I have a comfrey plant but I get lazy.). The wavelengths of these calls can be longer than the bodies of the whales themselves. One way is for the sound's pressure waves to travel through the whale's soft tissue to their TPC, but this becomes ineffective once sound waves are longer than the whale's body, Cranford said. Of course you can try MSM which is an DMSO with one more oxygen, this will get rid of the problem and will also help with healing of fractures. Comfrey is an herb that brings soothing comfort to a variety of conditions through its anti-inflammatory action. When he returned to the hospital he told the doctor he was healed. And there is hardly any pain except if I over use my hand. Krysl added that we humans experience a version of this phenomenon, too. ZTQxM2M1NzI5NmI0ZDQ2Zjk5M2RmODhlMzZkZGQ1MTM4YzJiMWJlNGEwYmE1 I've been using comfrey for my acne. I have studied herbs and particularly Comfrey for over 55 years. 1999 Jul;133(1-2):71-81. doi: 10.1016/s0378-5955(99)00054-4. Mr. Mourlam and Dr. Orliac compared nine parameters of the cochlea of terrestrial and semi-aquatic even-toed animals (orange area, Figure 2) to those of the early whales (red area, Figure 2) and to modern whales (Mysticeti: blue area; Odontoceti: pink area, Figure 2): Figure 2. I used a comfrey poultice on my granddaughter's arm and it healed so rapidly, the doctor was amazed. He could not believe how fast it had healed, he left the cast off and now I have a soft splint. Consider raw honey for deep wounds. NWExMmY3YTcxYjkwOTg0ZjAxNmMwNWMyOGNjMGI5NmVmMWVmMDk0YjAzNmZl Now if the water you drink is high in hydrogen peroxide (water with not over 0.5% food grade H2O2), then the oxygen will come from H2O2 component more readily, reducing the garlic smell somewhat. The tympano-periotic complex forming the ear region consists of a ventral bowl-shaped tympanic bone in direct contact with the surrounding soft tissues and the incident sound, and a dorsal periotic bone containing the inner ear. 2023 American Association for the Advancement of Science. ZWJhZGE4MDIxODg3NWNiYmIyZmM0MTEzNzk3NTFhOGRhNzdhYzRiMWExYjMw She then would make a paste out of it, spread the paste on a cotton cloth, wrap it around her arm, and put elastic bands or safety pins in to secure it. The thought came to me that he may be a sugar consumer so I suggested he avoid sugar and soft drinks (soda). It also takes away scarring also! NDc1YTZjMzI4MzIyYWQ4ZTBjODVhNDViYTM4OWIzNmJhNzljNDJhYjI4MDQ2 Fritchey, Philip, Practial Herbalism, 2004. Whales and dolphins had land-based ancestors that made their way into the ocean millions of years ago. Of course you should add water to 10-20 cc at which you can apply to the skin or drink for internal purposes. Axolotls and capybaras are TikTok famousis that a problem? I can't see any visible signs of trauma or break on her foot or leg. Please, please, for your safety and your readers, remove the comfrey tea! I have done both. For one, ears that "float" inside a whale's head allow it to figure out where sounds are coming from underwater. Just think of the sheer size and ability that tail requires just in order to support such a huge creature! This unique feature is absent in modern terrestrial artiodactyls and is suggested to be important in underwater hearing. It depends who you ask, A new test can pick out Parkinsons disease patients before their symptoms begin, Inflammation could drive lung cancer risk linked to air pollution, Biological syringes could change how drugs are delivered, The Moons glass beads hold a watery bounty. Deletions from the Genome, End for Indus Megacities: Prolonged Droughts. Speedy Robo-Gripper Reflexively Organizes What Made Us Human? -----BEGIN REPORT----- Additionally, comfrey in a nutritious herb that promotes cell regeneration, slows bleeding, and speeds bone healing. ZTQ4OTEyYjk1ZjgwYTVmZTM4YWFmY2ZkYWRjNmJiNzU1MjUzYzczZDA0MjNj Others think that the ear channel is closed off, and both the channel and It isn't easy to find but there are pdf versions if you hunt them up. If you want to do some actual research (and get behind the smokescreen they have generated - and I have discovered that also includes the "prestigious" Australian CSIRO (which has also a reputation for killing off Peter Andrews wonderful work on regenerating farmland so water is attracted to it)). Web4" Fossil Whale Ear Bone - Miocene. What is really sweet is that my rooster is very protective of her and my son found him snuggled up with her under the chicken coop last evening! Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! "There is a blueprint for multiple species and it is useful to compare across species to gain insight," Krysl explained. She continued her dance classes and did her recital with her cast on. Red stars represent the protocetids; red circles represent the other archaeocetes. MjY3N2UzZmQ5NDQxZjIzMDc3OTNiN2IzMmRjMTNlZDZmZjg4NGZhNzJhZmQw Sometimes I used dried fresh comfrey leaf. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. UM-KPG-M164. I suggest the people squarking about the "liver damage" danger, do likewise. I am a biological scientist but not a physician. Crosses represent Oligocene (pink), Miocene (magenta), and more recent (purple) odontocetes. After two trips to the hospital it was confirmed that he had indeed broken it. Hearing in toothed whales, they suggest, occurs either by the bones of the skull transmitting sound to the inner ear--"bone conduction," or through "tissue conduction," where sound is conducted to the inner ear by deposits of fat that run up from the lower jaw. It is now four months later. "These air sinuses are thought to have important roles in the production of high-frequency vocalizations that living odontocetes use for echolocation," Geisler says, possibly helping direct returning sound waves or store air that can be used to make continuous sound. Call 888-290-3363 today to begin your transformation! Rats invaded paradise. FOIA WebHeal in as little as 3 sessions with Dr. Carson's Natural Healing Center based in California. I'm guessing a tonic, but can you please specify if internal tonic, how much was drunk and how often (1 cup every hour for example)? MDBmZThhMjI5NWUwMDhmZjY0ODVjZjEyNDFhYjdjZjg5NmM0YWY1YWY0NDNl Whales are the largest animal living in the sea, and their large tail muscle is a source of great strength. After the image has been completed, the specimen is rotated slightly to a new position and the process is repeated until the entire specimen has been x-rayed.
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