In the the Friday Philadelphia PCG News May 8, 2020, I picked up on a few things. and our For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for the coronavirus, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Previously available on YouTube but restricted since January 2021[153] due to YouTube's stance to "crackdown on violent criminal organizations".[154]. Good fruit is mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. Nevertheless, he says, we should expect Amaziah, this false priest, to come on the scene soon! While he doesnt say who Amaziah will be, he says, the man who fills the role of Amaziah will reject Gods warning and then use the Supreme Court to expel Gods church from America. GF thinks this is the way God is going to solve this, but added that He may have other ideas.. How is the Term Israel Used in the New Testament. [158] AC offers their church members two-year and four-year liberal arts programs with the objective of teaching students how to live[159] heavily focusing on theology and prophecy. Christ already removed our sin when He died for all of them on the cross. Read 1984 by George Orwell. Ive always wondered whether PCG members are strictly forbidden to use the Internettheyd get a big surprise if they read all the editions of the Plain Truth from the 1930s and 1940sparticularly HWAs articles about Hitler being still alive or waiting to be resurrected by the Pope. God Working Through One Man at a Time is Not Scriptural: Ive ran into those that say God works through one man at a time and then they follow up with saying Gerald Flurry is the one man chosen by God to carry on HWAs legacy. There are many conservatives speaking out with truth but are being labeled as conspirators and even Nazis. The Elijah that paved the way. My Family Was Thrown Out of PCG For Questioning Doctrines: My family and I were thrown out of PCG in Perth, Western Australia in 1999 for the superficial reason of disobedience (but actually for questioning doctrines). He had alerted the WCG ministry and members of those changes via his booklet Malachi's Message, after which he and his assistant, John Amos, were fired. I recently spoke with a friend that knew her and the Hessong family well when he was in PCG. 970-484-5878 home. First of all, I think your website is of tremendous value to those waking up. If I kept talking until 1:00 in the morning, some of you still wouldnt get it. (Something HWA always said; buzzword. These yes men have no convictions to stand up against the evils that are going on in PCG. I could not wait to come home and hated to go to the Feasts. Former member of PCG. Or was it an effort to hoodwink vulnerable people from the very beginning? [112] The term elect was change to the very elect[109] and references to the Laodicean messenger have been excluded from the book since the 1999 edition. What is Gerald Flurry up to? Since being disfellowshipped from the PCG, I cannot listen to other religious groups and their interpretations of the Scriptures without wanting to vomit. Anyway, around early this year, they made the ruling that no one should have smartphones. It is about to be here on this earth., Brad Macdonald gave a Bible study on June 26 to explain the spiritual message behind the Celtic Throne Irish dance production, which amounted to the spiritual message being The New Throne of David. [Refer to May 29 letter above, PCG Sermon Loyalty to Gods Family Throne which talks about GFs booklet The New Throne of David and the place of safety.] [93], The PCG believe that we are entering the most tumultuous period in world history, the terrible time period prophesied to occur just before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. How many teens will end up suffering from heat exhaustion, or injuries? Search for title) How Obsessed PCG is With Herbert Armstrong: June 15, 2022 E. I dont have much experience with any of the Armstrong groups except the PCG and it looks like at this point in time the PCG commits 3 times more offenses than all the other groups put together. Bible study critiqued by L. S. Read: Brian Davis Gets Big Laugh Out of ESN Site (July 21, 2012 letter), Keep up the awesome work. Library The parents are the ones failing to cultivate within our teens the desire to live a healthy and active lifestyle.. E. Reply: It doesnt seem to be happening anymore, especially since 1974 when 70 ministers left the WCG and exposed the hypocrisy and double standards at HQs. [75] He believed that God revealed to him "that we are in the prophesied 'Jeroboam' end"[76] and there would be "unparalleled carnage and destruction on Earth like never in history! Burns really pounded members over the head with this sermon, even carrying on many times in a mocking or chastening way. Impacted by PCG. 2), Forward to the present. There are many ministers in the PCG that act like Adolf Hitler if you even disagree with them on any point (whether opinion or doctrine): Fred Dattollo, Cocomise [Jim and John], Wayne Turgeon, Brian Davis, Winston Davis, Cal Culpepper, just to name a few. This article was draining to say the least. [84] He also noted that Trump's greatest sin was rejecting his throne. S. Gerald Flurry Can Stir Up Vicious Hatred: In the June 23 Trumpet there is an article that declares Satan is behind the hatred for Jews (2 Corinthians 4:4). The article goes on to say, Satan can stir up vicious hatred, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains in his book The Key of David. John had a stroke and was in the hospital where he had another stroke and died. Sadly, most of those in cults will always adjust their thinking whenever one of their leaders prophecies fails and will continue being pulled along by the next false prophecy. W. Comment: PCG posted an article in News/Philadelphia Church of God (online website) entitled,On This Day: January 16 (by Staff) where it lists what they believe are some of the most significant world events from January 16, 1986 to January 16, 2020. When Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, they walked or rode horses, and camels, and all of them physically left Egypt together. Now does that make any sense? B. [124][128], The PCG believes that Mystery of the Ages is "God's inspired words",[129][130] that Armstrong was merely a scribe with "God pouring those words into his mind. Ex-PCGer. The living God did not stop speaking to His people when Mr. Armstrong died. (Philadelphia Trumpet, February 2006, From the Editor: An Open Letter to the Churches of God by Gerald Flurry) , This open letter is nothing new. The Bible does not support any such translation of the first fruits to a place of safety. ), To show what money-grubbers they are they say: Economic restrictions will continue to impact our income, so we are thankful to those who have gone above and beyond with their offerings. In the U.S., we have had several make special donations from their government stimulus money. But many wont be able to do this because they have to take care of personal and family needs. [Oh, really??] We must be willing to go anyplace and do anything God wants. H. Comment by ESN: Some splinter groups who claim they are Gods true church have put forth some kind of open letter to try and gain more members. How pathetic. Smart: +63 918 438 8988. A few congregations have arranged satellite sites for their members who cannot travel to their closest Feast site. Are we in the Tribulation? Founded in January 2022, Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology is the church's archaeological institution based in Jerusalem, Israel. I found this out from a footnote you had in Philadelphia Church of God Info where you quoted from it. C. Comment: More about WCGs glory days are found in the Jack Kessler Letter and the Robert Gerringer Letter. His brother Jim is a PCG minister as well. A former friend who is still in PCG somewhat surprisingly shared a link to the Celtic Throne production (it lasted about two hours and was up for a few days). And I mean exposing the entire scam, even writing a book. C. My point is, I found an article which goes all the way back to 1934. If you prove this from your Bible [i. e., about the Elijah being HWA], you can know that we are in the end timeand that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is almost here.. PCG minister John Cocomise died in November after having some strokes close together. It was spiritual abuse on a grand scale. Browse and download booklets, stream music, read magazines and more. [name withheld], Reply. Former PCG member. Charities and social services. "Given that the word 'God' in the text of the Pledge of Allegiance is capitalized," Holden said. [142] The program is aired in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and the Philippines. WE ARE LIVING THROUGH THIS FINAL WARNING RIGHT NOW! The PCG asserts that it is carrying on Armstrong's legacy after the doctrinal changes made by the new WCG leaders, namely Joseph W. Tkach and his son, Joseph Tkach Jr., and also teaches new revelation that Flurry claims has been shown by God from the Bible since Armstrong's death. One of the things he said was that they (people in the world) will know there was a prophet among them [referring to GF and his Ezekiel booklet] and he mentions Ezekiel 2:5; 33:33. "The text is clearly referring to the Judeo-Christian god and therefore, it does not include any other [faiths] such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, all of which are practiced by our staff and students at FPS." He wrote about the wonderful experience PCG teens (age 13-19) will have if they attend. LCG Members Mobile Menu About Who We Are What We Believe Congregations Contact Us Press Kit Sermons LCN News Letters Co-Worker Letters Semi-Annual Letters Video Updates Weekly Updates Study Bible Study Course Library ], Many prophecies warn that Gods Church will receive real pressure in the future. Members also endeavor to follow God's law: love toward God and love toward fellow man (Mark 12:30-31). The story about Janet kinda put me over the fence as far as my decision to leave. PCG ministers screaming at members is a common occurrence in PCG and is like the Nazis. Reminds me that Im not the only one who was spiritually abused by PCG. The article is: The Plain Truth about Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong Part 1. [How many times did we hear those same words from Herbert Armstrong?] The whole situation seemed kind of fishy to begin with and after losing several friends at that point I was starting to get jaded. [94] Ex-members of the PCG claim that Flurry uses his power to "command absolute obedience" of church members, and threatens their salvation for disobedience. Only the Spirit of God can lead them out. Church of God Photos See all Videos See all 13:15 Fly over! F. Comment: We have received many letters about Alex Harrison and you can find them by doing a search for his name on our site. His third new wife is named Iva Gwen Mckoy and she is 53 years old. (I couldnt find a Pt. Those with strong convictions will leave, expose the organization, and trust God to help them with whatever comes their way. He acted according to the Work [buzzword] that needed to be done. This is the opposite of true leadership. [89], He wrote in 2018 that the PCG must be "prepared to go to the cave of Adullum, the place of safety. GF in his Ezekiel booklet would have us believe punishment is ready to be unleashed, but it will be after he concludes the Watchman work. This is dj vu all over again, decades later. A lot of them dont have much real world experience or job skills so they get a job in their church and get hooked on the power and prestige they think they have. T. M. Gerald Flurry in Malachis Message (MM), in talking about the curse in Malachi 4:6, says the curse is loss of eternal life; destroying the inhabitants of His church, who refuse to build a family around Gods Elijah and Gods instructions (p. 121). GF No Longer Saying Tkach Jr. is Amaziah: In the latest Philadelphia Trumpet (January 2021), Why Donald Trump Will Remain Americas President, GF no longer is found saying Tkach Jr. is Amaziah, as he once did. So I pray that they will begin to question many things and get out of that dangerous lions den. A lot of the ministers and employees are children of ministers or extended family. Enemies will castigate our people in unmerciful ways. Finally Getting Some Answers About the Coronavirus: I wrote you before [see June 9 letter] about how W.H.O. Are you qualified to teach others? Why have we never heard SF talking about this? P. S. Your website has been a source of encouragement, edification and peace. (Galatians 3:13: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: He also put the focus on sin by saying if we sin, we will continue to struggle and suffer. We have to strive to be completely free of sin he said and it is a process. This shows HWAs and Brian Davis total ignorance of the Scriptures. I am very happy that your Network exists and I am finding out so much. Letters from those impacted by Worldwide Church of God and offshoots and letters from those impacted by Philadelphia Church of God. My wife has seen on Social Media where some members even attend Birthday and Christmas outings with people Flurry has banned. However, if they (the members) were able to supplement their donations this way, we thank you for helping offset decreased income from co-workers and donors. [all emp mine] Anonymous, GF has placed John Cocomise over the Eastern part of the United States, and Cal Culpepper and his wife have moved to TX. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. During the Days of Unleavened Bread, Brian Davis quoted from GF in his April 10, 2020 co-worker letter, p. 2, and said we escape suffering by repentance of turning away from Law-breaking and turning towards obedience to Gods Law. Suffering, he said, is due to disobedience to God, to Gods Law. What a messed-up twisting of Gods Word! The PCG offer three education programs to members and their children, with curricular based on their world view and doctrinal teachings. Bishop Green and his brothers. When you remind them that nothing significant happened last Jan 16, they have nothing to say. Comment: We have received many letters about Alex Harrison and you can find them by doing a. . G. Gerald Flurry Flies off the Handle Because of Division Over The New Throne of David: It seems like every time I turn around theres another ridiculous article by GF. So why are members afraid to meet for services? The Philadelphia Church of God has been criticized by the media, religious groups and cult information networks for their unorthodox beliefs and Gerald Flurry's manipulative behavior. [116] In 1997, the PCG decided to reprint Mystery of the Ages and a six year legal battle over its copyright ensued. One World Government equals New World Order! [105], Malachi's Message is Flurry's explanation of the WCG's departure from Armstrong's teachings. talks about GFs prophesy of Trump being re-elected and deporting all of the PCG members and then being assassinated. PCG being thrown out of the U.S. is also talked about in the December 28, 2018 letter: Im sure all this keeps members focus on how the time is short., Comment: Read excellent 2007 letter from ex-PCGer: , will cover what Christ meant when He said It is finished.. His wife Glenis is deceased. Offshoots Dont Admit HWA Married Divorce Woman and Then Divorced Her: Ive never once heard Flurry, Pack, Meredith, and the rest of them admit that HWA did marry a divorced woman and then divorced hereven though the second Mrs Armstrong [Ramona] was actually mentioned in the Worldwide News. We have only a very brief time left to watch, pray, and be busy about Gods business. We could not find out the details of his death. [name withheld]. PCG Ministerial Moves / Gerald Flurry Plans to Marry Vicki Barreiro: I just received this in The Friday Philadelphian / PCG News / October 30, 2020: (excerpts; original FP sent to ESN), Today, Mr. And, If you really know Gods Word and look to the End-time Elijah (HWA, not Christ), you wont be blown about by every wind of doctrine, blah, blah.. [59] With an injunction to stop printing Mystery of the Ages issued, Flurry appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court and reassured his followers that his court case will be heard before the Supreme Court. I Attended When Ambassador Students Were Going to Find the Lost Ark of the Covenant: I began attending WCG in the early 80s. Yes, and this is mentioned in the January 24, 2017 letter where it says Flurry prophesied that Trump will ally with Joe Tkach Jr. and the WCG and finally kick the PCG members out of the USA, exiling them to Jordan/Petra. But the August 6, 2018 letter says GF said in The New Throne of David that the place of safety was now in Abdullam. He acted arrogant and unfeeling. See February 27, 2018 letter: King Flurry?] They will compare us to cults like Jim Jones, which committed mass suicide. We are sons of Zadok, [I thought we were the sons of God. Surprised When Former Friend in PCG Sent Link to Celtic Throne: I used to be a member of the PCG but I have not been part of the organization for many years. The Philadelphia Church of God is a spiritual family with members in 50 countries living the abundant way of life revealed in the Bible. Says It Is Very Rare to Spread Coronavirus If Asymptomatic: Since the news came out yesterday from a top scientist from W.H.O. [82] Since none of this happened during his first term, Flurry was confident that Joe Biden winning the 2020 U.S. election was against Bible prophecy[83] and that Trump would remain president. [157] This dance routine is a celebration of Gerald Flurry and his new throne over the United States of America. Once people are convinced that this is the only true Church, theyre too frightened to leave, lest they face the Lake of Fire for their rebellion. PCG, with all its clean-shaven, business suit-wearing men, and conservatively clad women and children, are exploited both financially and emotionally. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brandon have moved from Phoenix back to headquarters to assist Western Regional Director Cal Culpepper with Oklahoma congregations outside of headquarters and to manage the food services department. Globe: +63 915 189 7007. Armstrong didnt really make any spectacular discoveries like we have but that he paved the way for us.. Id like to expose GF for the liar he is. And why do you suppose they would cast us out? [99], During the court case against the WCG, cult expert Dr. Ruth Tucker, reported how Flurry's words were often presented to his followers as the very words of God. Members have been saying theyre going to a Place of Safety. Not all have an authoritarian, abusive hierarchy, but they still claim to have the truth. Yes, it can be depressing. H. Flurry hopes these moves will be made before or just after the ministerial conference at the end of December. PCG is constantly rehashing the same theme and it always centers around the Elijah (i. e., HWA). While he may be showing accurate scenes, he is placing more fear in people than hope. [1] [2] According to that The Hartford Institute's database, approximately 50 churches had attendance ranging from 10,000 to 47,000 in 2010. The place of safety is Adullam and Gods true church will go there and take responsibility for Davids throne. Also, in the sermon mentioned above (Key of David Message) GF had said, Mr. I am one of those you saved. This should come as no surprise since HWA is constantly elevated and spoken of more in PCG than Christ. The rest was quite amateurish. He sounds like a broken record, rehashing the same load of garbage as David Packand theyre still fighting for HWAs crown after all these decades! According to Davis, HWAs book Mystery of the Ages is the only book on earth that explains the Bible. [Note: ESN has two critical reviews of this book.] Mr. and Mrs. John Krueger will switch from Food Services to assisting headquarters Pastor Fred Dattolo with the large headquarters congregation. But how many walk away completely instead of going with some other Bimbo teaching the same bull? [97] Flurry believes that God continues to give him new revelation[73] and that he speaks for God. Year Founded: The Philadelphia Church of God broke away from the Worldwide Chruch of God in 1989. 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